
But hey, “Everything Will Turn Out Alright,” or so say the artists over in Waterloo. And so does Danielle Maud’ Dib, the impresario behind Ingenuity’s upcoming Bal Ingenieux.
We’re discussing taboo subjects at Gypsy Beans, Talespinner’s channeling Hans Christian Anderson, and Aperture’s hosting a retro film photo and drawing event.
Insects are singing at Crown Point Ecology Center, we’re talking science at the Market Garden Brewery, and we’re learning how to be better cultural advocates at a CAEC huddle. That’s a situation we’ve been in for a long time. –Thomas Mulready
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Das Wird Sich Alles Finden (Everything Will Turn Out All Right) opens at Arts Collinwood this Fri 4/5 from 6-9pm as part of Collinwood’s monthly Walk All Over Waterloo event. This blockbuster show is a traveling exhibition of work by 16 artists from about half a dozen countries.
The real story, however, is how this exhibition, originally scheduled for Germany, wound up in Cleveland…
Read more from Josh Usmani here
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SPONSORED: What future do YOU want for Northeast Ohio? Have a say in a collaborative, region-wide effort to create a vision for a vibrant, resilient and sustainable region. You can’t say no one ever asks because this time we are. Vibrant NEO 2040 Public Workshop (April 30 – May 2). Share your ideas and register: VibrantNEO.org/WorkShops

Danielle Maud’ Dib, professional dancer, teacher and purveyor of Neo Burlesque, is in charge of the eclectic and risque entertainment on tap for Bal Ingenieux, the Ingenuity Festival’s annual fundraiser, scheduled for Fri 5/3.
Standing in front of the Halcyon Lodge, the Masonic Temple on Franklin Blvd in Ohio City where Bal Ingenieux takes place, Danielle gives us a sneak peek as to what we can expect at this outrageous event based on Cleveland’s Kokoon Arts Klub, the Bohemian artist group founded in 1911. Watch the video interview here.
“I’ve got retired majorettes, giant headpieces, half-naked men handing you candy…” Get ready for the debauchery…
SPONSORED: Bike the Trail: Ride the Rail. What? That’s too cool to be true! Bike Aboard! starting Sat 4/6 like this: Park at a Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad station, bike the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail until you wanna stop. Get to the closest CVSR Station platform & flag down the train (waving both arms over your head works). For just $3, the train takes you & your bike back where you started! CVSR.com/bike-aboard.

Peter Badal, beer specialist at Heinen’s Rocky River, explains, “The Brewer’s Table is Heinen’s opportunity to offer high quality craft-brewed beer on draft, which means fresher beer. Our customers appreciate our huge selection of craft beers, including some very limited offerings.”
“We’re unique because we’re able to get beers that other purveyors can’t. We have four taps – two picked by our beer buyer, and I pick the other two. We go through selections at different times, so you’ll find a variety of beers at different stores.” Heinens.com
SPONSORED: Share your Passion for Fashion at Rock the CATWALK! Join the United Way of Greater Cleveland Women’s Leadership Council Thu 4/11 at 6PM at Public Hall as they showcase this spring’s hottest fashions from local boutiques. Tickets begin at $125. Proceeds advance education, income and health in our community. United Way of Greater Cleveland.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Don’t Miss the Finale! The Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra wraps up its 2012-2013 CIM@Severance Concert Series with an all Beethoven concert featuring guest artists the KALICHSTEIN-LAREDO-ROBINSON TRIO. The CIM Orchestra will be conducted by one of CIM’s newest faculty members, Jaime Laredo. Tickets are $5; reserve yours at 216.231.1111. CIM.edu.

When I posted what I thought would be my last entry of a three-part LandMind series on land use and who benefits, Angie Schmitt, a Detroit Shoreway resident and writer for Streetsblog (a daily news source connecting people to information about sustainable transportation and livable communities), was the first person to comment on the piece.
Her observations were so incisive and intelligent I reached out to her to discuss the issue further…
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here
SPONSORED: Love jazz? Immerse yourself at PlayhouseSquare on both Saturdays (April 20 and 27) with concerts at 2, 4:30 and 8PM. In between, meet the artists in the lobby and check out Cleveland’s booming restaurant scene. Tri-CJazzFest.com

SPONSORED: On Fri 4/5 at 7:30, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History presents “Our Changing World and the New Normal: Birds and the Balance of Nature,” part of the Explorer Lecture Series. Dr. John Kricher will sign books following his talk. CMNH.org

