Sat 6/30 @ 7PM
Exactly a year has passed since the Dancing Wheels Company & School had to leave its home of two decades, the Masonic Performing Arts Center. The daunting journey to find America’s first and foremost physically integrated dance company for people with and without disabilities a new home has finally come to a conclusion.
Dancing Wheels Company has scheduled a combined open house and fundraiser Sat 6/30 @ 7PM at its new home, 3030 Euclid Avenue.
CoolCleveland talked to Dancing Wheels Company & School president/founding artistic director Mary Verdi-Fletcher about a door closing while another opened.
CoolCleveland: Considering everything the Dancing Wheels Company went through over the last year, how difficult was it?
Mary Verdi-Fletcher: It was a whirlwind, quite a challenge, but also a year of change to the organization. We met a lot of new people that have joined in to help us and support us. We established new relationships that will be really longstanding relationships. We really tackled this effort and came through on the other end quite successfully.
CC: Tell us about your new location.
MVF: We’re at 3030 Euclid Avenue. It’s the Najm Real Estate building, which is right down the street from the Masonic. The space is on the ground floor and it has beautiful big windows overlooking Euclid Avenue. It’s right on a bus line, so it’s accessible and really a more visible space for us. We’re hoping that will generate greater interest. We just open our doors to those who want to participate no matter what, regardless of age or economic challenges. We welcome everyone.
CC: Even though Dancing Wheels Company had no intention to relocate, are there any positives regarding the move?
MVF: Yes, size wise, it’s about 6,500 square feet. So we have offices, one large rehearsal space, a second smaller space, a conference room, a kitchen and a sitting, reception area. And I have a huge office, which I’ve never had before. My office actually was a closet in the old space. We have everything built out and redone, so it’s all new and fresh ceilings.
CC: Last year when we talked there a sense of uncertainty about the future. If you could go back 12 months, what advice would you give yourself?
MVF: I would have said change is good, change is positive and this is just a new chapter in our life, in our existence as an organization. We have so much to look forward to. One of the things I’ve been using as kind of my mantra, I never look back. I always look in the direction we’re going, which is forward. And this seems to be a very positive, forward-thinking move for us.
CC: Now you’re looking forward to the open house and fundraiser.
MVF: Right. It’s going to be a wonderful event. Because we rebranded ourselves as the World Center for Integrated Dance and Arts Access. We’re doing foods from around the world with each room having a different continent in it. We have an open bar and our donated desserts from around the world. The silent auction has a heavy theme of items from around the world. We have band Kyle Primous and his K Street Band, which will be fun. One of the studios is converted into a Monte Carlo room for gaming. And we have a wine pull with 65 or 70 bottles as one of our fundraisers. In the big studio we’re going to have a dance procession, the company will do a performance and then everybody can party the night away with the band.
CC: Looking back at this journey, what do you learn about Dancing Wheels Company?
MVF: It made me feel that this organization is so truly appreciated. Time and time again, we heard from people that said that Dancing Wheels is considered a jewel.