
Don’t you love how everyone comes home to Cleveland around this time of year? Point them to the Cool Cleveland mobile app and take them out on the town. They probably won’t believe their eyes, ears and taste buds.
Give thanks, pay it forward and help someone with our CareerTOOLBOX. Richey Piiparinen offers commentary on the rise of Cleveland’s young, and Mansfield offers the same on our justice system, while Joe Baur asks us all to have a seat on the bus.
The Cats are at the Spider, Dominick’s popping up at Mahall’s, and they’re celebrating the Beaujolais Nouveau at Pura Vida. It’s Crafty Mart in Akron, Annabel at The Kent Stage, and the Polka Hall of Fame in Euclid. They’re trotting with the turkeys and strolling on Larchmere. Aquilon’s coming back. Um, just for a night.
Just for fun, we shot 5 interviews in 5 hours at 5 different events with 5 cool Clevelanders last Fri. We may do it again this week. In the meantime, catch our interviews with County Exec Ed FitzGerald and other culture mavens.
We’ve got a busy week ahead: Don’t stick a fork in it just yet. –Thomas Mulready
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It’s true. I am not happy all the time living in Cleveland. But I don’t want to be happy all the time. That’s unnatural. Said Nietzsche:
“Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been…”
Read more from Richey Piiparinen
Working on your online advertising budgets? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Warm up for Cleveland’s Winterfest at Cleveland Public Library on Sat 11/24. Get up close to live reindeer, explore interactive model trains, and listen to the live music while enjoying free cookies and cider. The excitement runs from 10AM – 5PM, just in time to crossover to Public Square for the annual tree lighting. CPL.org

Stop the madness already. Really, chain stores paying minimum wage are now opening on Thanksgiving Day? Say “no thanks” to profit over people and support businesses that care about our community. Hell, they are our community.
From craft fairs to farmers’ markets, clothing boutiques to bookstores, this city is filled with good places to shop… places that make Cle unique. So, go out and support your local entrepreneur this year.
Our Shop:LOCAL Guide will point you to the best places to spend a buck and, when you shop locally, that money stays invested in your community.
What did we leave out? Drop us a line at Events@CoolCleveland.com.
SPONSORED: Happy Holiday at The Kent Stage The stars are shining bright, live at The Kent Stage: Tim O’Brien & Todd Bruge on Fri 11/30; Jingle Jam on Thu 12/6 & Fri 12/7; Jessica Lea & David Mayfield on Fri 12/14; Over The Rhine & Ben Sollee on Sat 12/15; An Evening with Bruce Hornsby on Sun 12/16 & Red Wanting Blue on Mon 12/31. Details at TheKentStage.com.

Click here for more News and Biz

This week officially kicks off the Holiday Season. Regardless of our faith, Thanksgiving commences the time be grateful for what we have, including the good people in our lives.
The six weeks that follow, while often a stressful and harried time for many, also offer tremendous opportunity to reflect on the past year and show our gratitude via kindness towards others…
Read more from Alex Sukhoy here

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

WED 11/21
COH’s Thanksgiving Eve Bash Every year Cats on Holiday — that swingy swamp pop band — throws one helluva Thanksgiving Eve party. Go dance… but go early to catch Max Sollisch at 8pm.
Click here for more events on Wed 11/21
SPONSORED: Tomorrow, Thu 11/22, is Thanksgiving, and WCLV 104.9 FM presents its annual Cleveland Orchestra Marathon with reprises of Severance Hall concerts from 12:00 AM to Midnight. No turkeys here. There’s a schedule on the WCLV website at http://www.WCLV.com.

THU 11/22
Cleveland Turkey Trot returns to add a lil’ health & wellness to your Thanksgiving. Sign up for the 1-mile fun walk &/or the 5-mile chip-time run. Start the holiday right.
Click here for more events on Thu 11/22

FRI 11/23
Larchmere Holiday Stroll Leave mall madness behind & shop the merchants on Larchmere. Meet local authors, check out sales & buy cool crafts @ Bazaar Bizarre’s east side show.
Click here for more events on Fri 11/23

SAT 11/24
Post-Turkey Swing Dance Take a trip back in time w/ the Syncopated Sin Swing Jazz Band. Dancing, music & Jitterbug lessons all evening long.
Click here for more events on Sat 11/24

SUN 11/25
Puppet Show Cabaret Matinee Local & int’l collectives perform original puppet shows with dinosaurs, folk tales & Kafka @ Negative Space Gallery, while a house band plays Loretta Lynne covers. Expect the experimental.
Click here for more events on Sun 11/25

MON 11/26
Hurricane Sandy Benefit Concerts w/ Dominick Farinacci will be held @ Nighttown Sun 11/25 & Mon 11/26. Bring gifts to donate to Toys For Tots, all of which will be transported to Staten Island & other effected areas. Plus, all proceeds go to the kids, too.
Click here for more events on Mon 11/26

TUE 11/27
Vegan Pizza & a Movie Munch on vegan pizza while watching the touching, insightful & award-winning documentary The Witness — the tale of one man’s journey to become a voice for the voiceless.
Click here for more events on Tue 11/27

WED 11/28
Green Cleaning Workshop Spare the waterways with your harsh household cleaners & their toxic chemicals. There’s a better way to clean. Make your own green cleaners at this educational workshop.
Click here for more events on Wed 11/28
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Don’t sound the panic alarm. It’s just RTA.
You will not be spat on. You will not be screamed at. You will not be on the receiving end of a Mortal Kombat-esque “Finish Him” uppercut…
Read more from Joe Baur here

