What Next

We’ve got a lot to think about in the coming weeks. And we’re not just talking about whether to allow casinos or invoke county reform. This issue of Cool Cleveland will help you think about what’s coming in BizTech News & Events, and where to hang with your family in Cool Cleveland Kids. Or the best way to check out Columbus Day in Little Italy. Or if the Brownies will ever win. Or if the British health care system really is better than ours. Or where to go and what to do this week and into next. What next? Click below and you’ll find out. –Thomas Mulready

A Cautionary Tale of the Sixties
By John Stark Bellamy II

I arrived home for Christmas from my first semester at St. John’s College on December 22. The following day my brother and I passed the tedious hours in the desultory but prolonged grass smoking that had become de rigeur for the last year on the third floor of the family manse. Higher than kites but with unencumbered hearts, we were not prepared for what broke loose when we got there…
Read A Cautionary tale of the Sixties by John Stark Bellamy II here
Considering online advertising? Consider Cool Cleveland sponsored links & videos. We’ve been online for over 7 years. Info@CoolCleveland.com

Now you can win $250 just for clicking on the SPONSORED: links in this week’s issue of CoolCleveland.com below. Click as many times as you want. The more different links you click, the better your chances of winning. Click to WIN
SPONSORED: Be at Severance Hall this Fri 10/9 when Fridays@7 kicks off. The Cleveland Orchestra performs Beethoven’s revolutionary Fifth Symphony and the incredibly personal Piano Concerto No. 4, with Mitsuko Uchida. PLUS, after the concert there will be food (inspired small plates), drinks, and world music performed by Brazilian sonic provocateur Cyro Baptista and his ensemble, Beat the Donkey. A great orchestra, you and your friends, a night to remember. ClevelandOrchestra.com

To ensure you receive Cool Cleveland every week, take a moment now and add CoolCleveland@CoolCleveland.com to your address book, trusted sender list, or corporate white list. Learn More.
Wall Street Journal gives a shout-out to CMA’s Paul Gauguin exhibit in their Cultural Calendar. Well, we are pretty impressive. Click on image at left for slide show. Paul Gauguin: Paris, 1889 runs through 1/18/10. Click
Ever wonder which state most ex-Ohioans are going to? Or which state most Ohio newbies are coming from? New study analyzes Ohio migration patterns, says we’re leaving for Florida but are coming from Michigan. Findings
Greater Ohio prepares draft of Restoring Prosperity to Cle Policy Platform and wants your ideas. Read
Kent State Prof says humans didn’t evolve from apes. C. Owen Lovejoy helps unveil oldest hominid skeleton and makes revelations about our evolution. Learn
Cle Indians saw attendance drop this year by 16.5 percent. USA Today says 5 other teams saw worse results. See
Take any good photos lately? Submit ’em to the CHUH Lee Rd. Library Digital Photo Contest by Sat 10/24 to show off your photo skills. Details

GREEN The Green Triangle Project brings permaculture to NEO. Nonprofit group calls for a holistic revisioning of urban land. Read more about this awesome (and increasingly necessary) idea here.
HELP Creative people wanted. Lakewood Comm. on Aging seeks people to create/paint/decorate wine glasses by Sat 11/5 to be auctioned off for charity at Dec. holiday event. Call 216-521-2894 or email rkoenigsmarkATyahoo.com for info.
SPONSORED: Civic Design & Inspired Infrastructure brings some of the nation’s most innovative thinkers and practitioners in the urban design field to the Cleveland Public Library to discuss how well-designed infrastructure projects bring together form and function to shape successful cities. Join the discussion Thu 10/29 at CPL’s Louis Stokes Wing Auditorium. CPL.org.

Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: Are you smarter (or cooler?) if you do some kind of arts? Likely. For decades researchers have been exploring questions like this in order to prove what many people seem to “know” intuitively: that making art makes you smart. Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio knows it– that’s why we teach art to kids. Read about recent research here: http://www.YANEO.org/who/events_article.php?ID=130

Fall For the Garden Spend Sat 10/10 basking in the glory of autumn at the Cle Botanical Garden. Enjoy a day of seasonal family fun. Make a garden scarecrow at the Scarecrow Family Picnic from 12 – 2PM. Also, watch the Johnny Appleseed Puppet Show, learn how to make apple cider and grab some local food from the on-site farmers market. 11030 East Blvd. Details
Huron Pumpkin Fest Touch a truck, pet some animals, take in a concert, decorate scarecrows and drop a few pumpkins at this fall family fest on Sat 10/10. It’s a day of fun without any admissions charge. 12 – 6PM. Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main St., Huron. http://HuronParks.org/Fallprograms.htm

Goblins in the Garden Halloween doesn’t have to be scary to be fun. If you need proof, check out Holden Arboretum’s Halloween bash on Sun 10/11. Your costumed little ones will have fun carving pumpkins, riding in wagons, trick-or-treating and grooving to the beat of Flumpa and Friends. All without getting scared! 12 – 4:30PM. 9500 Sperry Rd., Kirtland. Details
Mask Making Workshop Learn how to make super-cool masks from found objects (plus feathers, paint, jewels and other goodies) on Sun 10/11 from 12:30 – 1:30PM. Take your mask home and–voila!–you already have part of your Halloween costume. Children’s Museum of Cle, 10730 Euclid Ave. Register at http://www.ClevelandChildrensMuseum.org.
SPONSORED: Did dinosaurs have feathers? Was global climate change responsible for dinosaurs’ demise? How big was a T. rex footprint? Learn all this and more at Dinosaurs: Ancient Fossils, New Discoveries at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History starting Sat 10/10. Get info on the exhibition and related programs at CMNH.org.

Columbus Day in Little Italy

Find a spot along the sidewalk on Mon 10/12 and be part of the tradition begun by Joseph Carabelli, the father of Cleveland’s Little Italy, in 1910. The orange, white, and green parade of the Italian explorer’s country will be on prominent display during the 57th Annual Columbus Day Parade in Little Italy. The parade is hosted by The Order of Italian Sons and Daughters of America and starts at noon to follow Mayfield and Murray Hill Roads…
Read the preview of Columbus Day by Claudia Taller here
SPONSORED: Beck Center Celebrates Lakewood’s Newest Outdoor Public Art! See Lakewood’s newest public art on Thu 10/15, 5PM, at Beck Center for the Arts. Mayor Ed FitzGerald will lead the unveiling of the outdoor mural by international artist Natasha Turovsky and dedication of the Red Stage Courtyard at the Beck Cafe. Complimentary reception and concert follow. http://www.BeckCenter.org.

A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

Cle housing market isn’t so bad after all. WSJ chart says Cle had strongest market of all 20 measured, with our home prices declining only 1.3 percent since last year. Cool…?

Cle Clinic surgeon involved in race to develop the “next big thing” in heart surgery. New York Times covers the contest. [pictured- a new heart valve inserted without surgery] See
RTA explains transit economics 101, says the price of fare doesn’t cover cost of ride. Really?
Forbes releases list of 400 wealthiest people in US. Progressive’s Peter Lewis is #366 and Browns owner Randy Lerner ranks at #396. List
Know about NEO-based media/retail site Geniocity.com? Well they released a new biz blog. View
SPONSORED: Bright sun, warm sand, find your perfect state of relaxation in Florida. Enter Akron-Canton Airport’s Florida is 4 Everyone contest and you may win a fabulous vacation package for two to Orlando, Tampa or Ft. Myers! Enter at http://www.AkronCantonAirport.com. Don’t forget nonstop service to Ft. Lauderdale and Ft. Myers aboard AirTran Airways begins Thu 11/5. Book your tickets now at http://www.AirTran.com. Good luck!

