Two Poets Perform “I Heard America Vomiting” Tour in Tremont

Sat 6/17 @ 7PM

Portsmouth, Ohio-based journalist Nikki Blankenship is also, according to her bio, a sideshow performer who does sword swallowing and fire eating. She’s also a self-dubbed “confessional poet” with an unrestrained approach to her literary efforts, as you might glean from the title of her currently poetry reading tour with fellow poet J.I.B., a “prose poet” from southern Ohio. They’re calling it the “I Heard America Vomiting Tour.”

Hopefully they’ll only be puking up words when they perform at Visible Voice Books in Tremont this weekend. You’ll undoubtedly be able to buy their books (J.I.N. has four; Blankenship has published one called Pussy) and have them sign them. The event is free.


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