
Democracy can be tense. Especially around election time. This cycle, we have the forces of the failed status quo pushing the disingenuous Issue 5, and regardless of how you feel about casinos, Issue 3 is not a good deal for citizens or economic development. Either way, please vote on Tue 11/3 and feel free to use our Endorsements if you wish. We’re excited about MOCA’s new show, tension and all, and we’ve always loved Mike Miller of Wilbert’s for his impeccable ear for music. We’ve got a roundup of the big Halloween spookfests, plus a slew of edgier alternatives. Mansfield is on his high horse, and Roldo is, too. We’re pleased to be kicking off a new PBS TV show on regional economic development. You can win cash by clicking on our Sponsored links & videos. Or, just sit on this bench at Holden Arboretum. Now, what were we so tense about, anyway? –Thomas Mulready

Political and Religious Tensions at MOCA

But wait! Looking closer, putting your head against the wall next to the panels, viewing them from this angle, you can see that the panels are flat! What you perceive is so much more than what is really there…
Read the review of current exhibitions at MOCA by Carol Drummond here

For the upcoming Tue 11/3 election, Cool Cleveland’s endorsements on the major issue and candidates. Read more here after previewing our endorsements below. Regardless of your affiliation or leanings, we encourage you to VOTE!

Now you can win $250 just for clicking on the SPONSORED: links and Sponsored Videos in this week’s issue of CoolCleveland.com below. Click as many times as you want. The more different links you click, the better your chances of winning. Ask Kristin, who says she never won anything in her life.
Now get busy clicking below, and best of luck! Click to WIN
SPONSORED: Tix are going fast for Holiday concerts at Severance Hall Share the tradition of The Cleveland Orchestra’s Christmas Concerts and experience carols, sing-alongs and festive cheer. PLUS, if you and the family have a hankering to experience Handel’s Messiah, the Burning River Brass, or An Irish Christmas with Eileen Ivers, you’re in luck: tickets start at just $26. Take your pick of good seats from December 10 thru 21 by calling 216-231-1111 or by visiting ClevelandOrchestra.com. Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz of Bedford. Enjoy the season!

To ensure you receive Cool Cleveland every week, take a moment now and add CoolCleveland@CoolCleveland.com to your address book, trusted sender list, or corporate white list. Learn More.

HELP NYT applauds our approach to homelessness Likes how our city gov coordinates services w/ homeless advocates. Read
HELP Speaking of homelessness, shelters are in desperate need of blankets! Drop off new or used blankets to 2100 Lakeside Ave. Or do a blanket drive and they’ll pick ’em up. Call 216-432-0540 ext 103 for info. Click
Yet another silly city ranking This time, The Daily Beast lists America’s Smartest Cities. We tied for 31st. Who Comes Up w/ These Things?!
So we don’t have a sample of Amelia Earhart’s hair after all “Hair” sample held at the Intl. Women’s Air & Space Museum turns out be thread. Read

The Collinwood Observer is the newest community newspaper on the block Say hello and check it out at http://CollinwoodObserver.com
Wanna (actively) create a culture of peace? Take a 20-hour workshop in nonviolence training for personal and social change on Sat 11/14 through Mon 11/16. Call Doug at 216-651-6250. Must register by Fri 10/30. Scholarships available. http://CreatingACultureOfPeace.org
HELP Stop the Hate: Youth Speak Out! is an essay contest for students in grades 6 – 12. Write about ways to stop discrimination and you could win big. Details at http://StopTheHate.maltzmuseum.org
Lakewood’s Spooky Pooch parade makes it to CNN.com Was your mutt there? View
Are you ready for 30 days and nights of literary abandon (aka NaNoWriMo)? November is the month to write your novel and Cuy County Public Library branches are hosting write-ins to get you going. Write On
SPONSORED: Spooky or Savvy? Whether you’re up for Halloween fun or Eco-boosting inspiration, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Nature League has something for everybody. This Sat 10/31, groove to food, drinks, desserts and “Abby Normal” at CMNH’s 13th Annual Halloween Party. Then on Fri 11/6, be swept away with a dazzling 3-hour film program, Patagonia’s Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival. make a statement and do both. See you there? CMNH.org

Christopher Buckley in Cleveland

Watch the video interview with CCPL’s Sari Feldman as she describes the upcoming visit by Christopher Buckley where he will no doubt discuss how his own book, Thank Your For Smoking, was turned into a hit film. On Tue 11/3 at the Ohio Theatre, where you can hear Buckley read and ask him questions. CuyahogaLibrary.org.

Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: A Night at the Library, a party you won’t want to miss! Interact with some of your favorite authors and book characters from classic literature. Don’t skip out on this great chance to eat, drink and enjoy live music. To order your tickets or learn more information, visit A Night at the Library at http://www.CPL.org or call 216-623-2821.

HOT Trick or Treat on South High Street The Akron Art Museum is all decked out for a Halloween bash on Thu 10/29. Bring your kids to collect goodies on a special museum scavenger hunt, make crafts and enroll in an art-inspired costume contest. Categories are “Do the Robot” inspired by Nam June Palik’s High Tech Child, a space traveler category inspired by Peter Dean’s Black Astronaut and “Down on the Farm” from William Sommer’s Bordner Mural. 6:30 – 8:30PM. No charge for members. 1 S. High St., Akron. AkronArtMuseum.org
The Trusty Trombone is the first installment of Cle Orchestra’s Musical Rainbow Series. These 30-minute classes introduce 3- to 6-year-olds to instruments of the orchestra, one at a time. Meet the trombone on Fri 10/30 at 10AM and Sat 10/31 at 10AM and 11AM. Clap and sing along to family-friendly tunes played by trombonist Allen Kofsky. Come in costume if you’d like! Reinberger Hall @ Severance, 11001 Euclid Ave. Tickets

Fall Family Fun Day @ MOCA Bring your kiddie crew over to MOCA for a day of hands-on art appreciation on Sun 11/1. There will be art activities and projects, plus delicious treats to enjoy. No charge. Show up anywhere between 1 – 4PM. 8501 Carnegie Ave. http://MOCACleveland.org
Bowl For Kids’ Sake and to support the Jewish Big Brother Big Sister Association on Sun 11/1. Join other families for a day of comp food, prizes, T-shirts, entertainment and, yes, bowling! All funds raised go directly toward matching children with carefully-screened Big Brothers and Big Sisters. 9AM. Freeway Lanes, 33185 Bainbridge Rd., Solon. Register
SPONSORED: Ball of Confusion in Solon and Brooklyn The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum’s award-winning Ball of Confusion: Rock Music and Social Change will rock Cuyahoga County Public Library’s Solon and Brooklyn branches on Wed 11/4 at 7PM. Check out this interactive, multimedia class and get your rock and roll Ph.D. For information, visit CuyahogaLibrary.org.

Keep On Rockin’ Me
Mike Miller Loves Bringing Hot Music to Wilbert’s

Mike Miller, the owner of the establishment, sits at the long bar and talks to the bartenders. One is an old friend; the other is his brother-in-law. Everything’s going well tonight, except maybe for the fact that…
Read the profile on Wilbert’s’ Mike Miller by Diane DePiero here
SPONSORED: Great School! Great Price! That’s how U.S. News & World Report describes Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea. B-W consistently is ranked among the Best Colleges and Best Values in the Midwest. See for yourself. Come to the Baldwin-Wallace College Fall visit Day Saturday morning, Sat 11/14 and learn about exceptional academic programs and student life, great financial aid and more! Lunch is on us. Reserve you place online at http://www.bw.edu/events.

A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

More bad news for newspapers Akron Beacon Journal proposes 17% wage cut for employees. Yikes
Local tech site forays into live theater, politics and intersections of tech and culture Have you checked ’em out yet? http://www.Geniocity.com
Local production co. Jack of Trades adopts generous business model Opens Jack of Hearts program, where percentage of customer cash goes into an account. When acct reaches goal, a performance is put on for at-risk youth. Pictured: Aaron Bonk of Jack of Trades as The Man of Steel. More
SPONSORED: AirTran Airways is on sale at Akron-Canton Airport! Hurry sale ends November 10! http://www.AirTran.com.

