Sustainable Cleveland
In this week’s issue:
* Locally Grown Success on sustainability by Lee Chilcote
* Cool Cleveland Night Out in Lakewood 8/11, get $12.50 tix by midnight Thu 7/28 here
* RoldoLINK Convention Fever, Doug Clifton and an Election by Roldo Bartimole
* Cool Cleveland Kids podcast click here, CC podcast click here, CC Blog click here
‘Til It Hurts!
Cool Cleveland Night Out in Lakewood 8/11
Get $12.50 tix before midnight Thu 7/28 here!

Take the tour! Check out Rockport Square’s mixed-use, multi-level townhomes and live-work lofts built with environmentally-friendly design and materials. DJThrowdown features four top Cleveland DJs start spinning at 6PM in the Remix and Grand Poo-Bas: Jugoe, Mike Filly, Jamie Tyler, and Suburban. Then live band Minor Setback premieres their new CD at 7PM upstairs in the Phantasy Niteclub, and the fun continues ’til you can’t feel any pain. All for one low price. Invite your friends and get your lowest price tickets if you order online before midnight Thu 7/21 here.
Party Details
What: ‘Til It Hurts! Cool Cleveland Night Out in Lakewood
Date: Thursday, August 11, 2005
Time: Open bar, hors d’oeuvres, DJs and tours from 6 to 8PM; bands start at 7PM and continue ’til late nite
Location: The party starts at The Remix Lounge, 11794 Detroit Avenue, one block West of W. 117th. Maps and directions here. Guided tours will be conducted at the Rockport development across the street, and check out the other neighborhood activities.
Parking: Parking is complimentary on street and nearby lots.
Cost: $12.50 if you order by midnight Thu 7/28 here. This price will go up.
You get all this: Complimentary beer, wine, hors d’oeuvres, Cleveland DJ Throwdown in the Remix Lounge & Grand Poo-Bas, Minor Setback playing at no charge in the Phantasy Niteclub, complimentary tours of the new Rockport Townhome project, and other fun stuff.
Locally Grown Success
The Cuyahoga Valley Initiative and Sustainable Development
By Lee Chilcote
Writing isnt usually a health risk, but the day that I tried to find the Cuyahoga River, I found myself wandering across six lanes of truck traffic on State Route 21 in Valleyview.
The reason for my trek was a story about the Cuyahoga Valley Initiative, an effort to reclaim the Valley as an eco-friendly zone of entrepreneurialism that is being led by the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission. I wanted to check out a part of the Valley targeted for future renewal. Crossing the highway on foot was the only way to get to the river from the Interstate. I knew it was there Id seen a glimpse of its muddy banks pulling off of I-77, as I was spinning down the cloverleaf…
Read Locally Grown Success by Lee Chilcote here and send your comments here:
Yes on Issue 3 For those who have been paying attention [see Celebrate Cleveland Schools in Cool Cleveland here], the Cleveland Public Schools, while not perfect, have shown an incredible improvement in performance and should be rewarded with passage of Issue 3 in the election on Tue 8/2. Even the PD editorial pages admit its worth it. Those who are interested in a sustainable future for Cleveland, should support our public schools. See editorial here and complete PD coverage here.
Wind power Did you know that Chicago got the nickname “Windy City” not because of their weather, but from the hot air generated by early promoters of the city? Cleveland has it the other way around. Our location generates a ton of actual wind, but our citizens would rather bad-mouth the city. Now Green Energy Ohio is building a 165-foot tower on top of the five-mile crib in Lake Erie to measure the feasability of building wind turbines on our windy lake that could provide considerable sustainable energy. See story here.
Rock and a hard place As if to localize the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing journalists to be jailed for not revealing their sources, PD editor Doug Clifton brews up a poo-storm by admitting that he is sitting on two stories because of potential legal complications related to their own confidential sources. Read the last two paragraphs here. Even a lashing by The New York Times [see text here] and a rough time on National Public Radio [transcript here] in which Clifton admitted his admission was the “dumbest thing that I ever did” couldn’t get them to print what they knew. But once the story appeared last Wednesday here in the gutsy Scene magazine, recently awarded Best Non-Daily Newspaper in Ohio by the Press Club of Cleveland here, the PD (also a winner of Best Daily Newspaper, and a recent Pulitzer Prize winner) had no choice but to come clean with their own version here, revealing that former Mayor Michael White was the target of the ongoing federal bribery investigations. Unfortunately, PD “Reader’s Rep” (most newspapers would call him an ombudsman) Ted Diadiun, whose conclusions can usually be expected to come down on the side of supporting the paper, offers no cogent explanation either here. Newspaper trade journal Editor & Publisher weighs in here, and maybe you have an opinion for us: soldiers on While Cleveland’s status quo believes a new Wal-Mart at Steelyard Commons is a fait accompli, they’re not taking into account the power of a small but mighty cadre of street-theatre activists and bloggers united by the Internet, including Cool Cleveland CIO George Nemeth, nor the door-to-door power of house parties organized by the AFL-CIO. See one version of the story here, and check out here for more. Your thoughts on Wal-Mart and the power of the Internet?
Steel exhibit for Steelyard Commons The Steelyard Commons also raised a ruckus with citizens with their plans to demolish historical steel mill buildings, one of which is being moved next to the Cuyahoga River to house a 600 sf steel-making display and exhibit, to be administered by a committee led by the Western Reserve Historical Society nearby other historic and educational displays and stops along the Towpath Trail, which runs from Zoar, south of Canton, and will eventually connect all the way to Lake Erie. See story here.
