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Some people experience the world before writing their first novel. For Solon native Mike Bruckman, living life led to the opening of his first gallery in Aurora. However, the MozArt Gallery is probably unlike any other art space you’ve ever experienced.
Sure the venue boasts plenty of visual creativity — ranging from canvas and photography to metal and glass — but there’s also a large flat screen and brand-new Baby Grand piano in the 1,500-square-foot space… Read more from John Benson here
Working on your online advertising budgets? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: The Theory of Color You’re invited to the opening reception for Andrij Maday: Paintings, Drawings, Woodcuts & Icons- a sampling on Fri 4/1 from 6:30-8:30PM on the campus of Virginia Marti College of Art and Design, 11724 Detroit in Lakewood. Maday is VMCAD’s resident color theory and art fundamentals teacher, and his work includes an elaborate array of drawings, woodcuts and paintings. VMCAD.edu

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Kick off the 32nd annual Tri-C JazzFest Mardi Gras-style on Thu 4/28 with a parade at Tower City led by the spirited Shaw High School Mighty Cardinal marching band. Then catch Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue playing their signature “Supafunkrock” sound at the House of Blues. Check out this year’s lineup at TriCPresents.com.

This is the story I had hoped I’d never have to write but somehow, in the back of my mind, knew I would one day need to.
I had interviewed the Cleveland Indians’ logo known as Chief Wahoo back in January and had found – instead of the air-headed huckster I had expected – a somewhat complex, philosophical pitchman whose at times brooding ruminations were in stark contrast to his perpetually over-toothed grin… [Photo: Sanford Kearns] Read more from Larry Durstin here
SPONSORED: Do you love your job? Does your salary reflect your contributions and results? Or, is it time to pursue something new and rewarding? Let CoolCleveland CareerTOOLBOX columnist Alex Sukhoy of Creative Cadence help advance your career today. “My resume got an impressive make-over that, just two weeks later, is getting solid bites.” Get 10% off at CreativeCadence.com

VIDEO: New Music For Now People
CIM’s New Music Ensemble Rocks MOCA
The shock of the new soon wears off, and music that once upset the culture becomes the next “classic.” But to the young composers studying under Keith Fitch, head of composition at the Cleveland Institute of Music, who slip their fresh scores under indie films, theatre projects and video games, the new world of technology offers them almost unlimited opportunity.
Join CIM’s New Music Ensemble on Sun 4/3 at 4PM at the incomparable Mixon Hall, or Wed 4/6 at 7PM at MOCA featuring violinist Lina Bahn for the latest installment of their New Music Series. And hear the tunes you’ll be humming in a couple years. Learn more and watch the video here.
SPONSORED: Is the Green Economy our future? Kent State University at Stark’s Featured Speakers Series Presents: Jerome Ringo: The Green Economy and a Clean Energy Future on Thu 4/14 at 7:30PM. This event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required, and available now. For more information visit: Stark.Kent.edu.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events
SPONSORED: The Final Four! Voting for March Book Madness at CPL.org continues through tomorrow, Thu 4/1. Which of the Final Four will become the Champion Novel? Championship Round runs from April 2-4. Vote now and check back daily for real time stats. You could win a Nook! CPL.org

What’s it like to hold an artifact in your hand that is over 2000 years old? It’s actually pretty cool, and Dr. Brian Redmond, the curator of Archeology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, gets to do it every day. He speaks at the Curator’s Forum on Wed 4/6 about the Ancient Woodland Earthworks in NEO, where they found 2K year old artifacts from the Hopewell culture in Southern Ohio.
Check his blog for discoveries of stones engraved with feather designs, and a vessel with a unique cording pattern. Then consider signing up for Archeology In Action, where you can go on an archeological dig for 1-5 weeks this summer. Watch the exclusive Cool Cleveland video here.

WED 3/30
From Women IV @ Lakeland View art created by women, for women @ Lakeland CC. Go soon! Exhibit ends on Fri 4/1 so why not go on Wed 3/30? See work from 18 female artists, including Arabella Proffer [work pictured].
Click here for more events on Wed 3/30
SPONSORED: The Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra LIVE! WCLV 104.9 has a CIM Live broadcast Wed 3/30 from Kulas Hall with the CIM Orchestra conducted by the Assistant Conductor of The Cleveland Orchestra, Sasha Makila. John Lee is the soloist in John Corigliano’s Concerto for Piano and Orchestra. Also, Shostakovich’s Festive Overture and the Brahms Symphony No. 2. WCLV is online at WCLV.com.

