April 15-17, 2016
Hitting their stride in its fourth year in Chicago, AXPONA 2016, the Midwest’s largest hi-fidelity audio show threw open the doors to 111 Listening Rooms taking over 8 floors of the Chicago’s Westin O’Hare Rosemont Hotel, not to mention the Ear Gear Expo featuring headphones and personal listening, and a sprawling and lively Marketplace with a mouthwatering selection of vinyl, Super Audio Compact Discs and accessories of all description.
A record number of nearly 6000 audiophiles, listeners and an increasing number of young people visited over 400 exhibitors displaying an overwhelming number of turntables, amplifiers, speaker systems and innovative digital devices on display: streamers, servers, players, digital analog converters, and power conditioners, not to mention new integrated digital devices that don’t yet have a name, priced from under $100 to over $100,000. Breakout sessions included topics such as high-resolution audio, using room treatments, a cartridge clinic, the renaissance of reel-to-reel tape, portable digital audio players, vinyl ripping, engineering a state-of-the-art recording, a visit with Prudence Farrow Bruns, about whom the song “Dear Prudence” was written, a panel of high-end audio legends, and the internationally renowned turntable set-up seminar.

CoolCleveland takes a decidedly everyman approach to the music emanating from the reconfigured sleeping and meeting rooms: some sounded great, many were best avoided, and a few were incredible. We could barely find a seat to audition the debut of the Alexx loudspeaker ($109,000/ pair) from Wilson Audio in Paragon Sight and Sound‘s Renewal A Room on the 2nd floor, paired with the Brinkman Balance turntable ($27,500) and Doshi Audio Phono Stage ($17,000), especially impressive playing a Chris Isaak vinyl provided by a member of the audience, rather than their own prepared source. One of the largest rooms at AXPONA, seating in Paragon’s room was at a premium throughout the weekend as listeners were reluctant to move once the music started.
The vibe at AXPONA 2016 was younger, with less testosterone than ever before. We were pleased to meet Carolyn Pereira and Todd DeSantis, owners of the startup AudioFlea, targeting the messy world of hi-fi classifieds. Ambitious, energetic, articulate and knowledgeable, their effort is worth keeping an eye on.

The fifth floor provided some sonic surprises and necessitated numerous revisits. In Suite 510, the Aurum Cantus Melody M-102SE floorstanders with aluminum ribbon tweeters ($2500/pair) impressed with the Hegel H-160 integrated amp ($3200) driving the Music Vault Diamond music server ($5000). In Suite 522, Goldmund were playing wireless Logos towers ($19,800), to the best of my knowledge, that connect wirelessly to your computer via a USB dongle, producing an articulate and surprisingly full-range sound. Over at Suite 518, legendary speaker manufacturer Thiel Audio announced a new music venue in their headquarters city of Nashville that will be debuted at the upcoming Country Music Awards: Aurora is a venue wired for streaming high-resolution audio and video, allowing viewers to interact with performers on their mobile devices, suggesting songs, and connecting directly with artists, even downloading high-resolution concerts (see VIDEO below).
But good sounds could be found in the most surprising places. Even in the wide-open Marketplace on the ground level, PS Audio was turning heads with an affordable, “dorm-room” system for a special price of $999 complete: a pair of ELAC B6 speakers (see our VIDEO with ELAC’s Andrew Jones below) and a Music Hall turntable, all connected to their own PS Audio Sprout integrated amplifier with built-in phono stage (see PS Audio VIDEO below). Other rooms that drew me back were: Suite 642 showcasing Magico loudspeakers and International Phonograph; Suite 646 featuring Clearaudio with Nordost, and Hanson Audio Video; and O’Hare 1 featuring Sonus faber, Quintessence Audio, Musical Surroundings, Kulaba-Sosna Research, DS Audio, Critical Mass Systems, AMG & Aesthetix. It was also a pleasure to hear handmade guitars in the Musician’s Gear Expo in rooms 630 & 654 featuring guitars by Breedlove Stringed Instruments, Bedell Guitars, Two Old Hippies and Morrow Audio.
Check out CoolCleveland’s short VIDEOS below from AXPONA 2016, April 15-17, 2016, including a visit with AXPONA founder Steve Davis and show organizer Joel Davis of JD Events (video here); a few enlightening moments with the one and only Prudence Farrow Bruns of “Dear Prudence” fame (video here); a few words of wisdom from the respected Andrew Jones on how he designs the amazing ELAC speakers everyone is talking about (video here); a cool new subscription service, Vinyl Me, Please, delivering fresh limited edition vinyl direct to your listening room every month (video here); a visit with Music Direct as they bring hi-fi to the masses (video here); a closer look at PS Audio and how affordable products like the acclaimed PS Sprout integrated amplifier appeal to an entirely new generation of listeners and audiophiles (video here); an exciting new launch from Thiel of AURORA, their interactive, streaming hi-res audio/video venue in Nashville (video here); and suggestions from the world’s premier vinyl expert Michael Fremer of AnalogPlanet on his recommended turntable accessories for the budget audiophile (video here).
