Sat 8/21 @ 4:30PM
Dancer/choreographer Sanjib Bhattacharya, who trained in Indian Manipuri and contemporary Indian dance in his own country, performed all over the world before settling down in northeast Ohio where he now lives in Cleveland Heights.
He recently got a residency at Akron Soul Train, which awards the short-term residencies to artists in all disciplines to work on a specific project. The result of Bhattacharya’s was a performance called “Yatra: A Voyage Toward Peace,’ which will be performed at Jilly’s Music Room in Akron this week.
For the performance, Battahcarya collaborated with artist Robin VanLear, known for the puppets and costumes she created for Parade the Circle, which she founded, and liturgical singer Edna Duffy. The result is a performance, featuring ten musicians and dancers, which blends Indian dance with spectacular costumes and moving songs that takes viewers on a trip through struggles to find peace.
The event is free and open to the public. Doors open at 4pm