Can Big Steel be a Good Neighbor? Why is the Cuyahoga Valley still stinky? As part of its Good Neighbor Campaign, Ohio Citizen Action has gotten 18,942 residents to send letters to Mittal Steel (formerly ISG, formerly LTV, formerly Republic Steel) asking them to reduce pollution and make their newly-purchased Cleveland Works a shining example of “how to have a successful steel mill and protect the public’s health,” especially since the Cleveland plant has more neighbors than any other in the country. Wanna pitch in? Send e-mail to Mittal here: , call OCA at 861-5200 or visit Don’t forget to cc: CC at:
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What Your Vote for Issue 3 on August 2nd will mean for Cleveland: Funds generated by Issue 3 will do 3 specific things: prepare our kids for jobs by bringing 100 teachers, as well as new textbooks and technology, to childrens classrooms; improve safety in our schools and neighborhoods by reopening alternative schools for disruptive students and bringing back school security guards; and supporting sports and after-school activities that keep kids in school, out of trouble, and achieving. We all want Cleveland to have a stronger economy and be a safer city. Issue 3 will help us accomplish both. Smaller classroom sizes and better educational tools will help our kids become competitive adults in the workplace. And reopening some of the alternative schools our district had to close will remove disruptive children from our classrooms without putting them on our street corners. Please vote for Issue 3 on August 2nd. The Right Thing. For all of us.
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Youth leadership workshop Calling all youth! The Cleveland Leadership Summit is looking for a few outspoken, opinionated young people to help plan a workshop FOR and BY Clevelands youth. What are the biggest issues for young people in this city? What changes would you like to see? Now is your chance to stand up and be heard! For more information, drop an email to with your name, telephone number, and the school you attend. Were looking forward to working with you! (Parents! Please pass this along to the teens and young adults in your family and neighborhood!).
The Work of Art Read every one of these excellent articles on the many ways that creativity and the arts impact everyday life in NEO. See series by PD arts writer Carolyn Jack The Work of Art here.
Convention center’s $100 mil gap The Convention Facilities Authority voted to approve a 200,000 sqft convention center and link it to nearby hotels instead of building a new hotel, but the cost is almost a half a billion dollars, at least $100 million more than previous estimates, and no one thinks the voters will pay that much in new food & beverage taxes and an increase in the bed tax. Back to the drawing board? Read the story here. What’s your opinion?
Trash Revealed as Art Sparx in the City announces its Trash Revealed as Art 2005 Sculpture Contest. This contest is open to young artists from grades 4 to 12, who will be asked to create a sculpture using (clean, dry) recycled trash. Winning entries will be displayed during the Sparx Gallery Hop, 9/16-18. Deadline for entries is 8/8. For more information or an entry form, email Kathleen Rocco at
Volunteering is sexy Cool Cleveland readers: Be part of the most exciting local event to take place in your brief lifetime! Volunteer for Ingenuity: A Festival of Art & Technology, playing out on Euclid Avenue and East Fourth Street over Labor Day weekend. Join hundreds of artists, performers, geeks and gawkers at over a dozen sites downtown. Help us present music, dance, theater, video and various technologies over a four-day period. We need help staging, running, checking, replenishing, building, shuttling, cleaning, selling, guiding and most of all, smiling. Send a note to: with your availability (Sept. 1-4), interests and abilities and well find a good spot for you. We can also use your help over the coming weeks for guerilla marketing and street team action!
Whiskey dispute settled? The County and the City of Cleveland have agreed to stop bickering and let the Metroparks manage Whiskey Island. Now they just need to let the Metroparks know. See story here. What do you think about Whiskey Island?
Robert Ocasio Latin Jazz Camp & Concert This camp offers music students in grades 9-12 the opportunity to learn about this exciting music style from legendary artist Robert Ocasio on Thu 7/28 and Fri 7/29. Learn more at and download the application here. Call 440-572-2048 for info. Students will perform as part of the Robert Ocasio Latin Jazz Youth Project in a no cost community concert on Fri 7/29 from 7-9PM.
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Old World Charm, Close to University Circle University View is a beautifully renovated building that has been converted to 12 affordable condominiums with old world charm and modern amenities. These units feature a restored brick exterior, 2 bedrooms, marble bath with clawfoot tub, sunroom, hardwood floors, natural woodwork, high ceilings, granite kitchen countertops, new windows, security system, new mechanicals and HVAC, cable/satellite/internet wiring, gated parking and tax abatement. Located steps away from Case’s new residential dorms, you just can’t beat the convenient location! The suites at University View are also affordably priced, ranging from $139,900 to $169,900. Don’t miss the Grand Opening celebration held Thu 8/4 from 5-7PM at the University View Condominiums located at Ashbury/E. 115th. Visit for a complete list of properties and open houses this weekend.
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Cleveland Public Library receives Special Mention in the Library Journal/Gale Group Library of the Year 2005 Awards. Top honors went to the Arkansas’ Fayetteville Public Library (FPL) for their five step philosophy that turned their library completely around. The Cleveland Public Library is directed by Andrew A. Venable, Jr. and it is the nations third largest public research library. CPL was recognized for continually setting the bar higher and its dedication to community, something its regular patrons would readily agree with. Read the story here. Send your comments about this treasured resource to
Madison Village turning? Lakewood’s Madison Village is one of the area’s most avant-garde retail districts. Started by entrepreneur and property owner Chris Andrews, whose store Chris’ Warped Records, featuring hardcore and metal, was the first and flagship, the neighborhood grew to attract record shops, clubs and boutiques where you can buy rubber underwear. But within the past year, B-ware Video, which specialized in horror and “B” movies, and Capsule, the red-hot nightclub that Andrews started, have both closed. Now comes word that Warped Records itself has met its demise. Some blame Andrews’ leaving town last year, others cite the success of Irish pubs in the district and claim gentrification. The city can certainly do more to support and promote this alternative district that attracts shoppers, diners and residents. More discussion on the Experimental Behavior blog here.
City Club is #2 in nation Established in 1912, The City Club of Cleveland has been ranked Americas number two executive speaking forum by Best Practices in Corporate Communications (BPCC), a Washington, D.C.-based membership organization. BPCC founder Edie Fraser considers the City Club of Cleveland to be one of the most inclusive forums… in the country… dedicated solely to public policy issues featuring business, political and cultural leaders driving social change. See the entire list here. Send your comments regarding the City Club of Cleveland to
Tired of the Same Old, Same Old? Looking for a new, effective way to advertise your clients message to the upcoming generation of Cleveland’s leaders? Young professionals dig us and our reach extends to tens of thousands of loyal readers every week. Round out your marketing strategy with an online option that gets results. Check this testimonial from a Cool Cleveland client: As an organization, our challenge involves attracting a younger demographic to our concerts. With a combination of advertising and sponsorship at Cool Cleveland events, we have achieved our 2005 goals. Its obvious when I look into the younger faces of our audience before each concert. − Maria Armijo, Red {an orchestra}. Contact for details about advertising.