Cuy Affordable Housing Alliance monthly mtg at HUD office on Mon 11/2 from 1:30 – 3PM. Affordable housing threats and programs. Call 216-432-0540 for details. http://NEOCH.org
Social Media ROI: Being Seen is Not Enough at City Club on Thu 11/12 at 7:30AM, moderated by Tech Czar Michael DeAloia, featuring George Nemeth of BrewedFreshDaily.com [pictured], Jason Therrien of thunder::tech & John Heany of Orange Envelopesand Dominic Litten of Fathom SEO. No charge. Email melissa.chambersATbusinesswire.com to RSVP . Info
Women of Color Foundation Training & Leadership Develop. Institute and Awards luncheon at One Cle Cntr Bldg on Thu 11/12 from 8AM – 4:30PM. http://WomenOfColorFoundation.com
SPONSORED: While other cities are treading water to stay afloat, Mayor Frank G. Jackson has balanced the books, increased services and created a realistic vision for sustainability. He needs your vote this Tuesday, November 3, to continue his work. More at http://www.MayorFrankJackson.com. (Paid for by Frank G. Jackson for a Better Cleveland, Scott C. Finerman, Treasurer, 3029 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44115)

Andrew Light and the Ethics of Climate Change

Watch the interview with Cool Cleveland’s Thomas Mulready as they touch on the importance of Cleveland’s water and how our two senators will be critical in the upcoming votes on renewing the Kyoto Protocols, and why he calls this “the most important moment in the history of the planet.” Seriously. http://artsci.case.edu/bakernord/
SPONSORED: Not your grandma’s classical music. Violinist Jennifer Koh is the sort of player who “grabs the listener by the ears and refuses to let go” (The Strad). On Thu 10/29, Oberlin College’s Artist Recital Series presents her concert featuring Bach’s dazzling partitas alongside a premiere for violin and video. Watch a sample at http://www.Oberlin.edu/artsguide.

Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Yellowman @ Karamu House is an edgy and provocative play exploring the ugly realities of intra-racism in the Black community. Alma and Eugene are childhood friends turned lovers. But while Alma struggles with her mother’s poverty and alcoholism, Eugene must contend with the legacy of being “yellow”–having a lighter skin tone than his brutally mean dad. See what transpires at the opening on Wed 10/28 at 7:30PM. 2355 E. 89th St. http://www.KaramuHouse.org Get tix here.

HOT Bach & Beyond w/ Jennifer Koh Koh is a violinist who possesses a “unique combination of fire and elegance.” This 2009 Grammy nominee plays with an unmistakable spark and intensity and she’s coming back to Oberlin College, her alma mater, on Thu 10/29 at 8PM. She’ll play alongside a multimedia premiere by artist Tal Rosner. It’ll be a feast for your eyes and ears. Finney Chapel, 90 N. Professor St., Oberlin. Info

Civic Design & Inspired Infrastructure: A National Perspective How can engineering and design come together to shape the new American city? How can we make practical yet beautiful infrastructure projects? Some of the nation’s most innovative urban design thinkers and practitioners answer these questions and more at a panel discussion on Thu 10/29 from 6 – 7:30PM. No charge. Cle Public Library Louis Stokes Auditorium, 325 Superior Ave. Followed by a discussion on Fri 10/30 about how Cle can optimize planning and design. 9AM – 12PM at CSU. Details
Lakewood Chocolate Walk is what dreams are made of. Basically, (upon registration) you walk down Detroit Ave. on Thu 10/29 and are given chocolate treats when you stop in one of 30 participating businesses. Some treats, like chocolate soup, are for savoring on the spot, while others are packed for you to take home. Plus, raffles, a golden egg search and tunes from Cats on Holiday. Event ends with a giant sundae bar. 6 – 9PM. Go ahead, indulge a little. Consider this your Halloween candy. Tickets at http://DowntownLakewood.org/blog/?page_id=521.
A Day in the Life of a Consumer Columnist The Plain Dealer’s Consumer Columnist, Sheryl Harris, will speak at the City Club on Thu 10/29 at noon. She will discuss her work as a consumer columnist and the ethical decisions she makes in reporting consumer issues. The luncheon program is $25 for non-SPJ members and includes a buffet lunch. Reservations can be made with Tom Moore tmoore56ATmsn.com, 440-454-3282.

A Proper Murder @ Asterisk Gallery is a spin on Georg Buchner’s Woyzeck, which is one of the great modern tragedies. An impoverished soldier trying to make a living for his family is driven completely mad when he discovers his girlfriend’s infidelity. Watch the accessible and entertaining Theater Ninjas do their thang at the opening on Thu 10/29 at 8PM. Runs through Mon 11/16. 2393 Professor Ave. in Tremont. Tickets at http://TheaterNinjas.com
25th Anniversary Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Concerts An extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime series of concerts on Thu 10/29 & Fri 10/30 at Madison Square Garden in NYC to raise $4M for the Rock Hall’s endowment, each themed like only the Rock Hall can: Bruce Springsteen’s set features Sam Moore & Darlene Love; Stevie Wonder hosts Smokey Robinson, BB King, Sting & John Legend; Crosby, Stills & Nash play with James Taylor, Jackson Browne & Bonnie Raitt; Metallica jams with Lou Reed & Ozzy Osbourne; Aretha Franklin sing with Lenny Kravitz & Annie Lennox. If you can’t make the gig, check out the nine-disc DVD set Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Live featuring highlights of past Rock Hall inductions. http://www.rockhall25.com
SPONSORED: Now is the time to put Thu 11/12 on your calendar for WCLV’s annual “Thanks-4-Giving Blood Drive” on behalf of LifeShare. The day-long event takes place at Lorain County Community College, and WCLV personalities will be on the air live periodically throughout the day with updates and live music. All donors get a WCLV Goody Bag and a chance to spin the WCLV Prize Wheel. Remember that each pint of blood can help up to four patients. http://www.WCLV.com.

Franklin Stein’s Project is Mary Shelly meets campy teenage horror flick. Franklin Stein is a high school outcast who creates a killer science project–literally. Will Frankie get revenge against the people who bullied him? Find out at an 8PM or midnight showing of this play, which is written and produced by CSU students, on Fri 10/30. CSU’s Factory Theater, 1833 E. 23rd St. Additional dates and times listed at http://FranklinSteinsProject.com
Heggs House of Horror isn’t a commercial haunted house–it’s actually someone’s home all decked out for the season. Located in Old Brooklyn, Heggs House was voted one of the Top 5 best residential haunted house displays in the nation in a contest sponsored by Good Morning America. Come on Fri 10/30 and Sat 10/31 to gawk at over 40 figurines and displays made by homeowner Frank Smith. This celebration of Halloween gaudiness is located at 1608 Merl Ave. http://www.HeggsHouseOfHorror.com

Dia de los Muertos Celebrate this rich, sacred Mexican holiday with local artists, music, food, lectures, decorated altars, pan de muerto and a procession of skulls and skeletons on Sat 10/31 from 12 – 10PM. Continues on Sun 11/1 from 12 – 8PM and Mon 11/2 from 12 – 6PM in the exciting Gordon Square Arts District. Orthodox Church & Parish Hall at 6205 Detroit Ave. http://www.DiaDeLosMuertosOhio.com
The Vagabond & Friends Tour Get spooked with The Vagabond, a play written, directed and performed by NEO native F.A. Taylor. Using humor and bone-chilling moments, this play tells the story of a mysterious time traveler through song, poetry and dance. Includes performances by Jobs Corps of Cle students and Rock N Robots. Sat 10/31 and Sun 11/1 at 5PM. You can even take a ride on Euclid Beach’s legendary “Thriller Car.” Cle Play House, 8500 Euclid Ave. Tickets
A Night to Wake Up and Live w/ the Arts If handing out candy isn’t your thing, spend the evening of Sat 10/31 being entertained with a taste of Cle’s vibrant arts community, featuring Cody Wood, Anita Rose Banks and hosted by Peter Lawson Jones. All funds raised go to Wake Up and Live’s artistic programs and education services for people in transition and teens in crisis. Ivy’s Catering at Greenmont, 800 S. Green Rd., South Euclid. 7PM. Tickets
WCSB Halloween Masquerade Ball All you monsters, come mash it up at a no charge Halloween party thrown by your buddies at WCSB radio on Sat 10/31 at 9PM. Put on a sweet costume, chat with your fave WCSB personalities, listen to live bands (Zero Boys, My Dad is Dead, Fragments and more) and be generally scary. Cle Public Theater, 6415 Detroit Ave. Info

Cle Youth Wind Symphonies I & II Hear a delectable selection of classical pieces played by NEO’s finest young woodwind, brass and percussion players on Sun 11/1 at 3PM. Severance Hall, 11001 Euclid Ave. Tickets

