
Bal Ingénieux, Ingenuity’s annual fundraiser, has become the hottest act in town, notwithstanding my historical involvement. Carol & John are giving away 25,000 comic books at their shop in Kamm’s Corners. Lee Fisher is gearing up to bring city planners to CLE to learn how cities can get connected. We say, start with the Cool Cleveland mobile with its hundreds of cool listings, events and maps. Would a chance to win a free t-shirt give you incentive to get in the swim?
We release our guide to summer festivals and SPACES announces their new location, just around the corner. And around the corner from that, Loren Naji presents Undercurrents, and 3 of the hottest area street artists. We’ve got a VIDEO of innovative high school entrepreneurs, and another on Global Cleveland’s Talent Attraction Kick-Off. We’ll be listening to Laura Varcho at her return to Nighttown, and learning from the Drunken Botanist at CMNH.
We’re gearing up for the Gay Games with a dance party at MOCA, and we’ll be drumming at Algebra Tea House to celebrate the life of poet Daniel Thompson. If there was ever an undercurrent in this town, that’s the guy who swam in it. And taught me to do the same. –Thomas Mulready
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Every few days this month, Cool Cleveland has offered a different editorial on the Issue 7 Stadium Tax. We urge our readers to vote “NO” on Issue 7 on Tue 5/6 whether you vote in person or absentee.
We’ve clearly spelled out why Issue 7 is a bad idea. First, we pointed out how renewing the stadium tax doesn’t “Keep Cleveland Strong” as the campaign ads say. Next, we asked, what is the value of a sports franchise to a region, with the answer being: put some winning teams on the field and the value goes up. Columnist and politics writer Larry Durstin explained why he’s voting for the tax, based on self-interest.
Below you’ll read how the powers-that-be run their campaigns shrouded in secrecy and silence, a sad testament to the pathetic modus operandi in this town for too long. We even interviewed the grass-roots organizers of the opposition to the stadium tax, who’ve proposed that those who use the stadiums pay their FairShare of the costs to operate them. More and more people are asking the question: is this the best we can do? Voting “NO” sends the message: We can do better.

Last week, we urged a “NO” vote on Issue 7, the renewal of the sin tax to benefit Cleveland’s sports facilities.
We suggested that defeating the tax might open the door for a public discussion about what needs to be funded by taxpayers and the best way to do that…
More from Anastasia Pantsios here

For the past 13 years, local comic book fans have spent the first Saturday of May celebrating Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) at Carol and John’s Comic Book Shop in Kamm’s Corners.
“Comic books this year have continued to be the only growing form of print media, largely due to the huge community surrounding them and events like Free Comic Book Day,” says owner John Dudas…
More from Josh Usmani here
Getting in the flow with your online advertising budgets? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
SPONSORED: Did you know you can only book your Southwest flight from CAK at Southwest.com? Go to www.LUVCAK and sign up for Rapid Rewards for your chance to be a daily winner of a $100 travel voucher (courtesy of Southwest Airlines). You can’t win if you dont enter. Do it now.

Magic, Mystery and Romance! Attend Ingenuity Cleveland’s Bal Ingénieux and celebrate as if you were in one of the Kakoon Arts Club parties from the early 20th century, with a little 21st century twist. The event will be held at The Slovenian National Home, and boy are tickets selling fast. The costume party will be filled with vaudeville circus performances, burlesque, music, dance and mayhem, and all of the money raised will go to support Ingenuity Fest.
CoolCleveland Correspondent Marty Bielat met up with the hosts for Bal Ingénieux’s evening: Pinch and Squeal. Bielat caught the last couple of minutes of their set at Nano Brew after the Cleveland Tweed Ride, and they were hilarious! After their performance, the three got together and discussed some details on Bal Ingénieux. Their energy and fun came shining through in this video, and it made us all excited to attend the event.
For more news make sure that you stay tuned to Bal Ingénieux, Ingenuity Cleveland, as well as CoolCleveland. Break a leg guys!

Listen as Lee Fisher of CEOs For Cities previews the upcoming Connected City Cluster Workshop scheduled for Cleveland June 18-20, 2014, learning how cities thrive as places where people connect and interact.
If you’re an architect, designer, urban planner or economic developer, check out this workshop and learn how to make your city more connected.
SPONSORED: Collinwood Rising features these cool projects in May: Project Boardwalk Open House on Fri 5/2 from 6-10PM at 16011 Waterloo Rd, showing the 7 rooms available to artists for affordable studio space; followed by the Zoetic Walls Tour from 7-9PM of 20 huge murals in the Waterloo District, followed by a reception at Waterloo Arts. Then on Sun 5/4 from noon – 3PM, Got Sausage? Waterloo Does! Buy Local, a MEAT and Greet with live entertainment, tastings, and cooking demonstrations at R+D Sausage, 15714 Waterloo Rd. Details

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Follow NHS on Twitter and tap into real information about banking, loans & consumer issues, even education classes and advice on buying & fixing your house or keeping your home in foreclosure. Follow @NHSCleveland.