AXPONA’s popularity seems destined to grow, as other events like CES (Consumer Electronics Show) have become expensive and are attracting fewer high-end audio exhibitors, dealers and media. Next year’s event is already 75% booked with exhibitors for AXPONA 2017 at the Westin O’Hare Rosemont on April 21-23, 2017. We hope to see you there!
View the video here. Give a listen to turntable & vinyl expert Michael Fremer, senior contributing editor of Stereophile magazine and editor-in-chief of AnalogPlanet.com, as he gives CoolCleveland his top recommendations for the budget audiophile: an affordable record cleaning machine, record brush, stylus cleaner, record sleeves, stylus gauge, and a slick device that lifts the tonearm when the side is finished. Accessories courtesy Music Direct. http://www.AnalogPlanet.com, http://www.Stereophile.com, http://www.musicdirect.com
View the video here. Emerging with a bold new vision, Thiel Audio, revered for their high-end loudspeakers, is launching Aurora, an interactive, hi-def music and performance venue in Downtown Nashville allowing fans to interact with live streams, connect with performers and become intimately engaged with the modern concert experience.
Thiel’s chief brand officer Rebecca Abrahams talks with CoolCleveland’s Thomas Mulready about their new, intimate concert studio wired for high resolution audio and video in the heart of Music City. Http://www.ThielAudio.com
View the video here. When Andrew Jones designed speakers for Pioneer, he earned accolades for the $80,000 TAD Reference 1 speakers, considered one of the best sounding speakers of all time. Now he’s moved over to ELAC Audio, and is shaking up the hi-end audio world with his latest lines of affordable speaker that sound incredible for pennies on the dollar.
CoolCleveland spoke with the amazing Mr. Jones about his design philosophies, the fine art of compromise and how he gets such good sound out of a pair of speakers that sells for $280 for the pair. http://elac.us/speakers.
View the video here. Prudence Farrow Bruns grew up with her ultra-famous sister Mia Farrow and they both accompanied The Beatles on their spiritual quest to Rishikesh, India, where most of The Beatles (The White Album) was written.
John Lennon wrote the evocative “Dear Prudence” when she wouldn’t emerge from her tent, preferring to meditate. Prudence Farrow Bruns, who worked in the prop department during summer stock with Ohio’s Kenley Players, opens up to CoolCleveland’s Thomas Mulready about that magical, mystical era. http://www.amazon.com/Dear-Prudence-Story-Behind-Song/dp/1503029883
View the video here. CoolCleveland checks in with Besflores Nievera of Music Direct, one of the largest online retailers of high- end audio, vinyl and accessories, as he updates us on the hottest trends. http://www.MusicDirect.com
View the video here. More than just a modern record club, Vinyl Me, Please offers a monthly curated vinyl LP it feels their subscribers should have in their collections, rather than the most popular ones they probably already have.
Working with labels and record companies, Vinyl Me, Please includes custom artwork and unique colored, audiophile-grade 180 gram vinyl pressings. They even include a recipe designed for sipping during listening sessions. Listen to partner Severan Johnson as he lays it out. http://VinylMePlease.com
View the video here. The little PS Audio Sprout has opened some eyes and ears lately for its sweet sound, its savvy design and its nice price ($500). Incorporating a “Vinyl” setting with a built-in phono stage, the Sprout also connects to smart devices via Bluetooth, plays hi-res files, includes a built-in headphone amp and a 50-watt amp to drive some good-sized speakers.
As Duncan Taylor of PS Audio relates, they’ve even bundled a Music Hall turntable, a pair of ELAC B6 speakers and the PS Audio Sprout, all for under a grand. The rest of their lineup of amps, streamers, players and DACs are just as smart and tasty. http://www.PSAudio.com
View the video here. CoolCleveland’s Thomas Mulready speaks candidly with AXPONA founder Steve Davis and AXPONA organizer Joel Davis of JD Events (no relation!). On the floor of AXPONA 2016 at Chicago’s Westin O’Hare Rosemont, they discuss current trends in high-end audio and where they see the industry headed. http://www.AXPONA.com
View CoolCleveland’s coverage of AXPONA 2015: https://coolcleveland.com/blog/Eqy1C
View CoolCleveland’s coverage of AXPONA 2014: https://coolcleveland.com/blog/cGdmi
View CoolCleveland’s coverage of AXPONA 2013: https://coolcleveland.com/blog/6a3Ji
@HansonAudio @AXPONA @VinylMePlease @WilsonAudio @Paragon_sns @Hegel_Music @MusicVaultyt @GoldmundAudio @ThielAudio @PSAudio @ELACaudio @MusicHallAudio @MagicoLLC @ClearAudioMedia @NordostCables @HansonAudio @M_Surroundings @DS_Audio @BedellGuitars @TwoOldHippies @MorrowAudio @stereophilemag @audiophiliacman @TAS_magazine @Absolute_Hi_End @AnalogPlanet @AudioholicsLive @Audiophile @InnerFidelity @EnjoyTheMusic @headfi @AudiophilePure @Headphonia @Headphonics @HiFiPlusMag @AudiophileStyle @soundnvision @MusicDirect @AudioFlea @WeberMandolin @TAS_magazine