Ex-Cleveland Poet Danny Caine Returns to Share His New Book at Tremont’s Visible Voice Books

Wed 4/10 @ 7PM

Cleveland native Danny Caine moved on to get an MFA in poetry from the University of Kansas in 2017. and, as many students do, liked his new hometown so well he settled there. He now owns the independent Raven Book Store in Lawrence, Kansas, a three-decade institution in that town, which he purchased immediately after getting his degree. There could hardly be a better day job for a poet.

Meanwhile, he continues to write, and has just published Continental Breakfast, in which he looks at how commercialism, mass marketing and celebrity have changed our lives, the things we do, the things we believe and how we see ourselves.

He’ll be speaking and reading at Visible Voice Books in Tremont where Ohio poet laureate Dave Lucas will kick off the evening. It’s free and open to all.


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