Read more Red Hot picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events
SPONSORED: Cuyahoga Community College Offers a Variety of Summer Camps Cuyahoga Community College Summer Camps for children and teenagers are designed to attract talented, smart and enthusiastic youth who are eager to learn about a wide variety of things from cutting-edge technology to culinary creations. Other offerings include: science, crafts, sports, photography, performing arts, leadership and more. Tri-C.edu/summercamps

Douglas Craver just loves Cleveland. He’s a startup coach & strategist who is a Senior Director, Business Development & Partner Management at Mobile Defense. And he uses the Cool Cleveland app to find out what cool stuff is going on.
Douglas will be receiving a $20 check from Cool Cleveland, just for using our mobile app. Now he loves Cleveland even more.
“WOW! You just made my day (see the attached time lapsed pics to see how surprised I was… really)! The first time I’ve won anything in my other than good DNA. I’ll be sure to spend at one of our great local coffee shops. I’ll definitely be reading CC more often now that I have the App. Nice to see CC lead the way in local mobile media.”
Ready to show your love for Cleveland? Just download Cool Cleveland’s free mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos to share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.
It’s really quite easy. Just download the FREE Cool Cleveland app for iPhone or Android and start finding cool stuff to do. You can even forward the coolest stuff to your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.
Try the Cool Cleveland app and see if you don’t start recommending it to your friends. Download it here and maybe you’ll be a winner next week.
SPONSORED: Did You Know: 85% of Tri-C Alums Work in NEO Cuyahoga Community College is actively engaged in the process of reconnecting with its alumni to build an active, ongoing network. Join the Alumni & Friends Association and enjoy the benefits of networking, mentoring, updated job search and resume resources. Plus, look for special alumni events throughout the year. Sign-up now, whether you live in Northeast Ohio or not! Tri-C.edu/alumni.

WED 4/3
NEO’s Pat Sweany Comes Home Massillon-born Americana musician Patrick Sweany is pretty well known in these parts, having played around extensively. But he’s not neglecting his home base. The much-traveled musician will be ducking into Mahall’s tonight.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/3
SPONSORED: Tonight at 8PM, WCLV 104.9 is live for a CIM Live from Kulas Hall featuring a faculty concert with Joan Kwuon and Joel Smifnoff, violins; Mark Kosower, cello; and Sergei Babayan, piano, performing Schubert, Prokofiev & Brahms. The Metropolitan Opera is doing the Ring Cycle starting this week, so Weekend Radio, Sat 4/06 at 10PM, presents an all-opera show. Full details at WCLVs web site, WCLV.com.

THU 4/4
The Aperture Tweed Event Aperture in Tremont hosts their first ever Dr Sketchy Cleveland Photo & Drawing event. Bring your sketchpads & cameras (no digital) & draw two models in two rooms. It’s kinda like art class… gone bad.
Click here for more events on Thu 4/4

FRI 4/5
MIX: Afrobeat + Tuku Dance Party Join up for a free evening of polyrhythmic grooves, followed by a ticketed performance of Zimbabwean Afropop star Oliver Mtukudzi in his Cle debut. Experience hypnotic guitar loops & percussive beats.
Click here for more events on Fri 4/5

SAT 4/6
Men in Suits : Little Black Dress Looking for a hot Latin dance party on a chilly April’s night? Here it is. Salsa dancing (lessons, too), stylish clothes & a live 13-piece brass band.
Click here for more events on Sat 4/6

SUN 4/7
Earth’s First Musicians aren’t humans. They’re the birds, amphibians & insects heard all around us. Composer & naturalist Lisa Rainsongs creates music based on local field recordings & bird songs, which she’ll demonstrate today. Talk about music with roots.
Click here for more events on Sun 4/7

MON 4/8
Science Cafe Cleveland If you watch people talking, you’ll notice they’re also moving their hands & arms around, or gesturing. Why do we do this? Find out how studying gestures can reveal the way we think at this informal science discussion @ Market Garden Brewery.
Click here for more events on Mon 4/8

TUE 4/9
Recipes Remembered Meet author June Hersh as she discusses her powerful book of food memories from Holocaust survivors & their children.
Click here for more events on Tue 4/9

WED 4/10
Sustainable Cleveland is hosting a series of public meetings designed to make our city truly green. First up, a Cleveland Complete & Green Streets Public Meeting, followed by meetings on creating a Climate Action Plan & a bike sharing program.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/10
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

