If you recall the 2012 presidential election, Obama wasn’t declared the winner until the vote tally from Ohio came in; and the vote tally from Ohio wasn’t declared until the vote tally from Cuyahoga County came in; and the vote tally from Cuyahoga County wasn’t declared until the vote tally from the black East Side wards came in.
Yeah, it’s like that.
Blacks on the east side of Cleveland put Obama over the top, and political analysts from all over the country know this. That’s why the black vote in Cleveland is so critical for Hillary this time around. We can carry the balance of power.
And one way Clinton could greatly boost the black turnout (both locally and nationally) is to teasingly say at some point in the campaign, “I think I have a great choice for the Supreme Court. It’s someone who has served the country as president — and no, it’s not my husband Bill.”
Of course there would be uproar; howls of indignation would be heard across the land — particularly from the right, and perhaps the left too. Never in American presidential politics has a candidate said (or even hint) at whose name they might send to up the Senate for consideration for the Supreme Court.
But then, never has there been a time in the history of the Republic where the stakes have been higher either. Outrageous behavior from the candidate on the right has to be met with outrageous behavior by the candidate on the left.
We’re in the age of spectacle, where presidential politics have turned into a reality show, where decorum, decency and delicacy left the stage in 2012. This is the time of bombast, of name-calling, stunts and dirty tricks. And the candidate that tries to turn the clock back to the “good ‘ol days” is going to be left ass-out.
As the great black comedienne Jackie “Moms” Mabley used to crack, “Good ’ol days? What damn ’ol days?’ I was there, where the hell were they at?” And if Trump wins, we’d better watch out. While progressives will suffer, they won’t suffer near as much as blacks. And that’s because whites that already harbor racist tendencies will be emboldened; they’ll try to bring back lynching.
Just think about it for a minute. The folks who will howl the loudest if Hillary were to drop such a hint would never vote for her anyway, and the few progressive votes she might (and I do mean “might”) lose would be more than offset by the increase in the number of black voters who would then make it their duty to vote for her, just so Obama gets to sit on the highest Court in the land.
All Hillary has to add to her remarks is, “Can you just imagine the dirty looks that would sometimes be exchanged between this newest justice and Clarence Thomas?”
See? She really can’t lose.
From Cool Cleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier mansfieldfATgmail.com. Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available again in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author by visiting http://NeighborhoodSolutionsInc.com.
One Response to “MANSFIELD: Obama for SCOTUS?”
I don’t think he’d want to for a couple reasons: (1) more family time and (2) no desire to go through the confirmation process. Can you imagine what some of those slugs would do if they had him testifying before the Judiciary Committee?