Three Rivers Film Festival: Cle OK, so this is Pittsburgh’s indie film festival. Well, we love indie films just as much as they do so we’re gonna celebrate! Catch a flick during Cle Cinemas’ “Bargain Mondays” at the Cedar-Lee and hear remarks by Pittsburgh Filmmakers Director Andrew Swenson on Mon 11/2 at 7PM. Then meet him afterward at Jimmy O’Neill’s Tavern for giveaways and drinks. Email Laura at lherbATpghfilmmakers.org for more info. http://3RFF.com
Sea Monsters Because, really, what’s cooler than watching gigantic prehistoric sea monsters swim on an OMNIMAX screen? See what life was like when North America was buried beneath a rolling sea. Movie opens on Mon 11/2 at 12PM, 2PM and 4PM. Great Lakes Science Cntr, 601 Erieside Ave. http://GreatScience.com/visit/omnimax.php?id=40

GREEN Spotlight on Green Roofs Vegetated roofs are efficient and eco-friendly. Plus, they look pretty cool. Find out more about this roofing system and its various applications (tray systems vs. inclusive layered systems) at an informational session on Wed 11/4 from 3:30 – 5PM. After the talk, take a tour of the on-site green roof installed 6 years ago. 3500 Lorain Ave. https://NEOGBC.org/index.php?id=11
Cleveland Culinary Challenge Where else can you sample great food from Cleveland’s top chefs like Doug Katz, Marlin Kaplan, Zach Bruell, Steve Schimoler and Sergio Abramof, plus witness an exciting competition with Cuyahoga Community College’s work study program for hospitality students, while enjoying hors d’oeuvres, adult beverages and entertainment like a jazz trio, cake decoration and ice sculpting, all to benefit Positively Cleveland’s worthwhile Spirit of Cleveland program and Tri-C, on Wed 11/4 from 5:30-8PM at Tri-C Metro. http://culinarychallenge.eventbrite.com
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

The Spooky Time of the Year

So what’s your Halloween costume this year? Is it a corny Crayola Crayon? A Barrack Obama mask? Or maybe you’ve chosen to be a sexy witch or handsome vampire (that gives me the chills…)
Read more from Claudia Taller here

Ohio Legislative Black Caucus: A Den of Prostitutes?

Read more from Mansfield Frazier here

Can Newspaper Editorials Be Honest?
Plus, Corporate Shill Eckart Backs Monopoly Casino…

I don’t agree, however, that they do it because they “care.” That’s giving them a little too much credit.
I think unfortunately that the closed way they make their endorsements are a disservice to the public…
Read more of Roldo Bartimole here

Quick reviews of recent events
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Twelfth Night & The Mystery of Edwin Drood @ Great Lakes Theatre 10/17 & 10/18/09
Read the review by Laura Kennely here
COSE Small Business Conference 2009 @ I-X Center 10/21/09
Read the review by Susan Schaul here

Cool Cleveland readers write
All letters must include your full name (required) and you may include your e-mail address (optional).
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
Class Warfare? I have an issue with Roldo’s comments here. While some of his concerns may be valid, I get a little tired of the class warfare thing. The “have’s” versus the “have not’s”. Is profit a bad thing? Why do outsider’s invest money in Cleveland if not to make a profit?…
Read the letter from Chris Bailo here
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
2) Cle is the “Magic of the mid-west” Brit travels to NEO and is convinced he’s found the REAL America. ThisIsPlymouth.co.uk
3) L’Albatros Brasserie & Bar Makes Esquire’s list of Best New Restaurants 2009. Esquire.com
4) Me and Jimi Hendrix Very few, if any, of the so-called facts in my Jimi Hendrix story are capable of factual verification… CoolCleveland.com
5) Friends of the Cleveland Public Library Check out A Night At The Library on 11/14. friendsCPL.org.
Don’t be scared! Yes, it’s a lot of work. But who else is keeping their eye on the cool in Cleveland? We’d like to thank our writers: Roldo Bartimole, Diane DiPiero, Carol Drummond, Mansfield Frazier Claudia Taller and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
- Experience the Cool Cleveland podcasts and videos each week at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
- Join the conversation at Brewed Fresh Daily http://www.BrewedFreshDaily.com
- Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time
- Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
- Receive your own copy of the free weekly Cool Cleveland e-zine at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
- Think about moving to the Cleveland Plus region: ClevelandPlusLiving.com
- Friend us on Facebook: http://www.profile.to/thomasmulready
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See you at the polls,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2009 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved