Cleveland Percussionist Jamey Haddad Brings Together Global Musicians at the Bop Stop

UnderOneSun (1)

Fri 8/26-Sun 8/28 @ 8PM

Jamey Haddad is one of those local treasures more people should know about. The accomplished jazz/world music percussionist (who among other things creates some of his own instruments) is a Cleveland native who lived in New York for many years before returning to Northeast Ohio to Teach at the Oberlin Conservatory.

But the connections he made in New York are still paying dividends; he’s been touring and recording with Paul Simon for many years. He also leads an ensemble called Under One Sun.

“I am a jazz musician that has kinda jumped the fence so to speak a long time ago and decided to include the world of musicians I found interesting to me from over 40 years of globe trotting playing music,” he says. “As a group we perform with an open creative commitment to soften hearts and demonstrate a spirit of inclusivity, diversity and respect for different paths!” (Sounds like he won’t be voting for Donald Trump.)

The group is indeed diverse. Its musicians hail from New Orleans, Long Island, Toronto, Afghanistan, Venezuela and Palestine, and their music incorporates accordion, tabla, sax, flute, the Arabic zither Qanun, bass and drums. The result is what you would imagine: jazz with elements of middle eastern, Indian and Venezeulan music embedded in it.

They’ll be doing a three-night stand at the Bop Stop which lovers of global sounds won’t want to miss. They’ll be playing music by the band’s sax/flute player Billy Drewes (who has worked with Haddad for more than 40 years) and its pianist Leo Blanco. While the group’s gathered in Cleveland, they’ll be recording a CD and doing master classes at Oberlin Conservatory, followed by a concert there Wed 8/31 to welcome back the students.

Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door.

Jamey Haddad




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