BCC Business-To-Business Show at Hilton Cle E./Beachwood on Mon 10/12 from 2:30 – 7PM. No charge with biz card. Info
Networking Power Hours @ Cle Airport Marriott on Mon 10/12 from 5:30 – 8:30PM. Info
Social Media for an Anti-Social World Lessons Over Lunch presentation at DoubleTree Independence on Tue 10/13 from 11:30AM – 1PM w/ King Hill. Register

Tech Savvy Women: Emerging Technologies and Leadership conference at Sammy’s in Legacy Village on Thu 10/22 from 11:30AM – 6PM. Tickets
HOT reConnect to Opportunity: National Black MBA Assoc. MidEast Regional Conference at InterContinental Hotel from Thu 10/22 to Sat 10/24, featuring Dr. Herbert P. Smith, keynote speaker [pictured]. Register
Human Services: Best Practices Across Ohio at MetroHealth on Tue 10/27 from 8AM – 12PM. Register

Keeping The Faith
That Day Is Going To Come

And as many of those people know all too well, not since Bill Belichick was coaching AGAINST the New England Patriots on New Year’s Day 1995 have the Browns won a playoff game.
That doesn’t keep droves of transplanted Browns fans from ignoring the call of the beaches and golf courses to spend three-plus hours inside a bar or a restaurant with like-minded diehards who swear things have to get better — or at least can’t get any worse…
Read the story of Florida Browns Backers by Ken Hornack here
SPONSORED: While other cities are treading water to stay afloat, Mayor Frank G. Jackson has balanced the books, increased services and created a realistic vision for sustainability. He needs your support to continue his work. Join his team or contribute at MayorFrankJackson.com. (Paid for by Frank G. Jackson for a Better Cleveland, Scott C. Finerman, Treasurer, 3029 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44115)

Is the British Health Care System Really Better?
Former Clevelander on UK Health Care

Watch the video as Thomas Mulready of CoolCleveland.com talks with Chris at London’s Heathrow Airport and asks him to compare the US and UK health care systems, discussing costs, quality of care, and freedom to choose doctors. Send your comments to Info@CoolCleveland.com.

Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Daddy’s Gonna Kill Ralphie CD Release Indie rock band Daddy’s Gonna Kill Ralphie are dropping their brand-new album, Panic, at a concert on Thu 10/8 at 8PM. With a name like that, they gotta be from NEO (and they are!). Wilbert’s, 812 Huron Ave. http://www.MySpace.com/daddysgonnakillralphie
The I AM Project, a community arts education campaign advocating for the prevention of violence and mental health recovery of survivors, including groups such as CWRU Women’s Center, the LGBT Center, the Tyrian Network and Red Hen Productions. Attend the organizing meeting on Thu 10/8 at 3PM at ShoreBank, 540 E. 105th St, where actors will present parts of a script by Georgia Reash. More info.

Kathie Dice in I’m Just Me… Mary Local comedian Kathie Dice performs a tour-de-force one-woman show on Fri 10/9 at the Hermit Club. See her inventive and totally hilarious brand of humor as she portrays the Virgin Mary’s reaction to being told she’s the mother of Jesus. 8PM. 1629 Dodge Ct. (behind Playhouse Square). http://www.KathieDice.com/hermit-club-show.php
Noel Quintana & the Latin Crew Check out one of Cle’s leading salsa and Latin jazz bands on Fri 10/9. Band leader Noel Quintana has lived in Cle since ’91 and has played with Tito Puente, Johnny Almendra and other Latin music masters. Reception at 6PM, concert at 7PM. No charge! Part of Hispanic Awareness Month. CSU Main Classroom Auditorium, 1899 E. 22 St. Program
Fridays@7: Double Beethoven Get a double dose of Ludwig on Fri 10/9 at 7PM. Hear the Cle Orchestra perform his personal Fourth Piano Concerto and daunting Fifth Symphony. Multicultural rhythm makers Baptista’s Beat the Donkey entertain afterward. It’ll be a night of great music, good food and a totally cool crowd. Part of the Fridays@7 concert series. Severance Hall, 11001 Euclid Ave. Tickets

GREEN Night Ride on the Towpath Trail Grab your bike and put on a helmet for a night ride on the Towpath Trail with your friends from Century Cycles. (Just make sure your bike has a working headlight!) Meet at the Peninsula store at 1621 Main St. on Fri 10/9 at 8PM for the last ride of the season. After the 15- to 20-mile ride, the gang heads to Winking Lizard to kick back and relax. Call 330-657-2209 to confirm ride beforehand. Details
SPONSORED: This Fri 10/09, at 8PM, WCLV 104.9 presents a recital from Baldwin-Wallace College by Timothy Mussard, heldentenor; and Robert Mayerovitch, piano. On Sun 10/11, at 12:10PM WCLV airs the first of this season’s broadcasts by CityMusic Cleveland. James Gaffigan conducts Ives’s Symphony No.3 “Camp Meeting” and “Washington’s Birthday;” Schubert’s “Little” Stabat Mater and Mass No.2 in G major, with Quire Cleveland. Full details on all of WCLV’s programming at http://www.WCLV.com.

DADA XV: Something Dada’s 15th Anniversary Celebration Party in the name of sketch comedy on Sat 10/10. From 8 – 11PM, load up on food, drinks, prizes, auctions and a whole lotta comedy while raising funds for Cle’s premier sketch comedy troupe [pictured]. Expect hilarious unpredictability. Wooltex Gallery @ Tower Press Bldg., 1900 Superior Ave. Get tickets at http://www.SomethingDada.com.
Fantasy at the Phantasy Experience a hybrid of musical and artistic styles on Sat 10/10 at the Phantasy. See live painting exhibits, art and sculpture and even some WWF-style wrestling while hearing live techno acid jazz at this diverse event. See local artists (like the infamous Sign Guy) and non-local outsiders. 7PM. 11802 Detroit Ave., Lakewood. http://www.PhantasyConcertClub.net/fantasy.html
Transcendent Virtuosity: Music of Marin Marais French Baroque ensemble Les Delices jump-starts their new Gallery Concert series with a performance at William Busta Gallery on Sat 10/10 at 7:30PM. This hour-long, informal concert/reception features music of Marais, including his unique chamber piece in the form of an opera. 2731 Prospect Ave. Details

Halloween Spooktacular @ Low Life Gallery Kick off the Halloween season in true lowbrow style! View seasonal artwork from more than 50 artists, locals and non-locals alike, in Low Life Gallery’s “Return of the Spook” group artist show. View pieces from the Sign Guy, Adam Dumont, Jake Kelly and more opening on Sat 10/10 from 6 – 10PM, through Fri 10/30. 16001 Waterloo Rd. Info
Mozart by Candlelight The timeless beauty of music by Mozart and the soft glow of candlelight at the Fairmount Baptist Church is the setting for Opera Per Tutti, with The Amethyst String Quartet and pianist Jeannette Davis, as they perform selections from the composer’s operatic masterpieces. General admission or limited Patron admission, which includes preferred seating for the concert and a “Meet the Artists” reception after, with champagne and Viennese desserts, plus a private concert by the artists at a nearby private home. For info call: 216-932-7480.

Meet the Neighbors at Monroe St. Cemetery “Ghosts” of days past reenact real murder and mayhem stories at this cool living history event on Sun 10/11 at 2PM. Actors bring to life stories such as an unsolved mystery of a woman tormented by demons, a strangling, and tales from a former cemetery caretaker. All stories extensively researched by Monroe St. Cemetery Foundation. 3207 Monroe St. in Ohio City. Info
Jer Coons @ Wilbert’s 20-year-old Vermont native Jer Coons is a newfound master at writing happy, youthful, feel-good pop songs of quality. Check him out [pictured] on tour for his debut LP “Speak”. He comes to town on Sun 10/11 at 9PM. 812 Huron Rd. http://JerCoons.com

