Thu 9/6 @ 7PM
Can I see a show of hands? Who is missing President Obama about now? Who is missing ANY president who understands simple ceremonial protocol such as how to fly the White House flag at half-mast for a beloved elder statesman?
New York-based author Brian Abrams brings back those halcyon — or at least normal — days in his new book Obama: An Oral History. Abrams interviewed more than 100 members of his administration (most of whom lasted more than six months and none of whom were forced to sign nondisclosure agreements), campaign strategists and congresspersons from both parties who worked for and against him as they recount his failures, his successes and his ability to do the job without a string of incoherent tweets each morning.
Abrams will be at Loganberry Books, in conversation with’s Seth Richardsom. It’s free and open to the public.