“We’re gonna give you a fair trial, followed by a first-class hanging.”
This somewhat famous line from the 1985 oater Silverado demonstrates that cowboys tried to maintain at least a facade of fairness as they dispensed their rough brand of injustice…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

Time to celebrate! It’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and show your affection by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak.
Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
From Coventry to Canton, Ohio City to Oberlin, Youngstown to Waterloo, PlayhouseSquare to Highland Square, from the Lake Erie Islands to Lake & Ashtabula counties… if there’s cool stuff happening, it’ll be on your mobile device.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.
And we love giving money away! “Please donate to a worthy charity, Thanks!!” We appreciate our readers downloading our mobile app and sharing the cool stuff with their friends. That’s why we’re sending a check for $20 to a worthy area non-profit in the name of Ms. Eagon. We’re giving away 20 bucks a week, and you could be next!
It’s really quite easy. Just download the FREE Cool Cleveland app for iPhone or Android and start finding cool stuff to do. You can even forward the coolest stuff to your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.
Do you love the Cool Cleveland app? Maybe you’ll get your chance next week.

Guess who won’t be paying an extra penny of the school 15 mill tax Cleveland voters approved on Nov. 6?
You are right. The same guys who haven’t been paying the school taxes for years now…
Read this story from Roldo Bartimole here
Read other recent pieces by Roldo Bartimole here

VIDEOS, previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
VIDEO: County Exec Ed FitzGerald on Arts & Culture
VIDEO: Karen Gahl-Mills & Sari Feldman at CPAC Roundtable
VIDEO: Cindy Einhouse of Beck Center at CPAC Roundtable
VIDEO #1 of 5: Hildur Jonsson at William Busta Gallery
VIDEO #2 of 5: Jeff Williams at SPACES
VIDEO #3 of 5: Kendall Embrescia of 87.7 Cleveland’s Sound
VIDEO #4 of 5: Alex Tapie of Survival Kit Gallery
VIDEO #5 of 5: Thomas Fox of Bad Racket
VIDEO: Chris Coburn of Cleveland Clinic Innovations: “Cleveland leads the country.”
VIDEO: Liz Maugans of Zygote Press: “We were humbled”
VIDEO: Santina Protopapa of Progressive Arts Alliance: “I’m honored”
REVIEW: A Look Behind the Scenes @ Inlet’s Marvelous Evening of Dance by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
ROLDO: Big Tax Dodgers Who Won’t Pay Jackson’s School Levy REVEALED Do they own the property? I thought they leased it from the city. If they own it, what did they pay for it and what taxes, if any, did they pay at the time?…
Read the comment from Raymond Kovach here
Roldo, do you take requests?…
Read the comment from MitchVigil here
Another School is Possible Very interested in having a Waldorf school close by, for my grandson…
Read the comment from Sura here
We’re delighted to share information with the community about the opening of the new Waldorf inspired school. Please contact us at heightswaldorf@gmail.com…
Read the comment from Miriam Schuman here
ROLDO: How Badly Has the Ohio Republican Party Damaged Itself Good, Roldo, but why give Kasich a pass on the voter suppression issue? Sure, Husted has been aggressive in his Jim Crow style efforts to squash democracy, but he was only carrying out the mandate that Kasich signed into law….
Read the comment from Dick Peery here
I find it interesting that you equate the worker vote to contributing to President Obama’s re-election. If you recall, when the unions were starting to fight back in Wisconsin and Ohio, President Obama’s Administration largely remained silent…
Read the comment from Benjamin Gregg here
Roldo quit pointing out what the Repubs are doing wrong. They might be listening and correct themselves on the surface. Lets just get rid of the bastards…
Read the comment from Cindy Meyers here
I sense that many of these downstate dirtbag gop horder are now taking their tail whipped clod kicker arses over the bridge to KY, where that garrulous gluten bag Mitch McConnel roosts having had the jowls of former Ohio politician surgically implanted on his mealy mouth…
Read the comment from snarky here
I agree that the steep Kasich tax increases across the state as communities are forced to pass levies to replace money the state has stolen from them will be a big issue for the governor. But there’s another huge landmine you don’t mention: women’s reproductive freedom and the Ohio GOP’s naked contempt for women….
Read the comment from Anastasia P here
A Changed America Roars for Obama Larry Durstin ranks among the best political commentators in the Buckeye State…
Read the comment from David Eden here
What change? Two states (Indiana and North Carolina) changed from 2008. This despite $300,000,000 of Obama ads claiming Romney eats babies for breakfast…
Read the comment from IndyCA35 here
MANSFIELD: Moving Forward This is your dumbest column. If the blacks are 38% of the drivers and get 58% of the citations, maybe that’s because they commit 58% of the violations. You can’t get a citation without violating the law. Duh!…
Read the comment from IndyCA35 here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Petition To Save Cleveland’s Tower City
3) VIDEO: Monkees Pre-Party Preview
4) ROLDO: How Badly Has the Ohio Republican Party Damaged Itself
5) Grow A Pair, Cleveland

We’re thankful for our writers: Roldo Bartimole, Joe Baur, Roy Berko, Martin Bielat, Mansfield Frazier, Richey Piiparinen, Alex Sukhoy and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
–Thomas Mulready

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