Art Bar at Worthington Yards Is a Chance to Meet Artists Whose Work Is On Display There

Thu 7/19 @ 6-8PM

The Yards Project at the Warehouse District’s Worthington Yards apartments not only puts copious local art on display in the lobby and the upstairs corridors, it hosts events to introduce people — both those in the art scene and curious community members — to the arts to share the stories behind the work they do.

The current exhibit on display, called Front and Seen, features the work of painters Tim Callaghan, Hilary Gent and Darius Steward, and video artist Sarah Paul. All four use their immediate environments as the material to fuel their art, whether it’s Gent’s paintings of water, Steward’s explorations of the black male body in its surrounding space, Callaghan’s transformations of humble neighborhood spaces into haunting evocations, or Paul’s rust belt journeys.

The artists will be part of the periodic Art Bar presentation where people can come and hang out, listen to the artists talk about what inspires them and how they capture that, and ask questions. Paul’s work will be screening, while the other artists will be on display. There’s a tour of the collection at 7pm. It’s free and open to all.


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