Thu 4/15 @ 7PM
Fri 4/16 @ 8PM
For the fourth and final week of its works-in-progress series Test Flight, Cleveland Public Theatre presents Live Forever, written and directed by filmmaker/ playwright/composer Obediya Jones-Darrell and performed by Samantha Cocco, Chattrisse Dolabaille, Erikka Lindsay, Brian Pedaci and Beau Reinker.
The synopsis suggests that the 45-minute script offers speculative and open-ended ideas: “As a team of quirky, socially awkward scientists strive to improve the world and themselves, they realize time as we know it doesn’t exist. Set in a modern Steampunk world, this sci-fi story introduces a series of questionable pseudo-scientific and mystical experiences that explore the depth of what makes us human.”
Tickets for the Zoom performance are $1 with a “suggested donation” of $1-$99. The audience is limited to 50 people, Once you register, you’ll get an email with the Zoom link a couple of hours prior to the performance.