The latest exhibition at Loren Naji’s Studio Gallery opens with a reception Fri 5/2 in Ohio City.
Undercurrent features new work by three of the region’s best street artists — Ron Copeland, Steve Ehret and Bob Peck.
“On one hand, [they] all have their professional practices stemming from rough, gritty street art,” explains gallery owner Loren Naji. “However, when juxtaposed, it’s their differences that I find interesting…”
More from Josh Usmani here
SPONSORED: The Drunken Botanist Author Amy Stewart will explore the dizzying array of plants that humans have transformed into alcohol as part of The Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Explorer Series. The evening starts at 5:30PM with complimentary appetizers and a cash bar featuring hand-crafted cocktails by Society Lounge. Book signing to follow. Co-sponsored by the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes. Fri 5/2 at 7PM. CMNH.org

Low income housing has always been a sore subject in Cleveland, but The Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland are working to make a difference in our community. NHS is taking part in a community wide Land Trust Program that will provide more opportunities to those who are in need of a decent place to live. The organization purchases homes, rehabilitates them, and transforms them into durable energy efficient living spaces in desirable/accessible neighborhoods.
CoolCleveland Correspondent Marty Bielat met up with NHS sister organization, Opportunity Finance Network’s President and CEO Mark Pinsky, and asked him a couple questions on the Land Trust Program itself. You could tell right off the bat that Pinsky was driven to make a difference, and he even gave us a taste of his Keynote for NHS’ Conference that day.
Stay Connected make sure that you stay tuned to @NHSCleveland, @LandTrustCLE, as well as CoolCleveland for more updates on this topic. Thanks again guys!

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here
SPONSORED: The Kent Stage is Smoking with Ekoostik Hookah plus Aliver Hall & Tropidelic on Thu 5/1; Then spend An Evening with Peter Wolf on Fri 5/2; Get in gear with Dave Mason’s Traffic Jam on Sat 5/3; Sing along with Phil Ochs Song Night hosted by Sonny Ochs, with Magpie, Rolly Brown, Josh White Jr. & Sharon Katz on Sun 5/4. Details: TheKentStage.com

@Coolcleveland Follow us on Twitter or Instagram and earn a chance to have your favorite Cleveland events publicized by Cool Cleveland. For free! We’ll pick a winner, and promote the event of your your choice, and also provide live coverage of the event on the day-of.
How to play: On Wednesday tweet or Instagram the event that you are most excited to attend this week using #CoolCleveland, and make it convincing! We will pick our favorite tweet/tweeter on Thursday and reward them by publicizing their event and their tweet. Include photos, fun, stories, locations, links and everything in between. Have fun!

Kendall Embrescia talks about Entrovation with students Alexis Anderson, Spencer Fox and Adam Moss from the Beachwood High School Marketing Program, deemed the “World Most Successful Junior Achievement Company” by the President of Junior Achievement in 2009.
The classroom is run just like a business with different departmental roles, management and responsibilities…

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Brent Zimmerman entered our Twitter Retweet contest and helped us get over ten thousand followers! He loves The CoolCleveland Twitter Page and this week we selected him as the sixteenth winner of our new CoolCleveland T-shirt. And he’s thrilled:
“You guys embody what the ‘new cleveland’ is all about.” Zimmerman helped us reach ten thousand followers, but there are also more ways you can win a CoolCleveland T-shirt. You are automatically entered to win a shirt when you download our new CoolCleveland mobile app.
Get the app here and win the T-shirt that can’t be bought, just earned. See all of the past T-shirt winners here.

Global Cleveland’s mission is to increase the population of Greater Cleveland and strengthen the region by working with employers, colleges, universities and community organizations to attract newcomers and educate those already living in our region.
Kendall Embrescia chats with the President of Global Cleveland Joy Roller about achieving their new goals, the exciting new roadshow campaign and strategy to attract more people to NEO, and the inaugural Greater Cleveland Talent Attraction Kick-Off at the Convention Center Thu 5/1…

WED 4/30
Jazz vocalist Laura Varcho headlines a much anticipated, long awaited concert at Nighttown on International Jazz Day. It promises to be a spectacular and swingin’ night.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/30

THU 5/1
Rock the Catwalk for a good cause. Hosted by the United Way of Greater Cleveland Women’s Leadership Council, RTC features fashions from local boutiques, drinks & networking.
Click here for more events on Thu 5/1

FRI 5/2
Explore the Wonders of Our World w/ DANCEVERT & the Cleveland School of the Arts in celebration of the Shore Cultural Centre’s 100th year. Fractals, geometry, lectures & lots of dance.
Click here for more events on Fri 5/2

SAT 5/3
NOW TRENDING: It’s 90 days until the start of the Gay Games. So, party it up, ’90s style, @ MOCA Cleveland. Dance to ’90s music & play some games in your favorite era-appropriate outfit. Whoop there it is.
Click here for more events on Sat 5/3

SUN 5/4
Cleveland schools’ All-City Vocal Ensemble sings at Nighttown. For all the bad news about the Cle schools, one of the areas where it provides opportunities for talented students to shine is in the arts.
Click here for more events on Sun 5/4

MON 5/5
It’s Cinco de Mayo so hop on your bike & meet up in the Warehouse District for a a multi-stop taco-themed bike ride.
Click here for more events on Mon 5/5

TUE 5/6
Commemorate prolific poet & champion of the people Daniel Thompson, who passed away 10 yrs ago. Meet @ Algebra Tea House for a jam session w/ Drumplay & to raise funds for the Cleveland Street Chronicle.
Click here for more events on Tue 5/6

WED 5/7
No Place on Earth tells the story of an American cave explorer, Chris Nicola, who stumbled upon everyday household objects in a cave 70 feet underground, only to discover ppl hid there from the Nazis. Watch the film & discuss @ the Maltz Museum.
Click here for more events on Wed 5/7
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

On a number of issues, progressives are on a roll. The acceptance of gay marriage keeps rolling along at warp speed and the number of states in which medical marijuana is legal or just about to be legalized continues to mount.
Long at or near the top of priorities for liberals, the success of these two issues on the state levels seem to be signaling a sea change in a country that has been dominated by the agenda of cultural conservatives for the past 35 years…
More from Larry Durstin here

When a story ran in the Plain Dealer recently regarding a man who had taken an abandoned house and turned it into his home, it reminded me of a place I once knew, almost two decades ago, not far from the heart of downtown Cleveland…
The Beauty of the Sin Tax Debate
The problem of course is that when the new county government was put in place three years ago one of their first orders of business should have been to initiate a conversation with the team owners regarding renegotiating the lopsided contracts that totally rip off the public…
Read this & that story and others from Mansfield Frazier here

Time to celebrate! It’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and show your affection by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak.
Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
From Coventry to Canton, Ohio City to Oberlin, Youngstown to Waterloo, PlayhouseSquare to Highland Square, from the Lake Erie Islands to Lake & Ashtabula counties… if there’s cool stuff happening, it’ll be on your mobile device.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTOSTREAM: Station Hope @ St. John’s Episcopal Church by Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: Common Ground @ the Rock Hall by Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: Opening Night at the Busta Gallery by Anastasia Pantsios
REVIEW: America Idiot rocks the Palace, but the shallow book thwarts over-all effect by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Compelling, humorous Informed Consent enlightens at Cleveland Play House by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
DURSTIN: Issue 7 Tests Local Progressives’ Clout
Those against the tax are not anti-government; they’re anti give-away particularly to wealthy owners who should pay their own way. It’s time to end the treatment of sports businesses as charitable cases not only in Cleveland but in every city where needs are great and unmet and need the tax money given to billionaire owners and millionaire ballplayers….
Roldo Bartimole
What the Hell Happened in Lakewood Last Weekend?
The DJ Parker flier is a Steven Seagal parody for a rap DJ and has nothing to do with hardcore (Park much too smart for that)….
Beckett Warren
So, this article is actually stating outright that a musician, artist, writer, or any other creative person is being irresponsible by expressing themselves in whatever way they see fit….
Bluella DeVille
Thanks for the first truly balanced, thoughtful take I’ve read on this situation….
John Ettorre
Josh, You are not only a great artist but also a clear, concise and easy to read, writer. Now I thoroughly understand what happened the other night, thanks to you…..
DJ Parker has no affiliation with hardcore bands or The Fire Fest. The flier was a reference to the classic Steven Seagal film Marked For Death…..
DJ Parker
“DJ Parker” is one of the most kind hearted people I’ve ever met! Its unfortunate he got dragged into this. That “concert poster” is not some official poster for his show….
Josh Robertson
Violence is never the answer…I agree. This is a very eloquently written article and it leaves me to say that I couldn’t have said it better myself…..
A few things about this article dont add up. What does the audience of “a dozen hardcore metal bands” who were implicated in this incident have to do with dj parker? Were these metal fans planning on attending dj parker’s event several hours later?….
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) What the Hell Happened in Lakewood Last Weekend?
3) MANSFIELD: What’s Wrong With This Photo?
4) Put Down the iPad And Tell a Tale
5) VIDEO: Terri Pontremoli Previews Tri-C JazzFest 2014

Grateful for our writers: Roy Berko, Marty Bielat, Larry Durstin, Kendall Embrescia, Mansfield Frazier, Max Mulready, Anastasia Pantsios, Josh Usmani & Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2014 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved