In this week’s issue:
* Cool Cleveland Interview with public servant Jim Rokakis, part 1 of a 2-part interview
* Cool Cleveland Red Night Out with Red {an orchestra}, discount thru Thu 3/17, click here
* RoldoLINK explains how Senator Voinovich Proves Money Talks – Big Time
* Cool Cleveland Sounds review of Release Me by Boho Zen
Cool Cleveland Interview
Jim Rokakis

Cool Cleveland: So, are you running for Mayor of the City of Cleveland this year?
Jim Rokakis: It is highly unlikely and Ill tell you why. I have spent over $30,000 in polls and focus groups. I dont know how to say this and be politically correct, but Ill say it in Cool Cleveland because everyone knows it; the chances of a white male becoming Mayor of Cleveland in my lifetime is slim to none. We had 172,000 votes cast in the City of Cleveland for President in 2004; between 95,000 to 98,000 were cast by African-Americans, so they clearly are the predominant voting block in the city. The leadership of that community is coalescing behind Frank Jackson, so it would be difficult, if not virtually impossible, to overcome those odds.
How much money do you think it would take to be elected? How much have you raised so far?
I dont know that any amount of money would do it. Look at what happened in 2001: A virtual unknown, Ray Pierce, spent a couple hundred thousand – he was outspent two-to-one – and he came within 5% of beating Jane Campbell, who was a well-known candidate.
Why didnt he run again?
Because it was clear to him that the black leadership that supported him in 2001 would not be supporting him in 2005, most notably Stephanie Tubbs Jones.
What is your base and who would vote for you?
Well, my polling showed that I would do very well West of the River, and that I would beat Jane Campbell in the primary and would end up against Frank Jackson in the election.
And then you would lose.
Right – I was more willing to consider this race when Ray Pierce was the candidate. But the dynamics changed when Frank entered the race. First of all, hes a friend of mine; I went to law school with him and I served on City Council with him…
Read part 1 of the Cool Cleveland Interview with Jim Rokakis here and then send us your comments to
Pump up your party quotient with Red

$40 million housing & retail project ignites Akron Designed to lure university professors and Downtown employees, developers are beginning work on Spicer Village, set up with over a hundred townhouses, retail development, and apartments. With townhomes selling for $150,000 and up, the area will receive a generous face-lift and boost with housing. Built by Mogadore-based ASW Properties and the Bord family of Akron, the project will be finished in five years, and even University of Akron president, Luis Proenza, is planning on purchasing one of the townhomes. Read here and send us your thoughts to
NEO young professionals survey Help (i)Cleveland better serve the community by telling them your opinions. It doesn’t matter how old you are or if you currently live in the region. Click here
$2 million from Microsoft exec Case Western Reserve University is anticipating a donation of $2 million coming in from Case alum Robert J. Herbold, who is the retired Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft Corp. This generous gift is slated to support two tenured associate professors in their midcareers, recognizing educators who demonstrate excellent teaching skills. Read here
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26th Annual Tri-C JazzFest Heats Up Cleveland The Tri-C JazzFest Cleveland returns for its 26th year with an electrifying mix of the best in traditional and contemporary jazz. Venues citywide host diverse national and local acts, ranging from the world-renowned to the hottest rising stars, from hard-bop to hip-hop and everything in between. Running from April 14 – 24, the 2005 JazzFest will heat up Cleveland with a dizzying array of legendary talents, including Wynton Marsalis, Al Jarreau, Sergio Mendez, Charles Lloyd, Bobby Sanabria and the Heath Brothers, among other luminaries. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! For detailed festival information, visit or call 216-987-4400. 2005 Tri-C JazzFest Cleveland – ALL THATS JAZZ!
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Ohio Patriot Act Last week, the Ohio Senate passed a bill which some feel encourages discrimination towards immigrant and alien groups and puts a big chill on free speech in our state. This wide-ranging bill was passed with very little debate. The focus shifts now to the House, where one would hope the measure would receive a fuller discussion. Find your representative on the site, and drop them an e-mail: Then cc: us at
2005 Cityworks Small Grants Participate in this year’s Cityworks Neighborhood Matching Grant Program; up to $3,000 is slated for community-based organizations planning neighborhood improvement projects like neighborhood clean-ups, street beautification programs, neighborhood safety, community festivals, and youth or recreation programs. Two workshops will be held, the first is on Wed 3/16, 7PM at Cudell Improvement, Inc. 11650 Detroit Avenue, and Fri 3/18 at Affinity Missionary Baptist Church, 411 East 175th St. Program information, guidelines, and applications are available at each session. Call 664-2045 or visit
Grammy winning Telarc Cleveland-based labels Telarc, Heads Up International and MCG Jazz were honored with seven Grammys at the 47th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony last month. Considering that they release about 60 records a year, winning Grammys for over 10% of their releases is just amazing. Since the ’80s, Telarc has been honored with 48 Grammy Awards for performance, production, and engineering. The label has transitioned in the past years, boasting a catalog of over 600 recordings, ranging from classical and classical-crossover to jazz, contemporary jazz, Americana, pop and blues.