Civic Innovation Lab funds tech Dan Hanson, a programmer with Magnum Computers, was granted $1,000 through the Civic Innovation Lab to write a business strategy for Computers Assisting People (CAP), an all-volunteer organization that he formed 10 years ago. CAP offers technology services to nonprofit organizations throughout greater Cleveland and trains employees to use different types of software. CAP has dramatically changed the quality of life for individuals by empowering them through technology. Todays market requires increasing technological skills; individuals without them and their communities, by extension, will continue to slide economically. Hanson is responding to the needs of those who want to help themselves but lack needed resources. CAP will also receive mentoring from Charlene Hyle, a consultant to TeamNeo. To learn more about the Lab, visit How else can our community help encourage economic stability among all demographics? Share your ideas at
Cleveland car sharing program Another civic entrepreneur, Ryan McKenzie, EcoCity Clevelands transportation program manager, was granted $30,000 from the Civic Innovation Lab to launch CityWheels, a program whose time has finally come in our region, he believes. Currently, 26 car-sharing programs with more than 73,000 members are operating successfully around the country. CityWheels will allow its members, primarily residents of the City of Cleveland and its older suburbs, to rent fuel efficient, environmentally friendly automobiles at an hourly rate. McKenzie feels this will add a unique quality of life improvement and cost savings for residents and employees in downtown Cleveland and more walkable neighborhoods throughout the region by offering residents the freedom of owning a car, without any of the hassles. Learn more about the social and environmental benefits of car sharing at What do you think about the program? Send your thoughts to
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Chicago Blues Legends to Perform at Rock Hall Blues Legends David Honeyboy Edwards and Aaron Moore will perform at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum on Fri 7/29 at 7PM. Honeyboy Edwards, still active and touring worldwide with his music, is a purveyor of the oral history of the blues. He is the only artist included in A Treasury of Library of Congress Field Recordings who is still performing. Aaron Moore has been playing piano in Mississippi and Chicago almost as long as Edwards. He has history and knowledge of the musicians Edwards knew around Greenwood, Mississippi and Chicago and is at the musical performance level of Roosevelt Sykes and Sunnyland Slim. Tickets: $5; Museum members: no charge. Call 216.515.8425 for reservations. For more info contact
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Lake Erie’s dead zone Dead zones are areas on the bottom of the lake with so little oxygen that fish cannot survive; this forces them to abandon their habitat. Scientists have been monitoring this phenomenon in Lake Eries central basin from Ashtabula to Cleveland. This year, however, Sanduskys sub-basin has deteriorated and the dead zone has arrived even earlier. The negative impact this will have on the surrounding ecosystem and the food chain (from the plankton, right on up to us) makes finding a solution to this problem a top priority. A study currently being conducted ends in October. If scientists cant find a way to control these dead zones, adjustments will have to be made to current Lake Erie harvest quotas. Read the article in The Toledo Blade here.
Forum features collaboration The Levin College Forum and Cool Cleveland presents Partnerships & Collaborations: Arts, Technology and Ingenuity. The upcoming Ingenuity festival, the brainchild of James Levin, founder of Cleveland Public Theatre, and Thomas Mulready, creator of Cool Cleveland, will fuse art and technology as Clevelands universities, high-tech corporations, and the fields of science and medicine collaborate with Cleveland painters, sculptors, filmmakers, musicians, actors and dancers in the performance arena. How did this important festival of creativity and innovation come about and why is it so important to Cleveland? These questions and many others will be addressed during a panel discussion that is without charge and open to the public on Thu 7/28 from 4-6PM. Visit for more info or to register for this important and informative event or call 523-7330. Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Glickman-Miller Hall, Atrium, 1717 Euclid Avenue. Attendees receieve complimentary tix to Ingenuity this Labor Day weekend!
New arts ‘zine A hard-edged, in your face new arts zine called Fair Trade will be launching soon. There is currently a call for submissions of photos, fiction, poetry, music and book reviews, cartoons and even your letters or memoirs. The founders intent is to open a bookstore, but until theres enough funds for that; this zine will get the word out. Want to be a part of this outspoken new vehicle? Then send your submissions to Fair Trade, 2424 W. 10th Street, 1st Floor, Cleveland, OH 44113 or email them to Got questions? Email them to If you want your stuff back sent via snail mail, send a self addressed, stamped envelope correct postage, please.
Piano Competition tops US The Cleveland International Piano Competition kicks off today, Wed 7/27 and will last for 12-days, through Sun 8/7 when it winds up with a performance by the final four accompanied by our world class Cleveland Orchestra, led by Jahja Ling at beautiful Severance Hall. The opportunity to perform with such a well-renowned orchestra is quite a draw for a competitor; but when you combine that with a cash prize for first place that just took a healthy leap to $50K from $20K in the last competition; youve got a competition that just cant be beat. Clevelands first prize tops all of the other piano competitions, making this one that competitors wont want to miss. WCLV FM/ 104.9 will be broadcasting the entire competition live. See See complete coverage here and send your comments regarding the competitions impact on Cleveland to
Cool Cleveland Kids At the top of everyone’s list of good reasons for living in Cleveland is that it’s “a good place to raise kids.” Now nine-year-old Max Mulready offers his Cool Cleveland Kids Podcast here (just click, no special software needed), and we’ve ID’d a few kid-friendly events this week, marked as CC KIDS below under Cool Cleveland This Week. Invite a kid and enjoy Cleveland!
What’s your favorite Cleveland blog? The Cool Cleveland blog by Peter Chakerian is picking up steam, with his perspectives this week on The Cleveland Weblogger Meetup, secret identities and finding a Whole New You. Read the Cool Cleveland weblog here, then click on the blog to add your own comments, questions and Cool Cleveland attitude. To review other NEO blogs, check Cool Cleveland information officer George Nemeth’s and find links to blogs originating from all over Northeast Ohio! Got a fave? See what other Cool Cleveland readers are reading below in Yr Turn. Then let us know your favorite:
Cool Cleveland This Week
Send your cool events to:
CC KIDS Kid Film Series Take the kids out for a film series just for them with a price thats just right for you. There is no charge for these Wednesday shows at 11AM for kids 12 and under and their accompanying adult, throughout the summer and little film critics are eligible for an unbelievably priced popcorn / soda combo. The Wed 7/27 film is The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie and the Wed 8/3 show is Ice Age. Visit for more info. Loews Richmond Town Square Theater, 631 Richmond Road, Richmond Heights.
Summer in the City Jam to the sounds of Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash and Robert Cornelius during this weeks edition of the series on Wed 7/27 from 6-9PM. Meet up with friends after work, purchase beer and yummy fare on site and enjoy another great summer performance courtesy of The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. See the entire schedule at Key Plaza (Right in front of the Rock Hall).
Bikinis and Martinis Check out some hot designs by the self-taught design team, myley, during their 2nd annual event on Wed 7/27 at 8PM. Known for their urban chic sportswear, the team will host this ultra sexy party and fashion show. There will be complimentary tequila shots before and after the fashion show which begins at 9PM and music by DJ Terry Urban. Theres a $10 cover charge and a cash bar will be available. Check out some of their current fashions at Call 939-9797 for info. 1300 Art Gallery, 1300 W. 78th Street.
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High-tech Meets Opera and Rock-n-Roll becomes Sculpture? Join us Thurs 7/28 4PM 6PM at the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs (1717 Euclid Avenue) for a panel discussion with Ann Hogsett, V.P. and Associate Creative Director at Liggett-Stashower, Paula Grooms, Sr. V. P. of Creative Services, and Ingenuity Festival co-directors James Levin and Cool Clevelands own Thomas Mulready. The discussion will be moderated by Dean Mark Rosentraub. Learn firsthand how Northeast Ohio can become the next center for innovation in arts and technology and why unique collaborations are important to Clevelands future economic growth and development. Hear how Ingenuity, a festival fusing art and technology, will bring together Cleveland’s universities, high-tech corporations, science and medicine into the performance arena with Cleveland painters, sculptors, filmmakers, musicians, actors and dancers. Register at or call 216-523-7330.
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Inlet Dance Theatres Memoriate the companys first commissioned work back in 2001, is revived for their 4th annual gratis performance at Cain Park on Thu 7/28 at 1PM and Fri 7/29 at 8PM. The piece uses recorded memories of the elderly as a soundtrack while juxtaposing strength versus frailty and honoring the value of human life. Each performance will showcase professional dancers alongside students from Inlets Summer Dance Intensive. Additional works to be performed include Winged Opposition, depicting opposing spiritual forces and conflict through physical movement and Wondrous Beasts, a metaphoric work about life change. Cain Park, Evans Amphitheater, Superior and Lee Road
Zygote Press Garage Sale Benefit Spend this weekend hobnobbing with some of the areas coolest artists and browsing some seriously cool finds. Several artists and friends of the arts are parting with their treasured items to benefit Zygote Press and you can snag great bargains. Come for the Sneak Preview on Thu 7/28 from 6-10PM. Your ticket gets you first dibs at the spoils, oodles of fun activities, a jamming performance by the band Knight Flanger, heavy appetizers and drinks. The sale continues with no admission cost on Fri 7/29 from 10AM-4PM and there will be 50% off of everything on Super Saturday, 7/30 from 10AM-4PM. Click here or call 881-4000 for info. Zygote Press, 7209 St. Clair Avenue.
CC KIDS Noble Nela Party in the Heights is a no cost community event sponsored by local merchants on Thu 7/28 from 6-9PM. Chips, pop, Goodies ice ream, rocket car rides and fire truck tours will be available to all in attendance and there will be a host of cultural events including the Apex Academy Dance Team and DanceAfrikaDance Junior Company. Call 881-5740 for more info. 2228 Noble Road, Street Parking is available on Woodview Road.
CC KIDS Yellow Submarine This Beatles film will be screened during the latest Sidewalk Cinema on Fri 7/29 at 9PM. This no cost community event presented by Standing Rock Cultural Arts and Downtown Kent Businesses will feature food and beverages by local vendors. Bring the entire family for this classic movie under the stars. Call 330-673-4970 with questions. Rain date is Sat 7/30, same time. Home Savings Plaza, Intersection of Main & Water, Downtown Kent
Fashion Fusion Experience the hottest fashions by local boutiques like Bliss in Hudson and Orchid Fashions as well as from the most innovative designers from around the region including Greer Keeble, Nicole Andrick and Tanae Walls during this eclectic fashion presentation for all seasons on Fri 7/29. The show begins at 10PM, doors open at 5PM. Sample tapas and sip VOX martinis at this 21 & over event that will benefit the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center. Proper attire is required, of course. Call 330-221-3317. Bossa Nova, 28601 Chagrin Blvd., Woodmere.
The Merry Wives of Windsor Experience an evening of superb theater when the Great Lakes Theater Festival kicks off the 2005 season with this fun preview performance. Mingle with the GLTF team prior to the show at an exclusive-access pre-party on Fri 7/29 at 5:30PM at Hamiltons on Playhouse Square. There will be special beverage pricing and lots of goodies. Then get in the know during a pre-performance chat with the Director and GLTF Producing Director, Charlie Fee at 6:30PM. Finally, enjoy the performance at 7:30PM with a friend using your 2 for 1 tix. Hamiltons Martini Bar, 1415 Euclid Avenue
Encore School for Strings Recital Treat yourself to an evening of fine classical music in honor of the institutes 20th anniversary. The concert on Thu 7/29 at 7:30PM will feature Domenic Salerni and Laura Keller on violin performing Bach, Ravel and Dvorak. The farewell concert on Fri 7/29 at 7:30PM will feature Yoshihiko Nakano on viola, Madeline Kabat on cello and Hansaem Lim on violin delighting audiences with Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Glazunov and Beethoven. Call 791-5000, ext. 411 for info. Western Reserve Academy, 115 College Street, Hudson
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Live. Work. Play. Belong. Rockport Square is scheduled to open this Summer, 2005. Perfectly situated on Detroit Avenue, Rockport Square is a new urban community blending 126 modern living units, including townhomes and live-work lofts with nearly 30,000 square feet of specialty retail space. The exquisite loft living starts at $185k and townhomes $259k, residences include open floor plans with two and three bedrooms, private porches and rooftop terraces, private interior courtyards, up to 2,500 square feet of living, and a 5 year tax abatement with special financing. Rockport Square offers a dynamic lifestyle in a diverse city rich in parks, eateries, markets, shops, theaters and the Lake Erie shoreline. Rockport Square is a great combination of location, quality and price. Named One of the Best Communities of the Year at the 2004 HBA Cleveland Choice Awards. For more information call 216-210-2182. Taking reservations now. Visit us online
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Oscar Micheaux Independent Film Festival MOCA Clevelands summer series The Great ARTdoors heats up on Fri 7/29 at 8PM with The First Annual Oscar Micheaux Independent Film Festival honoring the most prolific black independent filmmaker in American cinema. This celebration of his legacy and inspiration to the film industry will include the hottest reggae, afro-beat and jazz by DJ Lawrence Caswell, cool refreshments from the ARTbar, two film shorts and the feature-length, award-winning documentary, Afro-Punk, a documentary tackling such complex issues as loneliness, exile, inter-racial relationships and black power inside and out of the punk scene. Call 421-8671. MOCA Cleveland, 8501 Carnegie
CC KIDS Family Unity in the Park Concert Bring your blankets and lawn chairs for this exciting, no cost community celebration that will feature local R&B legends the Dazz Band, funk pioneers ConFunkShun, One Way and a host of Jazz, Soul and Reggae artists. Try foods from an assortment of vendors, let the kids play in the kiddie park, give the family games a go, take advantage of critical health screenings, register to vote, and much more. The Sat 7/30 event kicks off at 9AM with entertainment beginning at noon so come early for an unforgettable family event that will include one of the largest fireworks displays in Northeast Ohio. Call 469-0124. Luke Easter Park, 3155 MLK Blvd.
CC KIDS The Best Photos of the Civil War: A 3-D Stereoscopic Presentation Take a fascinating 3-D journey into the depths of Civil War photography on Sat 7/30 from 11AM-5PM and Sun 7/31 from 12-5PM when writer and Civil War photo expert Bob Zeller presents a photographic history of the Civil War in stereographs from his books The Civil War in Depth, Volumes One and Two. Wearing 3-D glasses, you’ll feel as if you can literally step into many of the most famous photographs of the Civil War as the images are projected on a large screen. Call 330-666-3711. Hale Farm & Village, 2686 Oak Hill Road, Bath
Blues & Brews Stan Hywets first ever premier ale tasting event will feature more than 25 breweries and 50 microbrews on Sat 7/30 from 2-5PM. Sample beers from all of your favorite local breweries and many more. Local chefs from some of the tastiest local eateries will host demos and share tips for cooking with beer. Menches Brothers fresh-grilled burgers will satisfy even the biggest appetites and renowned blues musicians Armstrong Bearcat Band will entertain the attendees all afternoon. Call 330-315-3205 to purchase tickets. Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens, 714 N Portage Path, Akron
The 2005 Fiber Show Attend the open house for this Peninsula Art Academy show which will feature both functional and non-functional items on Sat 7/30 from 2-5PM. The juried show runs through Fri 8/26 at the Peninsula Library. Call 330-657-2681 for more info. Peninsula Library, 6105 Riverview Road, Peninsula. Get directions at
Eat Sugar Spend Money This group exhibition includes work by local artists like Dana Oldfather, Barbara Westermann and David Wetzl. The issues of excess, gluttony, wastefulness, and careless consumption are explored and the artists approach the theme with insightful criticisms about this disturbingly pervasive cultural crisis. Come to the opening reception on Sat 7/30 from 6-9PM. Visit for more info and a sneak peak. Newsense Gallery, 1376 Fry Avenue, Lakewood.
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Need a Break From the Grind? Groove down to the Galleria at Erieview and enjoy the Summer Courtyard Concert series during your lunch hour. Enjoy outdoor patio dining from Café Sausilito or purchase your lunch in the food court and bring it outside while grooving to the tunes. Chill with a friend and experience a midday getaway that will make your afternoon dance away. Heres the lineup in entertainment happening every Friday lunch hour at 11:30-1:30PM (weather permitting): 8/5 – Marty List; 8/12 – The JiMiller Band; 8/19– Colin John; 8/26 – Eleven. Contact 216-861-4343 or
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MorrisonDance Benefit Looking for an exciting way to spend Saturday night? Attend this silent art auction and party that will benefit MorrisonDance on Sat 7/30. Preview dance materials in the works at 7PM then pick up new art treasures during the silent auction and party from 8-10PM. Tremont and Ohio City restaurants will be serving delectable treats and martinis and other refreshing beverages will be available. Check out the artists whose work will be available here. Music will be provided by UP Ensemble. RSVP for the dance preview only to MorrisonDance, 4201 Lorain Avenue
International Piano Competition The weeklong event at Oberlin will feature more than 30 young musicians aged 13-18 from across the United States, Canada, China and Korea. Local pianists from across Ohio including Cleveland, Solon and Pepper Pike will also be participating. The competition runs from Sun 7/24 to Sun 7/31. The finals will be held on Sat 7/30 at 8PM and are open the public without cost. They will also be broadcast live on 104.9 FM WCLV. For schedule and info call 440-775-8044 or visit Warner Concert Hall, Oberlin College.
ideastream Wine Cellar Bid on an incredible variety of wines during an exciting multiple media wine auction that will be simulcast on WVIZ/PBS & 90.3 WCPN ideastream beginning Sat 7/30 at 8PM. This event will provide entertainment, an education in purchasing wines for the newbie and a chance to snag rare wines for the wine aficionado; best of all, its a great way to support local public broadcasting. Visit and to learn more about the wine auction and how you can pre-bid on these incredible wines.
