Mon 4/3 @ 7PM
Adrian Matejka is a past winner of the Cleveland-based Ansfield-Wolf Book Award for poetry, which he won in 2014 for his book, The Big Smoke. It’s one of four books of poetry penned by the Indiana University professor; it addressed the life of the first African-American world heavyweight boxing champion, Jack Johnson.
He’ll be in town at the Cuyahoga County Public Library’s Parma-Snow branch to read from his new graphic biography, Last On His Feet: Jack Johnson and the Battle of the Century, looking at that champion from another angle. He’ll also be in conversation with ideastream producer Justin Glanville. And to cap the evening, he’ll announce the winners of this year’s 88th Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards, which honor writers who “have made important contributions to our understanding of racism and our appreciation of the rich diversity of human cultures.”
The evening is free and open to the public but registration is required here. There will be books available for purchased and signing, provided by Mac’s Backs — Books on Coventry.