Calling all bands Don’t miss your chance to be heard; submit your entry to perform at the CMJ/Rock Hall MusicFest, the stoked up, three-day music festival scheduled for 6/9 thru 6/11, right here in the rock capital. A full lineup of concerts will be featured each evening at Clevelands most respected venues, including House of Blues, the Odeon, Peabodys, Beachland Ballroom, and the Agora. Over 100 artists are expected to perform for tens of thousands of music fans in Cleveland, and it’s a prime opportunity for Cleveland bands to get recognized. The MusicFest will kick off Wed 6/8, with an opening-night concert at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. Deadline for band submission is Fri 4/1. Submit online at
What’s cool Downtown and around? Cool Cleveland is looking for cool and unique tours to showcase Clevelands great and maybe lesser known assets: development projects, historical places, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections, artifacts and other tours that may be a secret to most Clevelanders! We showcase these tours at our CC parties and we are looking for fresh, new ideas to show off our town. Send your cool tour ideas to
Bioscience investments double in NEO NEO venture capital investments in bioscience is shooting through the roof compared to 2003; as many as 21 bioscience companies in the area raised more than $61 million in venture capital last year. See Crain’s here
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Ethel: The Fiercest Bunch of Vibrating Strings Ethel joins Red {an orchestra} in a unique collaboration between two ground-breaking ensembles. Ethel, an avant-garde string quartet from New York, has an energy that will transform your image of classical music concerts with its eclectic mix of sound and light completed by the more traditional sounds of Bartok. Experience Ethel/Red on Sat 4/2 at 8PM in the Masonic Auditorium, 3615 Euclid Avenue. Concert tickets start at $15. For more information call Red {an orchestra} at 440-519-1733 or visit
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New lit theory maintains that the best writers can describe anything. The words actually outstrip reality, giving language a huge advantage. Read it here
Wanna get more involved? Here are two great opportunities for you to help: meet people and be a part of the great buzz surrounding Cool Cleveland. Volunteers are needed for two parties in April on the 2nd and the 15th, you’d be assisting from 4-8PM during the Cool Cleveland parties, before the Red Concert on 4/2 and the JazzFest on 4/15. Assignments include serving food and alcohol and overseeing the facility cleanup. Your reward is free entry to the party (for you and your volunteer friends), CC t-shirts and concert tickets (when available). You’ll also get that warm and fuzzy feeling for helping your favorite e-zine party up. Sign up for one or both by contacting
Smoke Free Cleveland This year, Cleveland and some of its suburbs may make all workplaces smoke-free for the health of all workers and families in the area. The new law will even protect bar and restaurant employees from exposure. Learn more here:
Dissent Call To Action Individuals and groups who want to speak up about what’s happening in our city can do it at Call to Action, a five-week campaign of relevant art and activist happenings taking place at Cleveland’s premiere avant gallery, SPACES. Send in your proposal to present interventions, presentations, temporary constructions, or public performances; deadline is Fri 3/25. It’s part of SPACES’ Dissent: Political Voices happening 4/15 thru 6/10. It’s all about interconnected, organically created events and projects intended to reclaim places and moments in our city. For info call 621-2314 or visit
Operation Truth This is a spectacular way for people to read stories by soldiers and war veterans. Individuals who submit their material may also post information about legal rights, benefits, and possible involvement with regards to legislative action campaigns.
Cleveland Bean Sprout Hungry for fresh? Check out this collection from an urban farm that produces healthful crops all year. Carefully harvested and delivered to local produce departments, these sprouts are still alive and growing when they reach the customer. Find a selection of mung beans, alfalfa, broccoli, and radish, filled with vitamins and antioxidants to help you beat winter colds. Customers can visit the Coit Road Farmers Market on Saturdays, and experience Manna Storehouse, a full line of organic items to fill your pantry. Go organic for your own health to sustain our future resources. Come by on Saturdays from 8AM-1PM, and Wednesday from 8AM-1PM. Coit Road Farmers Market in East Cleveland, 15000 Woodworth Road at Coit. Call 408-7719 or
Peace Jam There is an international education project that connects Nobel Peace Laureates with high school youth. Violence and oppression are major topics; students can achieve possible solutions with the help and experience of the Laureates. Peace Jam resources are available at
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Ragtimes E. L. Doctorow Cuyahoga County Public Librarys Writers Center Stage 2004-2005 series concludes with E. L. Doctorow on Tue 4/5, 7:30PM in Playhouse Square at the Ohio Theatre. Considered in the elite of 20th century American authors, E. L. Doctorow penned the masterpieces The Book of Daniel, Billy Bathgate, City of God and Ragtime. The author has earned numerous awards including the prestigious National Book Award and the presidentially conferred National Humanities Medal. This series offers stimulating presentations by the authors and opportunities to purchase books and have them autographed. Single ticket sales are available at the Playhouse Square Box Office, 1519 Euclid Ave., through, or by calling 216-241-6000. Cuyahoga County Public Library – providing your community open access to resources that inform, entertain and enrich.
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Teen entrepreneurs develop MEMS Teenagers are becoming the new entrepreneurs, landing a sweet Civic Innovation Lab award to assist them in their efforts to acquire unused business equipment from companies, then re-routing it to companies that lack manufacturing equipment in a collaborative effort to share resources. The grant will propel the 14- and 16-year olds’ idea, called TUBA Group LLC, which developed from their participation in Microsystems Academy, a nonprofit Ohio MEMS association which helps young people with jobs while promoting entrepreneurship. Check it out here
Rowing Downtown Celebrate Spring the natural way with the Cleveland Corporate Rows Program, designed for novice and experienced rowers while expanding their participation on behalf of their companies. The Cleveland Rowing Foundation kicks off soon, luring professionals to the Flats region while creating a greater awareness of the rockin’ recreational and fitness resources in Cleveland. Network with participants and feel good about the charitable component to the event, as each Corporate Rows team is partnered with a Cleveland high school, providing sponsorship dollars and a donation of time. For details, E-mail or call 440-808-2288 or 440-463-4487
Cleveland is Bike Town 2005 Bicycling is back and bigger than ever, in the grand BikeTown experiment for 2005 that’s hitting Austin, Orlando, New York City, Cleveland, and other lucky urban areas. Clevelanders are invited to get involved to grab prime prizes, including new bikes. How to get them? By writing your most persuasive story about how a new bicycle will impact your life in 50 words or less. Last year, one-third of the 250 BikeTown participants lost weight and traded their car for a bike to travel. They shared their stories and reported greater confidence, self-esteem, weight loss, and job satisfaction. Those who convince the BikeTown folks will roll away with new wheels and some essential gear in May 2005, when we celebrate National Bike Month. Got a comment on biking in Cleveland? Send it to:
Do you read Cool Cleveland? So do tens of thousands of others. How do you reach the most active Clevelanders? Drop us an e-mail and we’ll share some of our clients’ testimonials and success stories with you. Then we’ll start working on your own success story.
NEO calling It used to be called the May Show, but now the Cleveland Museum of Art is mounting The NEO Show, on view 7/10 thru 9/4 this year, and it’s open to any artist living in the fifteen counties of Northeast Ohio. This highly prestigious juried exhibition of area artwork will result in the Museum acquiring at least one work for its permanent collection. They are looking for work in all media: painting, works on paper (prints and drawings), sculpture, installation, film/video, performance (dance and musical), photography, textiles, web-based and interactive art. The deadline for submission of the entry form, slides, video and DV Ds? is Fri 3/18 More info: 707-6835. Go for it. Your thoughts on the NEO Show? Send them to:
Bytes from Lev Local genius and visionary, Case CIO Lev Gonick rethinks the digital divide and tells us about We are the World Cleveland, a new program to inspire Clevelanders to take advantage of our diverse international cultural connections to hook up to 100 cities around the world, linking them back into our region while addressing technology and social inclusion. His blog is one of those in Cleveland that you’ll want to check every week. Read Lev’s blog here and then let us know your thoughts:
Cool Cleveland This Week
Send your cool events to:
Accelerating Industrial Innovation in Northeast Ohio The buzz is focused on CIA’s proposed Design & Technology Transfer Center in University Circle, a technologically cool center that could reveal fresh digital market opportunities. Experience how this center could showcase dynamic new design for Northeast Ohio, providing companies with a new capacity for global sustainability and competitive advantage. Leading the discussion will be Jurgen Faust, Dean of Integrated Media, Professor and Chair of Technology & Integrated Media Environment (T.I.M.E.) at the Cleveland Institute of Art. He will share his ideas for the Design & Technology Transfer Center with ideas that could propel University Circle forward as a global leader in the creative arts. Be part of Community of Minds’ event on Wed 3/16 at 5:30PM. Call 368-5535. Meet up at Dively Executive Education Center, 11240 Bellflower Rd. Register at
Local Rock If you haven’t heard what’s going on with local garage rockers Uncle Scratch, be sure to hit this show where they’ll be preaching the sacred message of rock n’ roll, along with high octane noise crunchers, the Capgun Cowboys. They’re taking over the tavern with Honky Tonk Damnation, and these boys specialize in crowd satisfaction with shows that rile your rock sensibilities. Hear them belt out their pumped out anthems on Wed 3/16 at 9:30PM. Call 383-1124. Tavern at the Beachland Ballroom, 15711 Waterloo Rd.
29th Cleveland International Film Festival Community Shares wants to “edukate” moviegoers with a sponsored film at Cleveland International Film Festival in The Edukators, which raises questions about social activism. While you’re at it, learn a little more about Cleveland’s premiere social justice federation: the Greater Cleveland Community Shares. They’ll sponsor two screenings of The Edukators on Fri 3/18 at 7:30PM and Sun 3/20 at 4:15PM. Tickets can be purchased at 866-865-FILM. Get info at 361-9920. Tower City Cinemas at the Avenue at Tower City Center. and
On the Town A big, exuberant musical comedy that weaves the urgency of “Carpe Diem” into an uplifting show. A cast of over forty play out the affects of having only 24 hours before heading back to war; it’s a timely message in a feel-good musical romp where chance, fate, and destiny join together. See Beck Center’s production, sponsored by Newsradio WTAM 1100 and Show times are Thu 3/17, Fri 3/18 and Sat 3/19 at 8PM. Sunday’s show hits at 3PM. Call 521-2540. Beck Center for the Arts, 17801 Detroit Ave. in Lakewood.
Graffiti of Ecuador at Phoenix Coffee Urban exploratory expression and images land at Phoenix with twenty photographs and Spanish-to-English translations from Michael Gill. His booklet of Ecuadorian political graffiti translation has turned heads, and his other written projects are published in Rio Grande Review, Uno Mas and El Locofoco, along with poetry published in Rolling Stone. The startling images will stay in your mind and the poetry imposes itself silently on the viewer; see it Fri 3/18 during Phoenix’s hours of operation, on view till 6/1. Call 522-9744 for info, or call the artist at 228-9543. Phoenix Coffee, 1108 Detroit Ave. in Lakewood.
Masterworks from The Phillips Collection The Cleveland Museum of Art is the only place in Cleveland where you’ll see an exemplary selection of diverse works from Paul Klee, Renoir, Kandinsky and El Greco. These pieces trace the development of modern art, increasing your art history knowledge with world classic canvases. The exhibit is on view this Fri 3/18 from 10AM-9PM. Located at the Main Gallery; through 5/29 during museum hours. Call 421-7340 for daily schedules. Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Blvd.
The Irish Peace Process: Making Peace in Northern Ireland addresses how hope and history are merging at an unprecedented pace. Activate your senses and hear the highly recognized and influential president of Sinn Féin, Gerry Adams; be part of Clevelands true thinkers and join in to experience Irelands issues on Fri 3/18 at Noon. Doors open at 11:00AM with traditional Irish music. Call 397-1886. John Carroll Universitys Tony DeCarlo Varsity Center, 20700 North Park Blvd.
Comix 101: In the Shadow of No Towers Enter into the fictional realms of Pulitzer Prize-winning comic book artist and illustrator, Art Spiegelman, who will be speaking about his imaginative experiences. Break out of reality and join him on Fri 3/18 at 4:30PM; admission tickets are required, call 368-2414 or download one at the website below. Aitken Auditorium, 11141 East Blvd. For info, check out
WCLV Notes Offbeat is a unique weekly one-hour program from The Cleveland Institute of Music heard over WCLV 104.9 Saturdays at 12:05PM. This program offers the opportunity to discover something new or unconventional about classical music. It answers questions such as: What does a piano technician do? How can you make an oboe reed? Or you can find out how a music critic critiques. Merry Peckham, cellist with the Cavani String Quartet, is host of Offbeat, a show designed to answer thought-provoking questions about classical music. a Cool Cleveland Partner.
On a Pedestal Why look at 2D when you can see 3D sculpture arise from pedestal-sized sculptures in wood, glass, ceramics, stone and metals. Ohio artists liven up this exhibition, juried by the internationally renowned sculptor and Chicago native Richard Hunt. His works grace major museums and galleries worldwide, and he has completed over one hundred public sculptures, which is a record for an American artist. A reception is open to the public on Fri 3/18 from 6-9PM. Robert Thurmer, Director of the University Art Gallery, Cleveland State University, will lead a gallery talk that complements the event on Thu 3/31 at 6PM. Call 229-6527. The Sculpture Center, 1834 E. 123rd St.
Germination: Reformation are two solo exhibits featuring works from Debra DeGregorio and Kevin Shahan, pairing up for mod art exploration. DeGregorio’s visceral abstract drawings portray organic, germinating forms as an evocative metaphor that arouse our curiosities and fantasies through life-sustaining realms that physically press on the mind. Reformation is co-curated by Daiv Whaley, and features paintings of Cleveland artist Kevin Shahan, drawing upon the iconography of advertising and mass media to conjure a sense of modern life. Join the crowd and stay on for musical performance by Tokyo Shapiro and the super electro musicians in the band, dot. The opening reception hits on Fri 3/18 at 6PM; exhibit runs till 4/8. Call 323-0085. Gallery Ü, ARTcade, Colonial Marketplace, 530 Euclid Ave., Suites 30 & 31.
Brian Sharp: Round Trip Shifting from painting, drawing, and sculpture, this work is connected by a sensibility rather than a style and raises questions of what should be seen; from an often overlooked public sculpture to a dinner napkin to song lyrics. Sharp returned to the area after residing in upstate New York, Memphis, and San Antonio with works that have been included in exhibitions as far away as Los Angeles, Seattle, and Miami. See this multi-layered creator on Fri 3/18 from 6-10PM. Call 781-2211. raw & co gallery, 1009 Kenilworth Avenue in Tremont.
THX 1138: The Director’s Cut is George Lucas’ stunning and visually-charged first feature, set in a sterile, computer-controlled 25th century; imagine drugged workers living underground to build machines that continually repress them. The film follows a man’s attempt to rile the authorities when he discovers outlawed sex and love. A Cleveland revival premiere! See the futuristic fiction on Fri 3/18 at 7:30PM and Sat 3/19 at 9:15PM. Call 421-7450. Cleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque, 11141 East Blvd.
