So do you really need an excuse to visit the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo?
If you do, there’s no better reason than baby animals. And right now the zoo has a special one, a baby koala, called a joey, recently born at the zoo. It’s the first time in almost a decade it’s had a baby koala on the premises. The gender of the baby isn’t known yet.
Visitors can see mom Mackenzie and her baby, which left the pouch on August 24, at Gumleaf Hideout in the Australian Adventure are on even-numbered dates between 11:30am and 3:30pm. Zoo hours are 9:30am-4:30pm so plan to spend the day and visit all the animal residents. Also, while capacity is still limited, reservations are no longer required.
See a video of mom and baby here and learn more about koala reproduction and behavior.