Governor DeWine Talks About the Pandemic with City Club

Fri 3/19 @ 12:30-1:30PM

Pity poor Mike DeWine!

The pandemic hit and he tried so hard to get Ohioans to do the right things to keep people alive. And what thanks did he get? A bunch of wackjobs in the state legislature howled that asking them to wear a mask was an infringement on their freeeee-dumb and that he was being a “dictator.” Not only that, but four of the wackiest (all, like DeWine, Republicans) filed multiple impeachment charges against him, claiming he was “bullying” and “harassing” people over mask-wearing; one even attempted to file criminal charges against him. Now, failing that, they’re on their second attempt to strip the governor and state health department of the power to make safety regulations.

How’s he holding up? Find out when former WKYC political reporter Tom Beres sits down with him for a conversation via the City Club of Cleveland on the topic of “One Year Later: COVID-19 Pandemic and the Road to Ohio’s Recovery.” They’ll discuss how the pandemic has changed Ohio, what is going on as far as vaccination distribution and school openings, current rates of infection, when it’s likely to be safe to ease restrictions and what needs to be done in the aftermath to get the state on the path to recovery (some new legislators?)

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