CC KIDS Tremont Bicycle Safety Odyssey is an event open to the first 100 riders aged 6-99 on Sun 7/31 from 12-6PM. Children aged 9 and under must be accompanied by a guardian and be able to balance on a bicycle. Upon completion participants will get a t-shirt, new helmet, safety check of their bike and basic repairs, if needed. They will also be entered into a drawing for cool prizes including a brand new bicycle donated by Shaker Cycle of Tremont. Check out the freestyle demo by Brian Rybak at this no fee event. Call 575-0920 with questions on pre-registration. Lincloln Park, Tremont.
Guys DVD Release Party Local film studio 216 Films indie production, Guys, is quickly developing a loyal local fan base and now they are ready to hit the national film festival circuit. Spend an evening mixing it up with local filmmakers, actors, musicians and indie film lovers during this Sun 7/31 fundraiser at 4PM that will help finance festival entries. Admission includes a screening of the award winning film, a copy of the DVD and all the beer you can drink and theres a discounted price for non-drinkers that still scores them a copy of the DVD. Casey’s, 13601 Detroit Rd., Lakewood
The Big Production is the title of Case alum, Preston DeFrancis thesis film for USCs Film Directing Program. Four of DeFrancis’ short films will be screened at The Liminis on Sun 7/31 at 8PM to help raise funds for the film. The screening is without admission and open to the public, but donations will be accepted. Dr. Louis Giannetti, often called the “godfather of Cleveland Cinema” will give a special introduction to the screening. Call 687-0074 for reservations, seating is limited. Visit the filmmaker’s website at The Liminis, 2438 Scranton Road.
The Freestyles Tour 10 This 18+ show on Sun 7/31 at 9PM will feature the Champagne Family, Paperboys, SoundProof Records, DJ Denico and B-Boy battles. You will need proper ID and an Alexander Hamilton for admission. Check out more info at The Shark Club at The Powerhouse, 2000 Sycamore Street.
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Convention Fever, Doug Clifton and an Election
By Roldo Bartimole
Its summer, so lets have some fun.
Lets start the bidding.
130. Weve got 130, do I hear 200?
200. Ive got 200, do I hear 300?
300. Ive got 300, can I hear 400.
400 400, we got 400. 400 going once, going twice
$500-million, from the corner.
Its CFA finance chairman Peter Bastulli, the principal in the consulting department of Cohen & Company.
After more than an hour debating over resolutions that made me believe I had once again stumbled into a City Council meeting, Bastulli came up with the figure of $500-million for the convention center renovation, build-out or whatever – the still fake Cleveland-Cuyahoga Convention Facilities Authority.
Former State Sen. Pat Sweeney questioned that figure. It started at $130 million, he said, How did it get to $500 million? It is not hard, Pat, when you want to keep up with the Jones, or rather the Las Vegases…
Read RoldoLINK here
WCLVnotes One of Cleveland’s most important musical events – the Cleveland International Piano Competition – gets under way today at the Bolton Theatre of the Cleveland Playhouse. And WCLV 104.9 will broadcast every bloody note. 104.9’s wall-to-wall coverage begins today at 1:30PM. Bill O’Connell and Mark Satola host. The Competition winds up on Fri 8/5 and Sat 8/6 with the final Concerto Rounds featuring Jahja Ling and The Cleveland Orchestra at Severance Hall. WCLV has an embarrassment of piano riches, because on Saturday, we will broadcast the first section of the evening’s CIPC Second Round at 7PM, then at 8PM switch live to Oberlin’s Warner Theatre for the Oberlin International Piano Competition for high school students. The remainder of Saturday evening’s Second Round from CIPC will be taped and played back Sunday morning at 9AM. This will cause some major disruptions in our regular Sunday programming. For details on all of WCLV’s programming go on-line at WCLV is a Cool Cleveland partner.
Instant Karma
Quick reviews of recent events
Going out this weekend? Take along your PDA and your digital camera. Scratch out a few notes to send us with a picture of it for our Instant Karma real-world reviews of what’s really happening. We’d love to hear from you. Send your stuff to
Lyric Opera Cleveland @ Drury Theatre 7/20 Edgar Allan Poes masterpiece The Fall of the House of Usher has produced spine-tingling chills in readersor listenersfor more than 150 years. The chamber opera version with music by Philip Glass is still a teenager, having been written in 1988. Lyric Opera Cleveland gave the chamber opera its first Ohio professional production for the final work of the 2005 season. It was an engrossing and enthralling presentation, made spooky and ghostly by the ever-present scrim and eerie lighting effects.
Director Jonathon Field and Conductor Mary Chun established a fairly brisk pace, and for the most part, the ten total scene changes took place rather quickly, if not quietly, at least on opening night. The casting was excellent, including understudy Michael Gentile who took the part of Roderick after a scheduling problem kept the originally announced tenor from appearing. His sister Madeline was given lavish presence by Andrea Chenoweth, who floated from here to there, oblivious to the other happenings on stage, and giving beautiful voice to her wordless melodies. Baritone Stephen Hartley was a steady presence, trying to maintain his equilibrium in the unsteady situation in which he found himself…
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
Ohio Light Opera @ The College of Wooster 7/21 Ohio Light Opera, housed at the College of Wooster is now in its 27th season as the only company in the world devoted exclusively to operetta. They perform eight works in repertory over a two-month span every summer; a bit of careful planning will allow one to see two of these mostly old favorites in one day. On July 21, I saw Die Fledermaus and The White Horse Inn.
Former Clevelander Ted Christopher is performing this season in two Gilbert & Sullivan works; however, hes also taken on a new rolestage directing. Either he is a natural at directing, or hes a virtual sponge, having picked up all sorts of tid-bits from the various productions hes been in through the years. It was wonderful to see his version of my favorite Die Fledermaus. It was 99 44/100% perfection, as effervescent as the champagne that features so strongly throughout the masterpiece of Johann Strauss II…
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
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*************** SPONSORED LINK ***************
On August 2nd Clevelanders will make a critical decision about our future. Cleveland schools have only passed one operating levy since 1983. Issue 3, an 8 mill levy that will cost the owner of a $75,000 home only 50 cents a day, will generate over $45 million a year for our schools. Lack of funds has forced our schools to lay off over 1,400 teachers and has reduced school safety dramatically. The Plain Dealers July 17 story Progress in Peril click here sums up exactly why Cleveland needs Issue 3. The fact is that Clevelands schools have improved dramatically despite scarce funds but now they need resources to continue the academic progress thats been made. Since 1998, the Districts graduation rate has climbed from 28 percent to 50.2 percent in 2005. And of this years Cleveland public school graduates, a whopping 74% will attend college. Its time to make children our highest priority, improve public safety, and make Cleveland a better place for all of us. On August 2nd, please vote for Issue 3.
*************** SPONSORED LINK ***************
Yr Turn
Cool Cleveland readers write
We encourage our readers to speak out by sending us letters and commentary. Send your letters to You must include your full name (required) and you may include your e-mail address (optional). You may also create a new Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail e-mail address and submit it with your letter. Letters submitted to Cool Cleveland, or edited portions, may be published in an upcoming issue of Cool Cleveland at our discretion.
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An open letter to Cleveland from Elvis Aaron Presley Just to prove Im dead once and for all, I will tell you that I just finished playing racquetball with Nick Drake. That little devil cant sing for shit, but he hit a screaming forehand and nailed me square in the a*s. Now I got me a real Pink Moon. So, how yall doing in Cleveland? I used to like to go there for a bunch of them Polish pie-rogey things. Anytime you wrap up some tasty mashed taters inside a dumpling and fry em up in butter, you can call me Johnny… on the spot that is. Two Dilaudids, three Secanols, a couple of Black Beauties and ten of them stuffed cabbage deals were also a personal favorite whenever I visited your city. I tried adding a dozen Valiums to the recipe once but it made me forget the lyrics to I Forgot To Remember To Forget Her. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson told me that you werent feeling so good. The Colonel told me to not to believe a word that crazy drug addict says. All I can do is give you my thoughts. At my worst, right before I went to the big fried peanut butter and banana taco in the sky,” I could still get Miss Tennessee to eat bacon cheeseburgers with me while riding the Tilt-O-Whirl at an abandoned amusement park all night. When Priscilla left me for the karate teacher I was paying big Hollywood-style coin to, I just bucked up like a little camper and partied down in the Jungle Room with Ann Margaret, Mary Tyler Moore and Henry Kissinger. When my movie job went South, and I needed to get my music job back, I took care of business. I got me a leather suit, a bag of Quaaludes and a sh*t-load of Miss Universe contestant girlfriends and rocked the joint. So dont worry and take it easy. Ill save the day just like I did in Spinout. After all, me and Nixon took care of the drug problem…
An open letter from Elvis Aaron Presley to the citizens of Cleveland, as channelled through Clyde Miles
On Cleveland’s favorite blog My favorite NEO blog is probably Right Angle Blog, it is a good resource for the upcoming Mayor’s race, as well as the upcoming Governor’s race in 2006. The authors (whoever they are) do a good job presenting news articles in a fair way, and don’t ramble on about stuff that’s unimportant (which is found on alot of blogs).
from Cool Cleveland reader Tony White
On Lakewood’s smoking ban I have no problem with a partial smoking ban if the ban is for Dining Areas. I would not extend it to bar areas though. At what point does it go from partial to total ban as in other cities. How many more rights will they peck away at and abolish? Having not smoked a cigarette in 20 years has not stopped me from going to establishments that allow smoking. I respect smokers rights as much as well as the rights of non-smokers. That doesn’t mean taking rights away. I don’t need any “Do Gooders” telling others they no longer have the freedoms that previously were never questioned. It’s funny how once something like this passes in another city, it suddenly travels like a plague to other areas of the country. I have been to some establishments where smoke has little or no negative effect due to a good exhaust/ventilation system. Maybe that is an area that could be pursued along with non-smoking sections to allow both smokers and nons to coexist. Total ban is not the way to go!!
from Cool Cleveland reader Rob Werneke
If Johnny Mango’s in Ohio City had an increase in business after banning smoking, why would Lakewood be any different? If New York City can ban smoking in establishments, why would Lakewood be any different? This is not a constitutional question. You have an absolute right to drink, ride a motorcycle without a helmet, become an Alaskan crab fisherman, and assorted other unwise activities, but your right to smoke ends where my nose begins.
from Cool Cleveland reader Karl Johnson
On OneCleveland and SBC What OneCleveland is doing is terrific and can only help private enterprise in the long-run by accelerating Clevelands move into the 21st century. Lev Gonick at CWRU is to be thanked for the vision, enthusiasm, and work he invested in getting this launched and I know the whole OneCleveland team has worked hard to get anyone and everyone to partner in the effort SBC included. SBCs concerns are understandable they face little direct competition in this market, and competition could hurt their short-term profit margins. But the copper infrastructure they have and that gives them such a head-start (and represents a barrier to entry for potential competitors) was built in the days of AT&T when, as a regulated monopoly, they were essentially given a guaranteed profit margin to build and run the system. For them to turn around and say not-for-profit status and public money gives OneCleveland an unfair competitive advantage ignores the history that gave them their privileged position in the first place. SBC, like its fellow descendants of AT&T, faces huge challenges to its historic business model. But fighting innovation is not the answer, for them in the long-run or for Cleveland in the short-run. Someone will eventually provide up-to-date, economical broadband and wireless access in Northeast Ohio. The longer it takes, the longer our regions economy fails to benefit from that. If its not in SBCs business plan to make the investment now then it should, as a regional corporate citizen, embrace and support the OneCleveland plan.
from Cool Cleveland reader Peter Robertson
SBC is fighting because OC will definately eat into their revenue stream. Why would anyone want to pay local loop charges and internet access charges to SBC (appx $500/month) if they can just leech off of the [no-charge] wireless? In today’s increasingly Internet-dependent society, I think that it is time to turn broadband into a commodity, the way we have with energy. Make it cheaper and easier for everyone to get it, and the benefits to society will continue to grow. As someone who has recently started carrying a Treo650 with a data package, I have come to realize how incredibly powerful it is to be able to hit the Internet at any time you need it. I was shopping for something the other day and wanted to know if I was getting a fair deal – I Googled it and found that the store was charging about $10 more than what I could get the item for online, but that $10 was worth it to me to support local economy and have instant gratification. When wireless (802.x/ethernet style) is abundant and cheap, I’ll have no reason to continue paying outrageous prices for slow data speeds from a cellular provider. I’ll be able to buy a VoIP-only phone and carry my “home” (Vonage/Skype/whatever) number with me anywhere I go, plus I can then stream media to the device (which is difficult with cellular data these days, even Verizon’s new service doesn’t handle it very well).
from Cool Cleveland reader Braden McGrath
SBC probably knows the in-and-outs of operating physical cables, components and parts of a communications system better than anyone in our area (or should anyway). In the middle of the night, weekends, understanding security and terrorist events etc. having the system maintained by the depth and equipment of a large utility force might make partnering with SBC, First Energy, Adelphia, etc. a good idea. Is this a fox in the henhouse thing? or vice versa? In any event our One Cleveland shouldn’t be too exclusive. It’s a fine fiber to walk.
from Cool Cleveland reader W. Farley Helms
I do not understand why the grid or wi-fi initiative is made available only to the government and to the nonprofits in this OneCleveland idea. I don’t think it’s fair to leave regular businesses out of the mix. As a matter of fact, it’s probably not wise. The last thing we need to do here is to strengthen further the government and the nonprofits, and to disadvantage further private enterprise. We have to start asking ourselves a simple question when deciding how to allocate resources: Who is a producer, and who is a taker? Is this region a group of people who work hard, create, and take risk, or is it a group that take no risk, live off the product of prior generations or off the tax dollar, and are overpaid for the scant benefit they impart? We need to reward and support the creators, the risk-takers, and the producers first. Without them, nothing else happens for very long, and there is no growth. And that’s why we’re stagnant all these years, and there’s no excuse for it, given our resources and our potential.
from Cool Cleveland reader Tim Ferris
On a convention center In response to a new convention center, renovate it or build a new one, the fact remains that there is not a facility currently downtown to hold any major event. The current facility is dingy and dark and columns every 20 feet, right now as it stands we lose opportunity’s to other city’s. If the City of Cleveland dies then the entire region is effected. We need to look at the convention center as another piece in the puzzle to help economic development, yes we are not Las Vegas and never will be but Cleveland has a lot to offer to convention organizations. A new convention center or renovated one, will benefit business in downtown Cleveland and the region.
from Cool Cleveland reader Eric Julian
Despite anything the CCVB or the mayor wants to say, Cleveland is a HORRIBLE Destination City for a large meeting or tradeshow. Why?…the weather, the weather, the weather. Cleveland’s primary competitors (despite the smoke being blown) are Columbus, Cincinnati, Detroit and Pittsburgh. In-state conventioners will not spend the dollars that national event attendees do. National event planners are not going to book conventions or conferences during our winter months when we need the business the most and the off peak rates for more desirable destinations will continue to move shows to locations like the Pacific Northwest during the summers. The most compelling evidence for the future performance of a convention facility in Cleveland can be found in the annual reports and schedules of the most similar cities. The problem is not Cleveland’s alone. Other than Chicago, Great Lakes regional cities are undesirable destinations for profitable national events. IMHO, creating a smaller but state of the art presentation/event center that serves as both a showcase for its suppliers and venue for MANY smaller events (under 500 attendees) is the much smarter approach to upgrading our meeting facilities and desirability as a destination not to mention the positive impact these events will have on local hospitality and F&B businesses.
from Cool Cleveland reader Richard Boothroyd
On Cool Cleveland Congrats on all the awards as they are well-deserved! I read every issue every week, and your work is tremendous and very, VERY thorough. It’s a one-stop read that has everything that anyone could need and it’s also, of course, very, very COOL!!!
from Cool Cleveland reader Tom Kerr
When I was a boy, and bread was a nickel … Or perhaps the better metaphor is In a galaxy far, far, away … My claim to fame is, which is an incredible anomaly because despite being in the heart of California, it’s an incredibly backwards place that you’ve probably never heard of (unless you love country music). Despite being incredibly backwards, it has this scrappy little progressive paper — which was celebrating its 100th year of independent family ownership when I was there in the mid-late 90s. Now it looks like many other daily newspaper websites, but there’s a nifty little feature called which, I think, does a decent job at doing the community journalism thing. Don’t know if any of its still profitable, or to what extent — I left to start up the newspaper’s competition, the local Road Runner affiliate in 2000 and shortly thereafter we moved to Akron when my lover got recruited by the Leakin’ Ur’nal. The point of all this is, however, is that from the outside, it looks like you’re right on track. You seem to “get it.” I hope you’re seeing the same positive signs on your end.
from Cool Cleveland reader Neil Schoenwetter
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Top 5
Here are the Top 5 from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) Move Up To Lakewood! Everyone wanted to check out the sleek new townhomes opening soon, right across the street from our next CC party. Wanna see them in person? Register here for the 8/11 party and join the complimentary tour.
2) Party Photos No, they’re not just shots of young women. Plenty of other people attend Cool Cleveland parties. Check out our next party here.
3) Brown’s diatribe Representative Sherrod Browns piece in the PD is a must read in case you missed it last week.
4) Rating the neighborhoods From last week’s Top 5, everyone wanted to take another look.
5) ‘Til you drop Cool Cleveland Night Out in Lakewood. Enough said.
Do We “Hit the Spot?” If you look forward to receiving your weekly issue of Cool Cleveland, think how it will spice up the life of say, Stan, in the Accounting Department. Help all of your lonely, unfashionably dressed friends by passing Cool Cleveland on for a good weekly read and help make the world a better place to live.
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Hard Corps gets it The heroes keep the characters flowing; many thanks to Pete Chakerian, Roldo Baritmole, Roxanne Ravenel, Kelly Ferjutz, TL Champion, Lee Chilcote, George Nemeth and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to:
Download the Cool Cleveland podcast each week at Click on the Cool Cleveland Blog here. Read the Cool Cleveland column each month in Cleveland Magazine here. Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time. See the Cool Cleveland TV Update on WKYC NBC TV by clicking here. Send your cool events to:, and your letters to: For your copy of the weekly Cool Cleveland e-zine, go to
Into the 21st Century,
–Thomas Mulready
all contents ©2005 MulreadyGROUP all rights reserved