School’s Out

The kids are off school. Summer is finally, inexorably here. Rather than inhabit the myth that things slow down here in the summer, in fact, the schedule proliferates, every week a surfeit of cool things to do, one stacked on top of the next. Take this week for example: A comedy CD release on Wed, five of the best films ever at Cinematheque on Thu, two photog shows at Heights Arts open on Fri, Parade the Circle steps off on Sat, Paul Green’s School of Rock graduates on Sun, Goran Bregovic at PHS on Mon, the Tremont Farmer’s Market returns on Tue, and a dialogue on cap & trade at CSU next Wed. Plus Mansfield instructs on the proper way to do the perp walk, Roldo comments on the passing of Dick Jacobs and the retirement of Brent Larkin, we say goodbye to Metrosync studio, we say hello to filmmaker Richard Mullenax, and we offer 40% OFF the upcoming Big Cool Cats Music Festival on Sat 6/20 when you use the code BCC40 here. So school may be out, but, baby, we’re just getting started. –Thomas Mulready

The Magpies rock the USA & Big Cool Cats Fest
40% OFF discount ends Midnight Fri 6/12: use code “BCC40” here

In Cleveland, they’ve won awards for Best Songwriting and Best Roots Band. But the rest of the country is catching on fast: Little Rock: “…The Magpies are phenomenal.” St. Louis: “…stuffed with Byrdsian jangle, Springsteen-style sprawl, and, yes, the occasional Dylan-like wordplay.” Norman, Oklahoma: “…The Magpies rocked an extraordinary one hour show.” Watch this video with bassist Doug McKean and decide for yourself.
The Magpies are featured at the Big Cool Cats Music Fest on June 20 at Cain Park, and you can get 40% OFF tickets only until Midnight Friday 6/12 by using the discount code “BCC40” when you check out at http://www.BigCoolCats.com. While at the site, check out videos of the other featured artists, a blog with the latest news, and complete information and directions. http://www.myspace.com/magpiesrock, http://www.MagpiesMusic.com, http://www.BigCoolCats.com

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HOT GREEN Bike to Parade the Circle! Ohio City Bicycle Co-Op and Cleveland Bikes ride to the Cleveland Museum of Art’s quintessential summer event! Join them? Click
Cle gets raves from travel writers in town for conference. Click
GREEN Here’s a list of 75 “green” reasons to love Cleveland! Click
Editor & Publisher writes about saga of Renner v. Scene Wrongful termination, killing of a story are highlights of drama unfolding here
GREEN Polycultures DVD Release Party! The local green-minded film launches home release later this month
Dinner & Drinks and fine art of eating comprises latest local program on Time-Warner Cable. Nosh it up!
Art House needs computers for volunteers this summer You can find out more here
HOT National Assoc. of County Park and Recreation Officials selected Lake Metroparks Environmental Learning Center as the Best Park and Recreation Facility in the Country! Wow!
Bad news for Cleveland Agora? Not exactly a secret that club has been struggling; some buzz found online here
GREEN Windustrious Cleveland now on Planet Forward The national site features Sarah Taylor’s anchor here
GREEN Documentary about organic food coming to CMA. Click
A new Shaker Square merchant: Lake Erie Artists! All we can say is Wow, cool!

Now you can become eligible to win a new iPhone or iPod simply by clicking on the SPONSORED: links and videos in this week’s issue of CoolCleveland.com below. Plus, any clicks on the BigCoolCats.com link are also entered in the Click to WIN contest. Click as many times as you want. The more different links you click, the better your chances of winning. Click below and best of luck! Click to WIN

Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: A totally Un-Natural Affair that you’re going to love. Face it, anytime you get to party on the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Observation Deck, it’s a good time. Celebrate the Summer Solstice on Fri 6/19 with delicious Pacific Rim cuisine, a raffle drawing for a telescope, and Mai Tai’s under the stars, and you’ll feel good about supporting the Nature League, the 21-and-over club for those interested in social, intellectual and athletic events throughout the year. If you love the great outdoors, and you love to have fun, reserve your tickets now at www.CMNH.org.

HOT Summer Reading Club Cleveland Public Library’s kick-off party hits Fri 6/12 at 2PM at the Main Library’s Louis Stokes Wing. Visit your neighborhood CPL and register and enjoy the creative prizes, program and parties planned for the summer! Club members who read 12 books will be eligible to enter the drawing to win the a deluxe prize package that includes a Cavaliers and Lake Erie Monsters night our for a family of four! http://www.CPL.org.
Meet Your Best Friend at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo hits Sat 6/13 from 10AM – 4PM. The Zoo teams up with 20 different area humane organizations to find homes for over 100 cats and dogs (available for immediate adoption). All dogs and cats will have received a medical check-up and age-appropriate vaccination. The event is held outdoors under tents in the Zoo’s Ticket Plaza. http://www.CleMetZoo.com or call 661-6500.
Ohio Frontier Weekend Hale Farm & Village (2686 Oak Hill Road, Bath Twp.) offers this special event that offers a look at early 19th century pioneer and soldier life Sat 6/13 and Sun 6/14. Meet War of 1812 soldiers and learn what it took to be a soldier in the early 1800s. Call 330-666-3711 or visit http://www.HaleFarm.org.
Halim El-Dabh Drum Workshop Learn African drum history and different drum techniques Sat 6/13 and Sun 6/14 from 3 – 5PM at the North Water Street Gallery, 257 N. Water St., Kent. Learn about the many musical and therapeutic possibilities associated with learning a few basic drum techniques. All levels of students welcome; limit to 20 students. Call 330-673-4970. Halim El-Dabh is alum of the first Ingenuity Festival of Art & Technology. http://www.StandingRock.net. http://www.HalimElDabh.com.
Working Dog Weekend hits Lake Metroparks Farmpark Sat 6/13 and Sun 6/14 from 10AM – 5PM. If you love “man’s best friend,” you’ll enjoy this weekend celebration of dogs. Learn more about this beloved animal as you enjoy numerous demonstrations, meet a variety of working dogs and strut amongst others who share your passion for pups. http://www.LakeMetroparks.com or call 440-256-2122.
Knee-High Naturalists The Chagrin River Road Sledding Hill/South Chagrin Reservation (Cleveland Metroparks) hosts this fun event Sun 6/14 from noon – 4PM. Immerse your young learner in an exploration of their environment. Programming is geared for children ages 3 to 6 years old and their families. Nature games, crafts, hikes, and food (fee for refreshments) and more. http://www.CleMetParks.com or call 635-3200.
HOT Summer Discovery Camps begin Mon 6/15 and run for 9 consecutive weeks at the Children’s Museum of Cleveland. They’re designed for children ages 4 – 6 years old and offer an exciting variety of educational adventures — from dinosaurs to superheroes to princesses to outer space. Hands-on science experiments, themed art projects, outdoor exploration and free-play in the exhibit galleries is only the beginning. All camps are one week sessions, Monday-Friday, 8:45AM – noon. http://www.ClevelandChildrensMuseum.org.

Minds Matter received a $30,000 grant and mentors from the Civic Innovation Lab which took a risk on a start-up with no track record. They leveraged the money and mentorship into introductions to foundations, building a strong board of directors, and connections to business partners, which launched the group to a whole other level. http://www.MindsMatter.org, http://www.CivicInnovationLab.org

A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

What Can Pittsburgh teach government AND Cleveland? Howard Fineman might have tapped the answer
HOT Gladys Haddad continues dialogue on “Economic Inclusion and Community Wealth” in Cleveland. Be a part of it here
GREEN 2009 Northeast Ohio Environmental Awards Nominations are due soon; perhaps there’s a business you know that deserves a nod? Details
So, what’s the ROI of social media? Interesting piece over here
Local iPhone app Developer/ Designer “Retronyms” releases “Seek n Spell.” Take video games outside…? Click
Check out the new TeamNEO website that Optiem built. TeamNEO
HOT The Wall Street Journal highlights “Cle+” appeal to venture-backed firms. Read
NEO awarded $13.7M in Third Frontier Grants and the details are here
HOT Cle Mag scribe Erick Trickey tackles Med Mart in editorial here
Why are we not already doing this? Mother Jones reports on one architect’s fascinating vision for a greener world here
Local software guru Packy Hyland dies. Sad day in Cle tech. Click
SPONSORED: The fastest growing industry in Cleveland?? Quite possibly health care! The Health Care MBA at Baldwin-Wallace College prepares leaders to navigate this complex, dynamic field with sound business solutions. Built on the respected B-W MBA curriculum, this program can be completed in two years without interrupting your career. For details go online to http://www.BW.edu/mba

Linda Bray Chanow, Esq. The Director of Research, Project for Attorney Retention on Advancing and Retaining talks “Women Lawyers in Turbulent Times” during a brownbag lunch Wed 6/10 from 12 – 1:30PM at Ulmer & Berne LLP, 1660 W. 2nd St. RSVP
GREEN Sustainability Inspires Innovation E4S Greater Akron Network Event hits Wed 6/10 from 5:30 – 8:30PM at Mustard Seed Market and Cafe, Akron. Register
HOT Developers Diversified Realty CEO Scott Wolstein talks about his efforts to improve the infrastructure of Cleveland Wed 6/10. Talk intimately with one of Cle’s most influential businessmen and philanthropists. 20/30 Hosts at Key
Show Me the Money: Deal Making Strategies in a Tight Economy is the latest “Ideas at Dawn” biz breakfast Thu 6/11 at 7:30AM @ Ritz-Carlton. Registration
Market Diversification Workshop hits on Thu 6/11 at 7:30AM at the Doubletree Hotel, 6200 Quarry Ln., Independence. Registration: Katharine Boone, 432-5159. Click
HOT MidTown Means Business! feat. keynote Mark Falanga, SVP of MMPI, formerly Medical Mart Properties, Inc. on Thu 6/18 at 11AM. Cleveland InterContinental Hotel, 9801 Carnegie Ave. Call Diane Dunleavy at 391-5080 ext #101 or register here
The Fedeli Group Hospitality Breakfast Event feat. Cle Clinic CEO Toby Cosgrove Fri 6/19 at 7:30AM at the Rock Hall. Call 328-8080 or email mgillenwaterATthefideligroup.com
HOT Come to the TECHnic Summer Picnic this coming Sat 6/20 and enjoy summer fun in Cle with the many technicians, developers, and other IT firms in NEO. Details here
Leadership Series: Jay Allen on Building Inclusive Workplace Practices is sharp Plexus event Wed 6/24 at CSU Levin College of Urban Affairs, Dively Auditorium 1717 Euclid Ave. Click
Creating Brand Ambassadors within Your Board & Staff This BVU event hits Fri 6/26 at 9AM Learn more
HOT Designing for Small Spaces Dan Young, the founder and principal of DXY Solutions — a Cle-based mobile technology firm — will be discussing important elements to consider when designing for handheld computers and mobile software on Wed 6/17. Details here.
How to Strategically Plan for the Future while Surviving the Present Greg Melia, VP of Member Relations and Credentialing, ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership, will speak at the Greater Cleveland Society of Association Executives (GCSAE) luncheon program Friday 6/19 at 11:00AM (registration). 100th Bomb Group Restaurant, 20920 Brookpark Rd. Register online at http://www.GCSAE.com, or call 330-273-5756.
SPONSORED: The big boxes have pretty much destroyed the classical music compact disc business, but WCLV’s music partner, ArkivMusic, continues on with a catalog of some 95,000 CDs and DVDs. ArkivMusic also offers re-issues of cherished older releases, including a number by The Cleveland Orchestra. You’ll find a link to ArkivMusic on each page of the WCLV website at http://www.WCLV.com. And each purchase you make at ArkivMusic helps support WCLV’s exclusive classical music programming.

Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

A Hastily Made Comedy CD Release Party Chad Zumock and Ryan Dalton’s CD release party at Brothers Lounge features special guest Mike Polk (he of the “Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Videos”). It hits Wed 6/10 and showcases material from their first-ever comedy CD. Between the two comics, they’ve scored appearances on Comedy Central, Spike TV, E! and have been heard on XM Satellite Radio. As for Polk, he’s been everywhere lately — the latest appearance came in apeing the NBA on TNT crew. Tickets here. http://www.BrothersLounge.com.
Meet the Press! Join the COSE Arts Network on Wed 6/10 at 6PM for a cool panel discussion. Discover ways that artists can best use the media to promote their careers, shows and activities. A group of panelists will address the current state of arts media (and critical review) in NEO and offer their experiences at some of the most prominent media organizations in the area. Call 592-2472 or click here for details.

HOT Cahiers du Cinema Five of the 100 best movies ever made according to the revered French film magazine Cahiers du cinema will screen at the Cleveland Institute of Art’s Cinematheque starting Thu 6/11. The Barefoot Contessa, The Party, Some Came Running, Moonfleet and The Dead will screen through late June. For further info: 421-7450 or visit http://www.CIA.edu/Cinematheque.

Radio Mystery Theater Night Social Check out Visible Voice Bookstore in Tremont this Thu 6/11 at 7PM for an evening of old time radio mystery theater — as is done at VV every 2nd Thursday of the month! Kick back, relax with a glass of great wine and a snack, and hear many famous voice actors performing great stories by many classic radio writers — all in a nostalgic and intimate setting. The evening will be hosted by The Cleveland Classic Movies, Musicals, and More Meet Up Group. What better way to kill your television! No cost, open to the public. Call 330-393-4448 to learn more. http://www.VisibleVoiceBooks.com.
Come to the River Apollo’s Fire’s latest program explores the “rich and neglected traditions” of shape-note singing, New England barn dances, Appalachian ballads, and the revival hymns of the late 18th-century tunesmiths. This repertoire is brought to life by a 10-member troupe of crossover artists playing period instruments in a folk tradition. A special preview night Thu 6/11 at 7:30PM hits St. Noel Church in Willoughby, followed by performances at AF’s Baroque Barn, Happy Days Lodge and the Huntington Playhouse in Bay Village. Score details and schedule at http://www.ApollosFire.org.

Tremont ArtWalk It’s hot, it’s cool and it’s the second Friday of every month in Tremont. Check out this month’s installment Fri 6/12 starting at 6:30PM. http://www.TremontArtWalk.org.
Rock Hall’s Springsteen FanFest The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum welcomes Bruce Springsteen fans from all over for a weekend of events devoted to celebrating Rock Hall inductee Fri 6/12 – Sun 6/14. Live performances, public programs and screenings of rare footage presented by Emmy and Grammy-award winning filmmaker Thom Zimny and more will surround the Hall’s first-ever exhibit devoted to The Boss: From Asbury Park to the Promised Land: The Life and Music of Bruce Springsteen. Tons of cool stuff to take in! Complete details at http://www.RockHall.com/Visit/Springsteen-FanFest.
Tribute to Roberto Ocasio The Cleveland Museum of Art and Cleveland State University (CSU) team up for the latest installment of Cafe Bellas Artes Fri 6/12 at 6:30PM. Ocasio’s musical career began in the mid-60s; the self-taught guitarist began his musical training at the Cleveland Music Settlement, then called The School of Fine Arts in Cleveland — becoming an accomplished multiinstrumentalist. After his untimely death in 2004, The Roberto Ocasio Latin Jazz Project continued to deliver his original music and educational prowess to Cleveland and beyond. CSU Drinko Hall, Music and Communications Bldg., 2001 Euclid Ave. http://www.ClevelandArt.org.
Photography X2 @ Heights Arts The arts org in Cleveland Heights opens two photography shows Fri 6/12 — In Plain View II features the photography of 12 of the daily paper’s photojournalists and opens with a 6 – 9PM reception in the Heights Arts Studio. Then Night Lights, featuring photographers who create images at night launches at 8:30PM at the Heights Arts Gallery. Score details for both at http://www.HeightsArts.org.

Scratch The paintings and drawings of local renowned Cleveland Heights artist Cathie Bleck will be on display at Cain Park beginning Fri 6/12 and running through mid-July. Her works will be on display at the Audrey and Harvey Feinberg Art Gallery and opening reception for the exhibition takes place the following Fri 6/19 from 6 – 8PM. Bleck works in kaolin clay, carving delicate and powerful lines to create dramatic images that range from a reverence for natural forms to storytelling that extracts mythic images from nature. http://www.CathieBleck.com. http://www.CainPark.com.
Harry Bacharach If you’re into the idea of “An Evening of Heavy Easy Listening,” check out singer-pianist and songwriter Bacharach as he takes to the Alma stage at Cain Park Fri 6/12 at 7PM. His smooth piano playing, wry wit and offbeat outlook on life is what makes his Velvet Tango Room gigs such fun. Think lounge on a grand scale. http://www.HarryBacharach.com. http://www.CainPark.com.

HOT Parade the Circle You know you love it. See CC Kids above for the skinny on this annual arts explosion. Details here. http://www.ClevelandArt.org. http://www.UniversityCircle.org.
HOT Art by the Falls More than 100 local, regional and national artists will be featured in the 26th Annual Art by the Falls on Sat 6/13 (10AM – 7PM) and Sun 6/14 (11AM – 5PM) in Chagrin Falls’ historic Riverside Park. Paintings, textiles, ceramics, glass, jewelry, metal sculpture, photography, weaving and woodcarvings will be featured in one of Northeast Ohio’s pre-eminent juried fine arts and crafts festivals hosted by the Valley Art Center — a non-profit visual arts organization providing fine art programs to the Chagrin Valley. Call 247-7507 for more info. http://www.ValleyArtCenter.org.
Between 2 Worlds More than just a jazz guitarist, Chuck Loeb has proven himself to be capable of playing, arranging, and producing any style of music. He celebrates his Heads Up International release, Between 2 Worlds, with his Jazz Tri-Fecta band live at Nighttown Sat 6/13 and Sun 6/14 Stage time is 8PM and 10PM on Saturday; 7PM on Sunday. Hot tunes abound. 12387 Cedar Rd., Cleveland Heights. Call 795-0550. http://www.NighttownCleveland.com.
HOT Art of Lakewood On Sat 6/13 from 4 – 9PM, over 30 Madison Avenue businesses will take part in a one-day, rain-or-shine art walk and “taste of Lakewood” event to help small businesses grow. Check out Madison Ave. from Riverside to Warren Rd. for this family event — which features samples of tasty treats, visual eye candy and a whole lot more. For a full map, listing of artists, and additional info, visit http://www.ArtOfLakewood.com.
Rootstock 2009 Get ready for two days of rollicking roots music and all of the ever-present shades found thereto with artists Implied Logic, Fred McKinney, Gusti, the Smokin’ Fez Monkeys on Sat 6/13 and Rick Bruening, Pale Daisies, Elliott Ingersoll, Michael Grady and Carolyn Rames on Sun 6/14. Cain Park lights up! Live music at the Alma. http://www.CainPark.com.
Crocker Park Fine Art Fair The Guild of Artists & Artisans is pleased to again partner with Crocker Park to present the 4th Annual Crocker Park Fine Art Fair to be held Saturday, June 13 and Sunday, June 14, 2009. More than 100 talented artists will share their craft across disciplines that include, but are not limited to jewelry, ceramics, painting, glass, photography, fiber, wood, leather and mixed media. Details at http://TheGuild.org/artfairs.html.

HOT HELP Hard Rock Cafe Rocks For Kids On Sun 6/14 starting at 11AM, close down the street and rock it all day long! Hard Rock Cafe Rocks for Kids is an alll-day concert that takes place off W. 2nd St. Proceeds benefit the Cleveland Police Athletic League (PALS) — the NPO that mentors/helps 10,000 inner-city kids. Call 214-766-4006 or visit http://www.ClevelandPAL.org.
Paul Green School of Rock’s “Grad School” Cleveland rock connoisseurs should check out the Brothers Lounge Sun 6/14 at 6:30PM for a “merry band of well-marinated rockers-in-training.” Hear tunes by Metallica, GNR, R.E.M., Neil Young, STP, Beatles, Stones, Kravitz and more — interpreted and delivered by a young group of SOR grads. Hear all the young dudes (and dudettes) at this supercool gig. http://www.BrothersLounge.com. http://www.SchoolOfRock.com.

Goran Bregovic will be in Cleveland for a cool, rare gig on Mon 6/15 at 7:30PM as a part of the Cleveland Museum of Art’s VIVA! and Gala series. He’ll be performing with his Weddings and Funerals Orchestra! He’s a Balkan music legend; don’t miss out. Ohio Theatre, PlayhouseSquare. Details here.

HOT The Tremont Market returns Tue 6/16 from 4:30 – 7:30PM with vendors gathered in Lincoln Park to display their wares of great, local food, local artwork, fantastic music and more. “Put a post-it note on your brain,” they tell us. Sounds cool enough to us that you won’t need to. Get up to date information and a preview of the season at http://www.TremontFarmersMarket.com.
Hallie Sinclair On Tue 6/16 Sinclair, an up-and-coming jazz influenced singer-songwriter (and Cle Heights High School graduate) joins fellow jazz musicians/alums Nathan Davis, James Muschler and Jacob Bergson (from the Cleveland Jazz Project). This is must-see, must-hear local jazz. http://www.NighttownCleveland.com.

Pangs of the Messiah The Mandel Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Cleveland offers this emotionally charged drama set in 2012 describing the struggles and conflict faced by a family of religious Zionist pioneers after the signing of a Peace Accord by the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority. Award-winning freelance performing artist and director Scott Plate (Asst. Prof and Program Manager of Music Theatre at Baldwin-Wallace College) directs. Cleveland premiere is Wed 6/17 at 7:30PM followed by extended run. Details, tickets and more at http://www.CleveJCC.org.
GREEN A Dialogue on Cap and Trade: A Response to Climate Change The debate over cap and trade in the US has intensified since President Obama took office — and making climate change legislation one of his top national priorities. This no cost, open to the public forum and open discussion aims to shed some light on what a future with cap and trade might look like. Presented by NorTech’s Advanced Energy Speaker Series and the Levin College Forum Program, in partnership with MAGNET and The Greater Cleveland Partnership. Hits Wed 6/17 at 3:30PM. Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University. 1717 Euclid Ave. Registration here or call 523-7330.
HOT Cooperative Government The public is invited to an expert panel discussion on how local governments can provide good services with fewer tax dollars. Titled, Does Sharing Help? The Inside Story on Cooperative Government, the event will be held on Wed 6/17 at 6:45PM at the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Main Library, 2345 Lee Rd., Cleveland Heights. Panelists include South Euclid Mayor Georgine Welo, University Heights Council Member Kevin Patrick Murphy, and Cleveland Heights Council Member Mark Tumeo. They will discuss their related experiences and answer audience questions. Questions can be posted in advance here.
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

The Proper Way to do the Perp Walk
The whole world is filled with speculation
The whole wide world which people say is round
They will tear your mind away from contemplation
They will jump on your misfortune when you’re down
— “Ain’t Talkin’,” Bob Dylan, 2006

Read more from Mansfield B. Frazier here

Eulogy For A Recording Studio
Saying Goodbye to Metrosync

With the studio’s closing goes a great resource not just for Cleveland but for a much broader musical community. Frank Vale and Greg Zydyk began Metrosync in the same space that had been a venue for recording plus live and recorded broadcast performances, beginning over 60 years ago…
Read more from Jeff Moyer here

Parading the [University] Circle

But anyone who has sampled everything from Parade the Circle — happening this weekend — to the plethora of museums and cultural institutions knows that University Circle is the heart… it’s just a little off center and to the east…
Read more from Claudia J. Taller here

Meet Richard Mullenax, Filmmaker
Film + Prank = Fun!

That happened to Richard Mullenax of Lakewood, a budding filmmaker, and native Clevelander. His feature-length film Impaled — Painfully Blunt has even been selected for showing at the inaugural Geauga Film Festival, held now through June 14, at the historic Geauga Lyric Theater, 101 Water St., Chardon. Rich’s film will be shown Saturday, June 13 at 4:30PM. Think two separate and totally different films about the same person, whose ego seems to be big enough for several films…
Read more from Kelly Ferjutz here

R.I.P. Dick Jacobs: He Loved Money, But Also Life
Plus: Forest City v. Brooklyn (New York), “Making the Most of Dumb Politicians” and more…

Dick Jacobs was well-regarded in Cleveland because he helped the Cleveland Indians win a couple of American League pennants and go to the World Series. For that, many believe he was “good for the town,” as they say. He gave it some spirit when it needed it…
Read more from Roldo Bartimole here

Quick reviews of recent events
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Cleveland Orchestra @ Severance Hall 5/28 Read more from Laura Kennelly here
The Mind and Music of George Gershwin @ CIM Mixon Hall 6/6 Read more from Kelly Ferjutz here
M.U.S.i.C. @ Hanna Perkins Center 6/7 Read more from Kelly Ferjutz here

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) Big Cool Cats Music Festival Get 40% OFF tix until Midnight Fri 6/12 with discount code BCC40. Plus, watch band videos & win a Gibson Guitar.
2) “I ventured downtown Monday…” And Roldo is shocked by what he sees.
3) Hastily Made, Hastily Judged Tourism videos submitted by Clevelanders win big prizes
4) Beyond Motherhood Local job board for moms, funded by the Civic Innovation Lab.
BeyondMotherhood.com, CivicInnovationLab.com
5) Cleveland graffiti is world-class.
No More Pencils, No More Books… Just the online free-for-all of NEO thrills from the Hard Corps. Enjoy your summer! Cheers to Peter Chakerian, T.L. Champion, George Nemeth, Claudia J. Taller, Jeff Moyer, Roldo Bartimole, Mansfield B. Frazier, Sarah Taylor and Laura Kennelly. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
- Experience the Cool Cleveland podcasts and videos each week at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
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- Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
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Parade the Cleve,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2009 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved