
Like the opening of the Transformer Station; we’ve got the story and a video. And another video with Matt Fish, making us proud opening his fourth Melt Bar and Grilled in Mentor, and now working on the next in Columbus. Cle-based Expedient has already expanded to 6 cities, and Mansfield’s Vineyards of Chateau Hough are ready to sample the fruits of their labor. Three writers celebrate the life of Frank Green, and Roldo finds similarities in the treatment of President Obama and former Cle Mayor Stokes.
Meanwhile, CPT continues with Water Ways, and we have some video. Sketch comedy act The Public Squares are back, and we have an interview. Plus, with our listings below and our mobile app, we’ve lined up a pretty sweet selection of hot picks. Go shout it on the Square. –Thomas Mulready
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After six years in business, Matt Fish is starting to get the hang of the restaurant business.
Melt’s new Mentor location is his largest, also fills a void, and has been tremendously popular since its November 2012 grand opening. But it also serves as a model of sorts for future expansion: In 2013, Matt plans to open his first Melt Bar and Grilled in Columbus’s smoking hot Short North district.
Listen as Cool Cleveland talks with Matt Fish about his philosophy of fresh, gourmet food served in a comfortable atmosphere, and his plans for growth beyond Northeast Ohio.
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SPONSORED: Want a cool CAK t-shirt? Just fly Southwest Airlines out of CAK to Chicago Midway, Denver or any of Southwest’s low fare destinations and we’ll mail you one! Email info@akroncantonairport.com your name, your Southwest confirmation number, t-shirt size and a mailing address and we’ll send your Peace, Love and Happiness tee. Book your flight only at Southwest.com today!

Read more Red Hot picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

In case you haven’t noticed, we live in a world of comedy snobs. Just as most comics (Marc Maron, for example) loathe prop comedians (Carrot Top, we’re looking at you!), a divide exists in the public regarding improvisation and sketch comedy.
It’s the latter style of comedy that is starting to gain acceptance of late with the popular Last Call Cleveland troupe. Now comes word The Public Squares, a sketch act that last performed in 2007, is, well, putting the band back together, with performances on Fri 2/1 and Sat 2/2…
Read more from John Benson here
SPONSORED: Help With Your Job Search for Tri-C Alums Cuyahoga Community College is actively engaged in the process of reconnecting with its alumni to build an active, ongoing network. Join the Alumni & Friends Association and enjoy the benefits of networking, mentoring, updated job search and resume resources. Plus, look for special alumni events throughout the year. Sign-up now: Tri-C.edu/alumni.

The Tech Czar walks Cool Cleveland through Cle-based Expedient’s massive data center after a rigorous security login, badge swipe and fingerprint scan. He points out the temperature, humidity, security, fire protection and backup systems, and the Operations Support Center, staffed 24/7/365 controlling electricity, data & security. Wow!
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And Elizabeth had a special request when we told her she won $20 for using the Cool Cleveland app. “Please donate my winnings to the Kieran Pierson Trust here. Mike was a high school friend of both my husband and me (Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School). He has stage IV pancreatic cancer and the fundraiser/trust is to help with the education of his 5 year old son Kieran and some ongoing expenses of the family.”
So another $20 is on its way to a charity, courtesy of the generosity of Cool Cleveland readers and appsters.
How about you? Just download Cool Cleveland’s free mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos to share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email. You might win $20!
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Try the Cool Cleveland app and see if you don’t start recommending it to your friends. You might even meet a whole bunch of new friends. Download it here and maybe you’ll be a winner next week.

WED 1/30
No Cuts Rally Fight to maintain essential benefits at the No Cuts Rally @ Public Square. If you think the government shouldn’t cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, join the rally & speak out.
Click here for more events on Wed 1/30

THU 1/31
Sinful Cinema Murder, comedy & flashy dresses are what the classic flick The Thin Man is all about. Head to Visible Voice Books, have a drink & watch a movie. Hey, they’ll even make you some popcorn. Nice way to spend a freezing night.
Click here for more events on Thu 1/31

FRI 2/1
MIX @ CMA: Interface Bring your iPad to interface w/ CMA like never before in their brand-new innovative, state-of-the-art Gallery One. Plus, music, cocktails & cutting-edge technology. RSVP now.
Click here for more events on Fri 2/1

SAT 2/2
Marmots’ Meander Hop on a bike & cruise the Flats visiting a few groundhog digs. Then meet up for chili, camaraderie & demo rides of new bike trailers. Biking in January — not as miserable as you’d think.
Click here for more events on Sat 2/2
SPONSORED: WCLV 104.9 is live this Sat 2/2, at 8PM for The Cleveland Orchestra’s concert from the Knight Concert Hall in Miami. Franz Welser-Moest conducts “Symphonie fantastique” by Berlioz, and Garrick Ohlsson is soloist in the Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4. Full details for WCLV’s website WCLV.com.

SUN 2/3
Bassoon Day @ UA Yeah, a whole day dedicated to the bassoon. We dig it. Join in the bassoon Master Class & play in a full-on bassoon band, or show up later for the concert. Both are free.
Click here for more events on Sun 2/3

MON 2/4
A Conversation with Daniel Stashower Into history? Head to CWRU for A Conversation with Daniel Stashower, who’ll discuss the riveting true story of “The Baltimore Plot,” a little-known plan to assassinate Abraham Lincoln.
Click here for more events on Mon 2/4

TUE 2/5
Get healthy with the Vegan 101 workshop @ Mustard Seed Market in Solon. Vegan curious? New to veganism? Learn all about nutrition, environmental issues & even get your own Vegan Mentor.
Click here for more events on Tue 2/5

WED 2/6
One Man Thrash Metal Violin courtesy of Joey Molinaro @ Now That’s Class. Experience a dose of NYC acoustic/electric solo grindcore violin (really?), with special guests.
Click here for more events on Wed 2/6
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

On Fri 2/1, Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell unveil their transformation of an early-twentieth-century relic, an electrical substation that powered Detroit Avenue streetcars.
Now a museum of contemporary photography and photo-based art, Transformer Station provides a west side presence for the Cleveland Museum of Art, which splits programming duties with the Bidwells.
Watch the video with Fred Bidwell here.

The first of a 5-part series at Cleveland Public Theatre called “The Elements Cycle,” dealing with the environment and our place in the world, Water Ways is a collaboration between CPT and Oberlin College and Conservatory’s OASIS (Oberlin ArtS Intensive Semester) program, a cross-disciplinary and inter-departmental approach to learning and creating work.
Cool Cleveland got to walk through a couple of the multiple venues that audiences will experience throughout the CPT campus, as Chris Seibert of CPT and Oberlin dance student Samantha Bergman introduce us to Water Ways and the compelling story of our deep connection to water, who owns it, how to protect it and how to divide it amongst ourselves. Part of the Present & Accounted year-long collaborative project.

Just as karaoke machines created a nation of wannabe singers, and WordPress created a nation of wannabe writers, so the imperfect storm of global connectivity, crowd-funding, and America’s protracted economic and employment malaise (aka Lagflation) have created a nation of wannabe entrepreneurs.
While there are many articles out there urging you to throw caution to the wind, chase your dreams, and “Go for it”… this is not one of them…
Read more from Douglas O’Bryon here

As some of my loyal and faithful readers no doubt know, the non-profit organization my wife and I started back in 2004 — Neighborhood Solutions, Inc. — has attracted a great group of dedicated partners and supporters that have allowed us to embark on some interesting, innovative and potentially neighborhood-altering projects…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

Hey Mavis features Laurie Michelle Caner on banjo, vocals & songwriting, and Ed Caner on violin & viola.
The duo came together as Hey Mavis around five years ago, and as husband and wife shortly after that. The pairing resulted in a recent three-year stint as artists in residence at Cuyahoga Valley National Park, where they honed Hey Mavis. That’s where they’ll be celebrating the release of their second CD Honey Man, the follow-up to 2010’s Red Wine, on Sat 2/2 at 8PM…
Read the review by Anastasia Pantsios here

Frank Green was a formidable intellectual force on the Cleveland avant-garde scene. I knew him as a performance artist, and we presented his work at the Performance Art Festival numerous times. The work was dense, challenging, rigorous. We struggled to find ways to stay true to his vast, complex vision while opening it up to larger audiences. We didn’t always succeed. His activism and work as a writer and arts critic was transcended by his performance work, which deeply impressed those who were lucky enough to witness Frank at his most intense, thoughtful and creative.
Three friends of Frank’s, each from a different aspect of his life, have stepped forward to write personal remembrances of Frank’s life. Cindy Barber, the owner of the Beachland Ballroom, was Frank’s editor when she edited the Free Times in the ’90’s. Jordan Davis worked at SPACES when Frank was making his artistic presence known. And Cindy Penter was a personal friend who spent much time with Frank over the years. Read what they have to say here.

Some of the nasty partisan war by Republicans against President Barack Obama reminds me of how white politicians — mostly Democrats in this case — played politics against Carl Stokes, the first black mayor of Cleveland…
Read this story from Roldo Bartimole here
Read other recent pieces by Roldo Bartimole here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTO REVIEW: Cleveland’s Homeless Stand Down 01.27.13 by Elisa Vietri
REVIEW: Priscilla: Queen of the Desert, The Musical @ PlayhouseSquare by Laura Kennelly
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
ROLDO: Theft in Progress Also, you have to appreciate the irony… in its previous life (as CEI), First Energy caused the city to default. 35 years later, it attaches its name to another financial burden….
Read the comment from MitchVigil here
Same old song, just the small group of players you have illustrated call the fiddlers tune at our collective expense. Cleveland plods along on course as Detroit Junior, hellbent on fiscal failure, just a matter as when, not if the roof falls in, and the chinks in the armor are exposed….
Read the comment from snarky here
SNARKY MY SOUL MATE!… basically WHA HE is saying is the interests are gonna *$* @ the place along w/the sociopaths and THEN the whole thing gets dumped on COLUMBUS… depending ON WHO lands at GOV mansion THIS will either be a gift from HEaven n can play OWN games or a headache…
Read the comment from bob here
What have I learned from this article? If I ever need someone to play both sides against the middle, I’ll hire Fred Nance and the Street Crew from SS&D….
Read the comment from Richard here
It’s Time to Bear Witness Against Guns Larry, you’ve nailed THE single requirement for effective change: the voice of responsible gun owners…
Read the comment from Jim Pauley here
What a pile of leftist crock! Same old crap about the NRA “deluding” the “reasonable” gun owners….
Read the comment from IndyCA35 here
…you better buy a tank and heavier stuff if you think guns are the answer to the government…
Read the comment from Roldo Bartimole here
If you think smalls arms can’t be used to resist tyrants, you clearly missed the world news the past few years. More importantly, threats to freedom don’t just include the government…..
Read the comment from Ray Kling here
Holding gun mfgs responsible for ill-deeds done with their product is akin to suing Ford because I intentionally ran you down. Or suing Budweiser because someone got drunk and killed someone in a fight….
Read the comment from Andre LeBlanc here
I thought Cool Cleveland was supposed to be about interesting events and happenings around time. What I see is radical leftist editorial after editorial from the likes of Durstin, Frazier, etc….
Read the comment from Andrew Ziebro here
MANSFIELD: Retribution If Raymone Clements had a choice between going to prison, or going to some of the animal lovers on my Facebook, I’m betting he would chose prison….
Read the comment from Westside Sue here

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Global Game Jam: Create Your Own World
3) MANSFIELD: Retribution
4) ROLDO: Theft in Progress – Check Jimmy Haslams Pockets
5) REVIEW: Priscilla – Costumes, Dancing + Rocking Escapism @ State Theatre

Hip to be square. Thx writers: Cindy Barber, Roldo Bartimole, John Benson, Jordan Davis, Mansfield Frazier, Isaac Mell, Douglas O’Bryon, Anastasia Pantsios, Cindy Penter, Sarah Valek and Elisa Vietri. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Get square,
–Thomas Mulready

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