Mulberry Creek Herb Farm Hosts Garlic Festival


Sat 9/24 @ 9AM-5PM

Did you miss the big North Union Farmers Market Garlic Festival at Shaker Square in August? (They surprised us by moving the event up a couple of weeks).

If you still need to get your supply of garlic for planting in October — the usual time to put those cloves in the ground — or just want some for cooking and eating, make the scenic drive out to Huron to Mulberry Creek Herb Farm for their garlic festival. There’ll be plenty of garlic for sale, of course — an array of varieties — along with specialty foods made from garlic including that garlic ice cream from Mitchell’s that you missed (or maybe didn’t miss so much!) at the North Union Garlic Fest.

There will also be a farmers market with organic vegetables, local artisan vendors with item like jewelry, live classic rock music, cooking classes, garlic classes and lunch available from the Vine and Olive Mediterranean Bakery.

If it’s raining, don’t worry – the event will still be taking place in their century barn and covered outdoor pavilion. It’s free and there’s plenty of free parking.


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