Sun 3/12 @ 9AM-?
Praxis Fiber Workshop has come up with an engaging, interactive benefit idea: an all-day Quilt-a-Thon.
They’re inviting supporters to come to their studio/gallery in the Waterloo Arts District and spend the day putting together quilts under the guidance of artist Susie Brandt to be raffled off for its scholarship fund. No experience of any kind is needed an all materials will be provided, although you are welcome to bring your own sewing machine and fabric to swap. It’s free and a light lunch will be provided.
“The day will begin at 9am in our gallery and we will quilt until we’re tired,” they say. You don’t have to stay until you drop! It’s also the last day to see Praxis’ current show in its gallery, Quilting in the Age of the Pandemic, made by members of the MICA* Quilt Group, founded by Brandt.