The Dark Room at CPT Open Mic Is Back Via Zoom

Tue 10/13 @ 7:15PM

On the second Tuesday of each month, writers and actors once filled Cleveland Public Theatre’s The Church at CPT facility for the Dark Room open mic. For this evening which combines the creativity of writers and performers, writers submit work of any type — poetry, drama, short stories, a novel excerpt, up to ten pages of material — to be read by whatever actors show up who are cast on the spot.

But by the first Tuesday of April things had changed and the Dark Room became the Zoom Dark Room.

The process for submission has also changed. The deadline for writers submitting material to be read is Tuesday October 6 @ 6pm; actors should sign up by Wednesday September 7 @ 6pm. She’ll put the names in a hat and pull them out to assign the slots randomly. Email her at if you want to participate.

The Zoom meeting starts at 7:15pm, with readings from 7:30-9pm and a feedback session to follow. If you’d like to just listen and watch, RSVP to Mindy’s email and she’ll send you the meeting info.



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