Thu 10/18 @ 6:30PM
We’re hearing that people are really fired up for the midterms, especially women who have been mercilessly disrespected and attacked over the last several years, after a man who said he liked to “grab ’em by the pussy” managed to take up residency in the White House anyway.
Join women (and others) who are fighting back to restore some decency and good governance that respects all types of people at the Grab ’Em By the Midterms rally at Lakewood Civic Auditorium., with an emphasis on candidates who support women’s rights.
Iris E. Harvey, president/CEO of Planed Parenthood Advocates of Ohio emcees an evening headlined by Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Betty Sutton (pictured). Also appearing are U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur (OH-09), Democratic candidate for Ohio attorney general Steve Dettelbach, state representative Nickie Antonio of Lakewood, Democratic congressional candidates Betsy Rader (OH-4), Susan Moran Palmer (OH-16) and Janet Garrett (OH-04), and Ohio Supreme Court candidate Melody Stewart.
In addition, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, Democratic candidate for Ohio secretary of state Kathleen Clyde, candidate for auditor Zach Space and candidate for treasurer Rob Richardson will appear via video.
This is a rally, not a fundraiser. It’s free, but registration is required. Go here.