For those folks who can’t seem to shake the idea of their mortality or are known in the past to have had seriously awkward conversations about death with family members, friends or strangers, there’s something new coming to town to scratch that conversational itch.
Also, naturally, there’s coffee and cake.
Discuss a taboo subject in a relaxed atmosphere at Cle’s first Death Cafe Wed 4/10 @ Gypsy Beans…
Read more from John Benson here

Films made about Ohio, in Ohio, or by Ohioans. That is what movie enthusiasts will expect to see at this year’s Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF) Local Heroes Competition…
Read more from Alex Sukhoy here

A real kinship can develop between people engaged in combat who share the same foxhole, and, similarly, people who go through stressful situations together can form a kind of bond. That’s what happened in the Green Room of the Art Museum as a small group of us awaited our turns to take the stage at TEDxCle…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
There was a touching article in the news recently regarding a couple that was able to raise money online via crowd funding that allowed them to ameliorate the expenses of adopting a child. It just so happens the child is bi-racial and the couple is white….
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

Cleveland City Council President Martin J. Sweeney submitted an editorial to The Plain Dealer, chastising critics of his redistricting process, calling it “a productive and open process.”
Was it?…
Read more from Joe Baur here

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Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTOSTREAM: Buckeye Regional FIRST Robotics Competition by Elisa Vietri
PHOTOSTREAM: Easter Sunday at Old Stone Church
REVIEW: Next to Normal Delivers Wonderful Chills @ Beck Center by Laura Kennelly
REVIEW: Verb Ballets @ DanceWorks – One Day Wonders by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
REVIEW: Sordid Lives – Laugh-filled Farce @ convergence-continuum by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Nick & Jeremy – More Devised Theatre at CPT by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Good People – Funny & Compelling @ CPH by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Beck’s House of Blue Leaves Asks If the Whole World is Crazy by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
Why Immigration Really Matters… anyone remember how we took care of our own native Americans here?…
Read the comment from Ralph Solonitz here
Proposed Site Plan for the “Shoppes on Clifton” Well written Article, “What happened to Cundell’s “The Edge” Development District Plan?…
Read the comment from Greg Coloian here
While I think that having a grocer there is a good move (when I lived in the area there was the small Giant Eagle there that got swallowed by the new one at I-90 and W. 117th), what about one of the local chains like Heinen’s?…
Read the comment from Derek Arnold here
Whole Foods would be a much nicer addition. This is down and dirty (and quick) thinking that does nothing to enhance the ‘hood…
Read the comment from Marilyn Casey here
This kind of suburban style development is ill-suited for this location. The site plan, well, it sucks …
Read the comment from Scott Zen here
Who Wins in the Land Use Lottery? Not the People Please Mansfield – make noise…
Read the comment from Laura McShane here
I love the article Mansfield, we certainly do a lot of damage improving the lives of the disadvantaged. I have been through parts of Hough travel in that area frequently. As a white Lakewoodite who grew up in the area around 93rd and Union I appreciate your pride in the neighborhood….
Read the comment from Harriet Petti here
Mansfield I’d like your thoughts on the overwhelming support by ALL the councilmen except two of a ward redistricting plan that cuts neighborhoods in half, thirds, and fourths?….
Read the comment from Gloria Ferris here
Mansfield is right on the money. Are we really going to build a highway through a black neighborhood urban renewal style in 2013? Amazing! The opportunity corridor needs to be stopped. This is an important article. Too bad it will be for all practical purposes ignored…
Read the comment from Angie Schmitt here
You are spot on in your description of the situation at hand. Shout from the mountain tops. We hear you!…
Read the comment from Wesley Walker here
ROLDO: Ned Whelan – He Could Tell the Truth Ned was one of a kind. I was lucky enough to have worked with him at Cleveland magazine from 1979 to 1982. thanks for your piece Roldo…
Read the comment from Greg Stricharchuk here
Very nice piece, Roldo. On a different subject, what is your opinion on Cleveland Council map redistricting?…
Read the comment from MitchVigil here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) NEW: Proposed Site Plan for the Shoppes on Clifton
3) Blue Pike Farm: An Unexpected Green Oasis
4) ROLDO: Ned Whelan – He Could Tell the Truth
5) Rally to Reform Ohio Animal Laws at Public Square

Big ups to our writers: Joe Baur, John Benson, Roy Berko, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Laura Kennelly, Anastasia Pantsios, Alex Sukhoy, Josh Usmani, Sarah Valek and Elisa Vietri. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Hold on,
–Thomas Mulready

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