GREEN The Beehive Collective Presents the True Cost of Coal The Beehive Collective [pictured] creates art that’s rich in details and highly politicized. Their large illustrations highlight the intricacies of social justice and environmental issues. This loose-knit activist collective will host a picture-lecture at Oberlin College on Mon 10/12 to describe–and show– the many issues involved in coal mining. 7PM. King Rm 106. 101 N. Professor St., Oberlin. http://www.BeehiveCollective.org

GREEN How to Live Simply (Part I) Do you feel like something is missing from your life? Are you a slave to stuff? The quest for material goods may be degrading your life. Join Nathan Taxel, teacher of Practical Sustainability 101, on Tue 10/13 from 6:30 – 8PM to learn how to simplify your life by acting resourcefully. The Coffee House (formerly known as Arabica at CWRU), 11300 Juniper Rd. Second class on Sat 10/17. Register at http://www.TheSchoolForThought.com/Socially_Responsible.html
Manufacturing Excellence: Innovate Locally, Succeed Globally NEO manufacturing and engineering communities come together on Tue 10/13 to develop ideas on sustaining vital industries in our region. Learn lessons from companies that are thriving and discuss how to cultivate new local technology and bring our manufacturing industry up to speed in a global market. Conference from 7AM – 5PM. LaCentre, 25777 Detroit Rd., Westlake. Info

Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

What Next for Eric Brewer?
Plus, Electioneering on Steroids

Which brings us to now-disgraced East Cleveland Mayor (but not for long) Eric Brewer…
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here

Upping the Ante and Hitting the Jackpot

Their upcoming concert at Saint Ignatius’ new Breen Center for the Performing Arts is unusually ambitious and interesting, but even with one injured dancer and another on maternity leave it looks like they’ll pull it off again…
Read the preview of Verb Ballets by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas here

Gold Leaf and Sheepskin
The fine art of calligraphy

Calligraphy, the art of fine penmanship, is as old as handwriting. Origins date back to cave drawings when cavemen communicated pictorially.
The Declaration of Independence was penned using calligraphy-styled lettering…
Read about the Calligraphy Studio by Susan Schaul here

The Tastes Reunited
Les Delices

perhaps few realize that Cleveland is also a hotbed of classical baroque music.
Les Delices, the latest baroque music ensemble to call Cleveland home, joins Apollo’s Fire and others to present music that was once just as cutting edge as rock was “in the day…”
Read the review of Les Delices by Laura Kennelly here
Wanna get reviewed? Send your band’s CD (less than 1 year old) to: Cool Cleveland, 14837 Detroit Avenue, #105, Lakewood, OH 44107

Quick reviews of recent events
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Dixie’s Tupperware Party @ 14th Street Theatre 09.30.09
Read the review by Roy Berko here
Cleveland Orchestra Opening Night @ Severance Hall 10.01.09
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
The Mystery of Edwin Drood @ Great Lakes Theatre Festival 10.02.09
Read the review by Roy Berko here
Apollo’s Fire – Glorious Glorias 10/2/09
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
Lady @ Bang and Clatter 10.03.09
Read the review by Roy Berko here

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Propoganda, Fake Crusading & The Pee Dee Roldo’s perspective on the PD’s editorial board is illuminating. CoolCleveland.com
3) Tickets to the Polar Express are now easier to get. CVSR.com
4) Cleveland Foundation awards $14.8M in grants See who got what. ClevelandFoundation.com
5) Great Lakes Expo opens in Euclid to house the Cle Home & Garden Show. GreatLakesExpoCenter.com.
Next we say thanks to all our fabulous contributors: John Stark Bellamy II, Roy Berko, Kelly Ferjutz, Mansfield Frazier, Ken Hornack, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Laura Kennelly, Susan Schaul, Claudia Taller, Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
- Experience the Cool Cleveland podcasts and videos each week at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
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- Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time
- Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
- Receive your own copy of the free weekly Cool Cleveland e-zine at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
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Let’s not wait until next time,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2009 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved
