Wed 11/29 @ 7:30PM
The Vienna Boys Choir, which includes four units of boys between the ages of 10 and 14, descends from a boys’ choir founded in 1498 to sing at mass. The modern choir, as the professional touring unit familiar to Americans, dates back to the 1920s.
In recent years, it’s moved away from its classical and traditional Austrian music roots and begun to perform pop tunes and do choreography, more like Cleveland’s Singing Angels. But in 1964 when I was in the Chicago Children’s Choir, we had a luncheon with our Vienna counterparts (our directors were friends), and we spent it ridiculing the Beatles in our limited German and their limited English. After all, we were singing Mozart, Purcell, Hindemith!
The group is currently on tour with its Christmas in Vienna program, and while that program includes traditional folk carols and holiday music from the classical canon, it will also include modern holiday favorites. Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum anyone?
They’ll be at Akron’s E.J. Thomas Hall for one performance as part of Tuesday Musical’s Fuze series. Tickets are $25-$45, and free to students of any age.