Cleveland Print Room Opens Scale3 Featuring Work by Photographer & Two Video Artists

Lori Kella: In the Shadow of Puncak Jaya

Fri 8/19 @ 5-9PM

Sat 8/20 @ 1PM

August is a dead time for local galleries, which spring to life again with new shows in September. However, one gallery is having a major show open this month — the Cleveland Print Room.

The show, Scale3, features the work of three accomplished artists. And two of them work in video, demonstrating that the gallery, which has specialized in showing prints hanging on the wall, is stretching its wings.

The only still photographer in the bunch, Lori Kella, is well known for her evocative shots of created miniature landscapes. Her contribution to this show, The Seven Summits and the Lesser Peaks I Remember, features the so-called “Seven Summits,” the highest peak on each continent, along with some other smaller mountains Kella has scaled, a metaphor, she says for her “aspirations and disappointments as an artist.”

Kaufmann-Buhler - 2 fragments still

Video/sound artist Toby Kaufmann-Bohler’s VIDEFILMOTEXT series uses Super 8 film and quotations from works published by his family members as his raw material, manipulating it in the transition to video into a semi-abstract reflection on his own history exploring, he says “the complex and often conflicting emotions, stories ad mythologies of my own culture.”

Finally, Jacob Koestler’s Black Body, a segment of a larger project called The Natural Bridge, is a single-channel video loop in which he uses large-scale photographs of Appalachian Caves to create his own version of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, reflecting on “the gray area between still and moving, real and perceived and most importantly the fine line between inner and outer space.”


The show opens with a reception from 5-9pm Friday. There will be an artist gallery talk at 1pm Saturday, the day following the opening. The show will be on view through Fri 9/23.



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