West Shore Film Series Screens Documentaries About the Fight for Reproductive Freedom

Sat 4/8 @ 7PM

The West Shore Film Series hosts free screenings of documentaries addressing social justice and human rights issues. This month it will present two films addressing one of the main human rights issues facing Ohioans today: will women be allowed control over their own bodies, without which they cannot be fully human and equal?

Both were produced and directed by 84-year-old documentarian Dorothy Fadiman, whose own illegal abortion when she was in her early 20s led to complications and hospitalization — something that will become increasingly common as politicians in states such as Ohio move to strip women of their reproductive freedom.

The two films are From Danger to Dignity: The Fight for Safe Abortions (1995) and Fragile Promise of Choice: Abortion in the U.S. Today (1996) in which she took a hard look at the anti-choice zealots that, more than 25 years later, are finally imposing their desired control over women’s lives across the U.S. The latter includes an interview with Dr. George Tiller, a abortion doctor who was shot by one so-called “pro-life” extremist and later murdered by another in 2009.

Jen Thurau from Planned Parenthood will be on hand to answer questions following the film. There will undoubtedly be petitions to sign for the reproductive choice protection issue which activists are trying to get on the November ballot — and which anti-woman politicians in Columbus are pulling out every dirty trick they can think of to sabotage something the majority of Ohioans support.

The films, screening at West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, are free and open to the public. Get more information here.


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