Rachel Z Trio The dynamic sounds of this stellar pianist and entertainer hits Nighttown, and she’s arriving in Cleveland after two world tours as the featured pianist in Peter Gabriel’s group. Rachel Z has played a prominent role in several major jazz groups including Vertu with Lenny White and Stanley Clarke, and she has just released her sixth solo recording Everlasting, which features jazz versions of pop songs by artists ranging from The Beatles to The Rolling Stones. This spring and summer, Rachel will be touring again with her own group throughout Europe and North America; hear her intimate harmonies for one night only on Fri 3/18 at 9PM. Call 795-0550. Nighttown, 12387 Cedar Rd. in Cleveland Hts.
International Joyce is comprised of 21 panels that represent a period in James Joyce’s life, providing detail into the thoughts of one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century. Celebrate Irish heritage and see this traveling international exhibit, created to mark the centenary of the day in 1904 on which Joyce’s novel Ulysses is set. See it displayed at the Cleveland Public Library beginning Fri 3/18; there’s no charge for patrons. Call 623-2800 for viewing hours. Cleveland Public Library’s Main Branch, 325 Superior Ave.
The Magical Fan Local authors Jeannie Morse and Sarah Jane Ingraham will delight young audiences with storytelling during this afternoon of imagery and treats. They will also read and sign their new children’s book, so bring your young family members to meet these talented writers and other gallery artists who’ll be reading their favorite children’s stories on Sat 3/19 from 11AM-2PM. Support our area authors and take home your own copy of The Magical Fan, available for purchase. Call 228-1802. Local Girl Gallery, 16106 Detroit Ave.
Spring Equinox Nature Walk What are nature’s signs that spring is really here? Families and people of all ages can take the initiative and become one with the change of seasons, as the Shaker Lakes’ weekend naturalist will lead a walk around the outdoor trail. Meet at the front door to the exhibit area on Sat 3/19 at 3:30PM for an hour of natural exploration and quality downtime. Call 321-5935. Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, 2600 South Park Blvd.
Mementos of a Writer’s Life Helen Cullinan’s Collection at HeightsArts relays over forty years of a collector’s involvement in the arts as both a student and an arts reporter. This enviable collection skillfully mixes up Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Viktor Schreckengost and Pablo Picasso plus other notable artists; you’ll have views of a significant art collection on Sat 3/19 from 6-9PM. Show runs through 4/24. Call 371-3344. HeightsArts Gallery, 2173 Lee Rd. in Cleveland Hts.
10 Hours, 10 DJs There’s no charge to double your pleasure in this monthly series with ten hours of mad fun featuring ten infamous and hard-hitting DJs. Succumb to club life, see continual video stream and meet the underground crowd while getting hit with beats from the trippin’ technorati: Ramzi, Damien, Stout XTC, Doug Burkhart and a rippin’ lineup of mix masters. Films start up from 8PM to midnight; check it out on Sun 3/20 from 4:30PM-2:30AM. Call 221-2333. Twist Social Club, 11633 Clifton Blvd.
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Do you want to work on exciting projects? Optiem is looking for an entry-level developer to join our team. You have a good working knowledge of X/HTML, are willing to dive into the code, and have at least touched on implementing CSS and Java Script in your work. You have a strong desire to learn and want to work on projects for exciting clients. Keeping up with the latest trends and Web Standards is a plus. Experience with the Macromedia suite of software, coding-by-hand and the ability to take a finished design and create lightweight, effective code is a must. We work hard, play hard and produce great work. If you are up to the challenge, please email us at Optiem: Fuel For Bright Companies.
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Life Drawing Open Studio: Nudes This flexible class allows participants to drop in for the entire series where all mediums are welcomed. A live model will be on site, and easels are available on a first come, first serve basis. Bring your own supplies and learn to master the physical form on Mon 3/21; classes run for 9 weeks. For class times call 398-8335 for info. Art House, 3119 Denison Ave.
Building a Creative Online Environment: Collaboration, Innovation and Education is an inside look at a few of Northeast Ohio’s most respected and successful organizations in the midst of dynamic changes. Swing by this exciting luncheon and listen to guest panelists from The Cleveland Institute of Art, Noveon, Inc. and The Cleveland Museum of Art, discussing how they are using the Web to collaborate, innovate and educate. Join the Web Association at their event this Tue 3/22 at 11:30AM. Windows on the River, 2000 Sycamore in the Flats. Register and find info at
National Black MBA Association 20th Year Anniversary In partnership with the Society of Urban Professionals and the Urban League of Greater Cleveland Young Professionals, a speaker-focused luncheon with former Cleveland Mayor, Michael White. Expect stirring discussions from one of Cleveland’s formerly fierce political leaders on Tue 3/22 at Noon with award-winning journalist, Cora Daniels, author of Black Power Inc., a collection of interviews and commentaries from arguably some of the post powerful Black Corporate figures in America. She discusses how the civil rights movement has allowed African-Americans to accomplish more than expected. Hear this commentator who was been featured on ABC Morning News, CNN, and NPR on workplace issues and minority business. Call 432-9481. The Marriott Downtown, 127 Public Square.
Creating Arts Districts as Economic Development Engines Arts districts play a pivotal role in economic regeneration, and Cleveland is ripe with cultural and business professionals to organize a center of creative excellence. Sync up with Jim Harris, HL Communications; Dean Gladden, Executive Director, Cleveland Playhouse; and James Levin, Cleveland Public Theater to hear how this strategy is becoming a reality in Cleveland Tue 3/22 at 4:15PM. Call 368-5535. REI, Center for Regional Economic Issues, 11119 Bellflower Road, Peter B. Lewis Building, Room 201.
Send your cool events to:
Senator Voinovich Proves Money Talks – Big Time
By Roldo Bartimole
Its time to applaud Senator George Voinovich. Clap with only one hand though. Thats because as soon as we celebrate him for opposing casino gambling in Cleveland and Ohio, we can slap him hard for voting for the bankruptcy law, which will damage many Clevelanders and Ohioans.
If this raises its head, were going to go out there and chop it off, said Voinovich, about proposals for casino gambling.
He should have said that about the bankruptcy bill. Its a payoff for banks and credit card companies and slams ordinary people who get in financial trouble. The facts show that health problems, divorce and job losses are principal causes for most cases of bankruptcy, not people trying to cheat the friendly credit card companies.
The beneficiaries of the bankruptcy bill credit card companies and banks do their stickups with the assistance people like Voinovich.
Voinovich takes pains to portray himself as a good Catholic, as a family man and above the cut of usual politicians. Its a sham. Even his opposition to casinos could be self-serving. Does he really care about gamblings effect or could he be protecting bingo for his bishop?…
Read RoldoLINK here and send your comments to
Cool Cleveland Sounds
Release Me
Boho Zen
Its Yours? Music

from Cool Cleveland contributor Greg Cielec
Instant Karma
Quick reviews of recent events
Going out this weekend? Take along your PDA and your digital camera. Scratch out a few notes to send us with a picture of it for our Instant Karma real-world reviews of what’s really happening. We’d love to hear from you. Send your stuff to
Dark Room @ Cleveland Public Theatre 3/10
Completed plays, songs, poems and short stories aren’t born overnight, so what happens when the Cleveland Theater Collective sponsors a room to pull together ten accomplished writers, playwrights and poets, limit them to ten-minute scenes of new material and cut them loose with a handful of actors? Judging from last week’s debut of a new monthly series, you get a wide variety of wildly creative new ideas. Cleveland’s new performance space, the Dark Room, is a cleaned up basement in the Cleveland Public Theatre complex at the Old Parish Hall, located at 6203 Detroit Avenue. Writer Chris Johnston hosted a fast-paced romp of new material, with no break for judgments or comments from all the writers and performers in the room. Material ranged from an upbeat song of cynicism by Linda Eisenstein and Mike Martone’s take on a geometrically doomed love affair, to new writings of love, never really won, but lost nonetheless, by Thom Huggins and Mike Sepesy’s humorous takes on modern materialism and, later, the Abu Ghraib prison interrogations, with a handful of powerful new poems as well. Actors grabbed roles with enthusiasm, style and humor. Organized by writers Linda Eisenstein, Mike Sepesy and others under the umbrella of the Cleveland Theater Collective, the events will repeat on the second Thursday of every month. For details, check in with the Theater Collective at For those excited by the creative process, as well as the product, I encourage you to stop in at the Dark Room and watch what develops.
from Cool Cleveland reader Kevin Cronin
Mary Black @ Cleveland Museum of Art 3/11
Selling out Gaertner Auditorium as part of the Museum’s Viva! Festival of Performing Arts, Mary Black earned a standing O from an appreciative, older crowd. Highlighting her articulate and soulful voice, and showcasing some of the finest songwriters of our time (recently deceased Noel Brazil wrote her standout Columbus among others) Black works with top-notch Irish and British musicians to create emotional settings that reward close listening. Longtime accompanist Pat Crowley was a revelation on accordion and keys, while British percussionist Martin Ditcham gave a master class in tastefulness. At the forefront of a new genre of music difficult to describe, Black’s contemporaries include Lyle Lovett, k. d. lang and Emmylou Harris, artists more concerned with expressing the heart of a song than fitting into a category. Opener Danny O’Reilly offered a few of his tunes with just his guitar and his interesting voice; we later found out he was Black’s son. Stay tuned to this interesting international program at CMA: coming up this week is a hot line-up of Iranian superstars on Fri 3/18 for Masters of Persian Music: Shajarian, Alizadeh, Kalhor. Better get your tix early.
Contemporary Youth Orchestra @ Waetjen Auditorium 3/12
There are any number of reasons why devotees of orchestral/concert music should attend a performance by Clevelands own Contemporary Youth Orchestra. Under the spirited leadership of the founder and music director, Liza Grossman, these young people not only play the traditional orchestral music with intelligence and passion, they also rock the orchestra! Saturday night at CSUs Waetjen Auditorium, they celebrated their 10th anniversary season with a truly gala eventfive world premieres and a pair of works that showcased two of their own. Four of the five new pieces were written by CYO members, two of them now studying composition at the college level and two current musicians. It was awesome. There is no other word to adequately describe the entire experience…
Read the review from Cool Cleveland contributor Kelly Ferjutz here
David Byrne @ the Akron-Summit County Public Library 3/12
Kudos to the Akron Public Library and the Akron Art Museum for working together to bring David Byrne to Northeast Ohio. If you’re not familiar with David Byrne, he became famous in the ’80s as lead singer of the Talking Heads. After his stint with that group, he launched a solo career; but this tour isn’t about Byrne’s music, it’s about his compositions using PowerPoint, presentation software from Microsoft. PowerPoint presentations are standard fare for businesses and academia, and if I had my druthers, the first time you tried to use the program, you’d have to watch one of Byrne’s presentations…
Read the review by Cool Cleveland’s Information Officer here
Yr Turn
Cool Cleveland readers write
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On Legacy Village [See Legacy Village oversold? here] I was very interested to read that Legacy Village is not living up to its hype. A good friend of mine grew up directly across the street from the TRW land, and the huge stand of trees that was sacrificed for Legacy provided a surprising sense of tranquility, even in the middle of a very busy retail corridor. The first time I saw Legacy Village, I was shocked at the carelessness of the development. In addition to major traffic headaches and poorly-planned parking arrangements, it is such a shame that almost every single tree was cut down to make way for the world’s ugliest Cheesecake Factory and other tenants. The project seemed to suffer from a serious lack of creativity and care that, perhaps, could have made the development more successful.
from Cool Cleveland reader Jennifer Sullivan
Perhaps this is only my feeling, but Cool Cleveland has sounded very critical of Crocker Park/Legacy Village and other suburban developments around Cleveland. While these projects have been far from wonderful, they are some attempt to fix the sprawl and visual boredom of American suburban living. Although most CC readers are proponents of urban living (as well as myself), I think it’s important for CC (as well as city folk in general) to focus on the positive aspects of urban living, rather than deriding the suburbs. Alienating or insulting people in the suburbs isn’t going to help the cause of New Urbanism. We could make a parallelism to liberal politics, but I digress.
from Cool Cleveland reader T. R. Stratton
I am a fan of your newsletter and website but I would prefer you avoid putting your anti-corporate bias on almost every development issue. In this case as in many, the article you point to from the PD draws no clear conclusion as to whether the residents of Lyndhurst were misled on the potential income for the city. The reporter for the story (copied on this email) does not appear to have even researched the actual flier referenced. Without any hint of a real story behind the dollar dispute, however, Cool Cleveland confidently restates the first 2 paragraphs of the article — “Citizens for the Future of Lyndhurst claimed that rezoning the TRW Corporation land for the project would generate up to $2.5 million a year for the city. Instead, they are receiving $500K.” If there really is a case of fraud or poor leadership from Lyndhurst’s mayor then please, I am all for exposing it. But is it really too much to promote Cleveland, and educate and engage your readers in an honest and open discussion without the constant mistrust of everything corporate? For the record I have absolutely no ties to anyone associated withor any financial interests in Legacy Village.
from Cool Cleveland reader Glenn Harbold
On developer Robert Stark’s revelation [See Crocker Park developer has revelation here] His ideas all sound great…but let’s get real, will this really bring people downtown? If there isn’t free or reasonably priced and safe parking, I think most people will stay in the ‘burbs to shop.
from Cool Cleveland reader Mary C. Bowling
On Steelyard Commons [here] hey, let’s build a shopping center by a steel mill! Ever been down to the area the so called developer wants to put a shopping center in? It smells like a steel mill! Burning coal, fly ash, pollution. Not a very good location if you ask me. Let’s get this issue straight. With scrap metal prices at all time highs, thanks to China buying anything in sight, and with ISG sitting next to 3,300 tons of scrap metal, namely the abandoned west bank mill, they did the only sensible thing they could; they tore down the structures and blast furnace for the scrap iron. The land, who cares about the land, they gave it to some developer to keep the city off their back. The developer said he would not need any city money, now he needs the city to step in and help build a Walmart. Walmart doesn’t need anybody to help them build stores, they’ve built plenty of them by themselves. Most of the Walmarts I’ve seen have been stand-alone buildings. If Walmart wanted to build a store in Cleveland, they would have done it already. The reason they don’t may be the same reason that Sears moved out of the city. Isn’t Walmart the equivalent of 80 or 90 stores? What would you need 80 other spaces for? Chain restaurants are my only guess. Every big shopping center has a bunch of them. Big box centers are popping up all over the place, and Garfield is working on a big shopping area on a former landfill. That will be open before this project even breaks ground. A project this stupid smacks of something the city of Cleveland will throw money at.
from Cool Cleveland reader Malcom Ryder
On getting lost in Cleveland [See Pittsburgh Art Weekend by Linda Eisenstein here and Yr Turn letters here] Getting lost in Cleveland? For those who manage to get lost in Cleveland, let me bring some history to how inventive and bold the street addressing system in Cleveland is. At the beginning of the past century, the City renamed all of its streets to bring order to an otherwise chaotic and random naming of streets in the City. Named streets were renamed to numbered streets starting downtown at Ontario Rd and increasing outward east and west,( W 3rd St, W 9 St, W 25 St, etc), and the address numbers correspond to the street numbers. From the lake the address numbers increase as you drive south with the 2000 address at Lorain Ave on the west side and Euclid Ave on the east side. The general direction of the street determined what suffix would be attached to it: Streets run North & South directions, Avenues run West & East, Roads are diagonal thoroughfares, Courts are short or disconnected thoroughfares that run West & East, Places are short or disconnected thoroughfares that run North & South, and Drives are curved thoroughfares. Address numbering is determined by the side of the street; right side addresses are odd and left side addresses are even. This address system lets anyone know that if you are at 18500 Euclid Ave, you are 185 blocks East of Ontario Ave on the right side of the street. This address and street naming system was copied accross the county because of its simplicity and logic. Clevelanders should be proud of that history, and be glad the random was removed because most cities are not as uniform and a nightmare to navigate for emergency services as well as a pizza delivery!
from Cool Cleveland reader Edward Cardenas
On Cleveland ranking low [See City ranks low on walking, biking, parks here] These people obviously don’t view the metropolitan area and their figures stop at the city limits of Cleveland. The absence of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Metroparks and the beaches and lakefronts of Lake Erie must have been omitted.
from Cool Cleveland reader Dennis Jennings
On the proposed $5 parking fee for State Parks I applaud State Senator Brady for his stand against the charging of parking fees at State Parks. He is absolutely right that the Lakefront Parks function as urban parks. They are not an isolated, rural location where folks go to camp or stay at a lodge for the weekend. One of the unintended consequences of charging parking fees may be the neighborhood on-street parking problems it causes adjacent to the Lakefront Parks, particularly south and west of Edgewater Park. Perhaps it is time for the City of Cleveland to terminate its long-term lease with the State of Ohio for park management and execute a new agreement with Cleveland Metroparks. With Metroparks, we know the parks would be well maintained and no one will need to pay to park.
from Cool Cleveland reader Richard Sicha
On being #1 [See What is America #1 in? here] Very good edition. CC is getting better, providing excellent food for thought. Congrats on the graf about the USA not being No. 1 in everything. We beat our chests, wave the flag, claim “God is on our side,” we strut around the world with a “my way or the highway attitude.” Do you know that in Europe, people have stuck American flags in their dogs’ fecal matter? This country is right now engaging in a very serious and ominous exercise in self-delusion. The Chinese and Indians are preparing to eat our lunch economically, we have NO energy policy, and the dollar may be abandoned as the world’s currency reserve (the real reason, incidentally, that we removed Saddam Hussein, who wanted the Euro to be used as the world’s oil currency). IF that happens, there will be incredible economic stress; we won’t be able to finance our huge deficits anymore, for one thing. Keep up the good work !!
from Cool Cleveland reader John Lusk
On Roldo [See Fake Authority, Fake Meetings, Faked Out Public here] I always read your interesting e-mails and what you are trying to do on the local scene and I have always respected Roldo. I think people like him are the conscious of the community but I also believe people like him are the reason that we are in some of the doldrums we are experiencing in this town. Yes, I know the economy, post 9/11 and other factors have contributed to our current sad state, but to continue to beat a dead horse about opposition to casinos, Convention centers does nothing for us. We continue to debate things instead of pulling the trigger and just finding a way to do it. And it’s sad, because my 19 year-old college freshman daughter will probably have to move away to find work, because she won’t be able to find a decent job in a city that won’t have much to offer without a drastic change in leadership and ‘the vision thing.’ Take Care.
from Cool Cleveland reader Adrian Maldonado, Councilman, Berea
On Cool Cleveland Go Thomas Go. You help us bust out of our boxes…and cast away our blinders. Cleveland is Cool…and every visitor I host from California to D.C. agrees.
from Cool Cleveland reader Susan Gavazzi
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Top 5
Cool Cleveland uses Opticast tools to track which articles were clicked the most. Here are the Top 5 from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) Cool Cleveland Red Night Out We’re doing it again, fueling Cleveland with fiercely fun entertainment, networking, spirits and energy, with Cleveland’s hottest new classical ensemble, Red {an orchestra} on Sat 4/2 starting at 5:30PM. Featured musical guest that night only is Ethel, from NYC. Register online before midnight Thu 3/17 for your lowest price: Newsletter/Party
2) Crocker Park developer has revelation In an ambitious plan to save downtown Cleveland, Robert Stark, developer of the suburban Crocker Park and Eton Collection retail behemoths, is talking about building a massive project of stores, offices and dwellings that would spread out from Public Square and Tower City in Downtown Cleveland.
3) RoldoLINK Fake Authority, Fake Meetings, Faked Out Public‘ Ive been attending meetings of the Convention Facilities Authority; its an easy way to waste your time. Thats because the Authority, under Bill Reidy, does nothing of any significance at its Show Meetings. Roldolink Fake Authority And Fake Meetings
4) Legacy Village oversold? Over a year has passed since the opening of Legacy Village, and Lyndhurst is far from seeing the financial results it anticipated.
5) Bruce Blog On a regular basis the Cleveland-based Hotel Bruce, and its weekly update, BruceBlog, continues to impress with smart news coverage and commentary on issues that really matter to the region.
Hard Corps raise your CC awareness Every week we have a group of devoted followers who make Cool Cleveland a priority; thanks to our content supporters and developers who generate the Cool Cleveland experience weekly: Tisha Nemeth-Loomis, Deb Remington, Kevin Cronin, TL Champion, Bill Nagode, Greg Cielec, Rachel Jacobs, Kelly Ferjutz, Ivan Jackson, George Nemeth and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to:
What do you treasure most about Cleveland?
–Thomas Mulready
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