THU 3/31
Ingenuity’s Cocktail Party Redux Rethink the cocktail party. Instead of making small talk over drinks, brainstorm big ideas and explore the history & chemical composition of what yr sippin’ on. Thu 3/31 @ Light Bistro. Also discuss IngenuityFest 2011.
Click here for more events on Thu 3/31

FRI 4/1
Cleveland Stories: the exhibition Last month, the CUDC held an event where ppl shared real & fabricated stories of Cle. Those storytellers were paired w/ artists to bring their tales to life by making shoebox dioramas. The coolest dioramas will be on display starting on Fri 4/1 @ CIA.
Click here for more events on Fri 4/1

SAT 4/2
Cleveland Sketch Crawl Explore the city w/ pencils & a sketchbook. The Cle Sketch Crawl meets every month at different locales around town. On Sat 4/2 they’ll meet up @ Tremont’s gorgeous St. Theodosious cathedral. All skill levels welcome. [Pic by Elisa Vietri.]
Click here for more events on Sat 4/2

SUN 4/3
Jazz in the Valley Hear jazz in a scenic setting: Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The Peninsula Jazz Fest returns on Sun 4/3 featuring the best New Orleans-style jazz musicians in the region. Music starts at 2PM.
Click here for more events on Sun 4/3

MON 4/4
Family Style Thai Dinner @ Fire Guest Chef Chinnawatt Scott wants to cook you an immense amount of Thai food on Mon 4/4. Dinner includes Thai spring rolls, bamboo shoots w/ mild tofu curry, pad thai, coconut soup, black sweet rice w/ mango & so much more.
Click here for more events on Mon 4/4

TUE 4/5
Making Yr Biz Energy Efficient Haven’t joined the green revolution yet? Get your biz up to speed: Learn ways to conserve energy & become sustainable at COSE Energy Efficiency forum on Tue 4/5 at 8:30AM.
Click here for more events on Tue 4/5

WED 4/6
Harmonic Hues: CIM @ MOCA CIM’s New Music Ensemble is performing its final MOCA concert of the season on Wed 4/6. So you’d better be there. To be performed: Credo in US, Folk Songs, & Mean Fiddle Summer.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/6
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

VIDEOTOUR: Tour the Tyler Building
Visit the Ups and Downs of Cleveland’s New Urban Village
In its heyday, the many buildings of Tyler Village housed the W. S. Tyler Company which was a world-renowned maker of elevators. As the company grew, it moved out of its city home to the suburbs and became the namesake of Tyler Boulevard in Mentor, Ohio.
Inspect the modern interior spaces of current tenants like Digiknow, APG (Herman Miller), Cuyahoga County’s Solutions At Work and SparkBase.
Watch the video tour with Cool Cleveland correspondent Carol Drummond here.

The late Rabbi Daniel Jeremy Silver, who was the spiritual leader of The Temple, gave a sermon in the mid 1980s that should be well remembered by Clevelanders, especially as the city examines why its population has declined so severely over the years.
It may offer some insight into how Cleveland deteriorated and why. I believe it dissected Cleveland’s downfall and the reasons why the city decayed over the years… Read more from Roldo Bartimole here
Read other pieces by Roldo Bartimole here

“Three songs? That’s IT!?” you cry. Don’t worry; Stoned by Magic is there for you. Their self-titled EP came out last fall — their first structured release, as the previous three have all been improv. It’s short, but the EP encompasses what they are setting out to do for music.
Three songs wrapped in swaddling lo-fi production breathe the efforts of the three Clevelanders Michele McBride, Robert O’Lexa and Scott Pickering. They’re bringing it directly to you at an 8:30PM show on Fri 4/1 at the Beachland Tavern… Read more from Laurie Wanninger here

Defense lawyers for the four officers accused of beating Edward Henderson — a mentally ill man — on New Year’s Day have a duty to zealously defend their clients; their code of ethical conduct demands no less.
Therefore it was of little surprise when one of them tried to use the “dog ate my homework” excuse… Read more from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
REVIEW: Present Laughter misses the mark I completely disagree. I thought the cast, set and costumes were ALL wonderful. The 2012 MFA class is remarkably talented…
Read the comment from Janet here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

1) Sweet Moses soda fountain & treat shop Opens in Gordon Square
2) VIDEO & REVIEW: Mekong River – Taking a Journey One Dish at a Time
3) ROLDO: Oppose Republican-Leaning Pee Dee
4) VIDEO: Urban Tour of Cleveland’s Arcades
5) MANSFIELD: Kicking a Man While He’s Down: Part One

Your tour guides: John Benson, Roy Berko, Carol Drummond, Mansfield Frazier, Sarah Valek and Laurie Wanninger. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Time to Get Out, Cleveland,
–Thomas Mulready

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