Help Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District Identify Incorrectly Planted Trees


Arbor Day brings a host of tree-planting activities, such as those hosted by the Cleveland Tree Coalition, which aims to restore city’s one-time status as “The Forest City.” There are even places to get free trees you can plant yourself.

But, warns Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), planted them incorrectly is worse than useless. If they’re planted too low and mulched around the base, covering the area where the trunk meets the roots, or root flare, it restricts the tree’s capacity to exchange oxygen and transport water. The tree can suffocate and eventually die.

SWCD’s “Let the Flare See Air” program, launching Thursday April 23, gives the public tools to identify incorrectly planted trees. Volunteers will then be able to fill out a form with the location and what they observed. SWCD will contact property owners how show them how to fix the problem.

Go here for more information and to learn how to participate.


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