
This week jubilates a couple of anniversaries. One, Woodstock, influenced generations, including noted civil rights attorney and Clevelander Terry Gilbert, who was there, and acclaimed musician and Cool Cleveland contributor David Budin, who was not. We hear from them both, plus the Burning River Fest celebrates the incendiary Cuyahoga’s role in the transformative eco movement, stronger now than ever. Which brings us to the latest installment of Sixth City, this one on how Toronto transformed their waterfront, much in the same way that Cleveland could, if we could only sober up. Plus, Mansfield wonders on the health of the health care plan, and Roldo gives a history lesson on tax abatement, on which he feels we’ve been spending like a drunken soldier. We preview dance in the sylvan swooning days of summer, and offer our hand-picked picks for cool things to do with your friends and the family. We dare you to try to do even half of what’s listed below. And we guarantee you’ll get a buzz. –Thomas Mulready

Punch-Drunk On Maple Syrup
Thoughts on Toronto’s (and Cleveland’s) waterfront

But there were problems. In order to keep those new businesses, the city needed to lure residents back. Abandoned lands and out of use factories throughout the city weren’t exactly welcoming.
Neither was the heavily polluted lake on the edge of the emerging metropolis. So something was done.
I know what you’re thinking. But you are dead wrong. This story isn’t about Cleveland. It’s about Toronto, Canada in the early 90’s…
Read the latest installment of Sixth Sense by Jeff Biasella here

Now the good news: We’re giving away the new iPhone or an iPod simply by clicking on the SPONSORED: links in this week’s issue of CoolCleveland.com below. Click as many times as you want. The more different links you click, the better your chances of winning. Click below and best of luck! Click to WIN
SPONSORED: Family Day at Blossom! Join your fellow Clevelanders and take advantage of the Sci-Fi Spectacular at 7PM at Blossom on Sun 8/16, with extra fun stuff starting at 4:30PM: face painting, moon bounce, clowns, magicians and more. Then, settle in with your picnic to enjoy special guest George Takei (Star Trek’s Mr. Sulu) as he narrates TV & film music from your favorite Sci-Fi shows. As always, kids on the lawn are no charge, and you can get tix by phone: 216-231-1111, at Severance Hall, at Blossom, or online: http://www.ClevelandOrchestra.com

To ensure you receive Cool Cleveland every week, take a moment now and add CoolCleveland@CoolCleveland.com to your address book, trusted sender list, or corporate white list. Learn More.
HOT Planning your marketing for your 09/10 fiscal year? Don’t forget to include Cool Cleveland sponsored links and videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com.
HOT Cool Cleveland is growing & hiring We’re looking for great writers & editors who are connected to the cool stuff in town and can meet deadlines. If you’re plugged in to this cool region and can write about it, get in touch. Multimedia skills are also appreciated. Info@CoolCleveland.com

Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: Join CAK on Facebook. Get $25 off your next AirTran Airways flight! http://www.facebook.com/akroncantonairport

Creature Comforts Enrichment Day at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Ever wanted to see an octopus solve a puzzle or orangutans use tools? Watch as the animals are challenged to a series of enrichment activities designed to stimulate learning and natural behavior. Human activities offered, too. Sat 8/15 10AM – 5PM. 3900 Wildlife Way. Info.
HOT GREEN Starlight Sunrise Canoe Float For ages 16+, a pre-dawn paddle on Lake Kelso at Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve in Geauga County, from 4-7AM on Sat 8/15 to view a few remaining Perseid meteors, a waning crescent moon and wildlife activity dawning on this ancient glacial lake. Register
BotaniCool Catch the third installment of BotaniCool School for Little Buds: Bugging Around on Sat 8/15 from 10:30AM – 12PM and explore the world of bugs with your favorite 3 – 5 year-old. Call 216-721-1600 X100 to register in advance or visit the site. Cle Botanical Garden, 11030 East Blvd.
Valley City Frog Jump Festival Bring a beady-eyed green friend to the “Frog Jump Capital of Ohio” to show off his (or her) jumping skills. Music, food and artificial frog race also offered. Sun 8/16. Registration begins at 10AM. Liverpool Mill Stream Park, 1295 Maple St., Valley City. More.
Dancing Wheels Company Presents Imagination at Cain Park. Ignite your family’s imagination with a special children’s matinee performance of movement, humor and songs from America’s first physically integrated dance troupe. Wed 8/19 at 1PM. Cain Park, 14591 Superior Rd., Cleveland Heights. Call 216-371-3000 for tickets or click here.
SPONSORED: “The Best Is Yet To Come” and he’s so fine. Canadian crooner Matt Dusk swings by Cain Park on Sat 8/15 for a romantic evening of timeless songs from the American Songbook and contemporary pop numbers. Just remind us (216-371-3000) it’s cool to be romantic and your ticket is only $10! http://www.cainpark.com/concerts_list_pop.asp

A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

How to shoot yourself in the foot Apparently to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the last burning of the Cuyahoga River, ArcelorMittal. owned by the 8th richest person in the world, has restarted the C5 blast furnace, a steel shop, hot mill, pickle line, tandem mill and galvanizing line in the Cleveland Flats. Hope you enjoyed the clean air for a while. Read
SPONSORED: What’s your favorite thing about Northeast Ohio? Cleveland Plus wants to know! Enter the Cleveland Plus “Be the Plus” contest to win 2 Continental Airline tix. Create your own version of the Cleveland “+”; capture yourself or friends on camera HOLDING the Plus sign while you enjoy your favorite event, activity or place; submit your entry at http://www.ClevelandPlus.com/BeThePlus by Sept. 30. First 200 people to enter will receive a Cleveland Plus t-shirt at no charge!

Summer Social The Web Association, Cleveland DMA & Cleveland AMA on Wed 8/12 @ Cle Yachting Club Register
iPhone for Business workshop at Apple Story, Legacy Wed 8/12 6-7:30PM Register
Tech Thursday OSU Mansfield’s new Cyber Cafe at 5PM on Thu 8/13 Northern Ohio IT Assn Register
Cle’s Diversity Edge Corporate Club @ Landerhaven Thu 8/13 11:30AM Info
Smart Business Live! Akron @ Tangier Thu 8/13 w/Vicki Tifft of Clinical Research Mgmt. RSVP
HOT Networking for Good Ritz-Carlton Thu 8/13 5:30-7:30PM Cle Professionals Group Info
GREEN Green Building at the Site Scale CSU Parker Hannifin Hall Thu 8/13 5:30PM w/Craig Cawrse & Tom Evans. Register
Social Media Trends & Opportunities panel at Corp College E on Wed 8/19 8 – 9:30AM Register
GREEN Emerging Green Builders/Young Professionals Launch Meeting 3500 Lorain Thu 8/20 5 – 7PM Register
Doug Hardman, CEO of SparkBase will speak at Downtown Cle Entrepreneurs Club Thu 8/20 11:30AM Register
How to Prepare Your Business for Investors for minority & female entreps on Tue 8/25 in Youngstown Register

Woodstock 1969
Counter cultural foot soldiers inching to Mecca

They will pack up their recreational vehicles and make pilgrimages to upstate New York in a nostalgic re-enactment of the rituals of youth–to be hippies once again.
Being a survivor of the original three days of peace and music, part of me wants to relive those magical times; the other part wants to leave it to history…
Read the story by Terry Gilbert here
SPONSORED: Sci-Fi Spectacular! The latest Harry Potter film may be the best yet, and this weekend The Cleveland Orchestra brings you the best Sci-Fi TV & film music you’ve ever heard: Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Harry Potter, and more. Because kids are no charge on the lawn, you can spread your blanket and pack your picnic basket to enjoy family fun time while being serenaded by the best band in the land. Get tix by phone: 216-231-1111, at Severance Hall, at Blossom, or online: http://www.ClevelandOrchestra.com

Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

HOT Moto Gallery in Lakewood is dedicated to uniting man, machine and art. The relatively newcomer to the area’s gallery scene, Moto displays works by local artists in a variety of mediums, alongside vintage motorcycles and scooters. In keeping with that theme, every Wednesday is movie night. Free admission and BYOB is even more reason to check out cult classics like She Devils on Wheels on Wed 8/12 and CC and Company (starring Joe Namath as motorcycle mechanic CC Ryder) on Wed 8/19 at 8PM. http://Moto-Gallery.com.
The Feast of the Assumption is half religious celebration, half Italian pride fest and half gastronomic jamboree. The Feast has been happening in Little Italy for 110 years. Become part of the crowd for 4 days of food, culture and music from Thu 8/13 – Sun 8/16. Funds raised benefit Holy Rosary Catholic Church. 12021 Mayfield Rd., Little Italy. More.
Sound Environments Immerse yourself in the vibrations emerging from quartz gem crystal bowls, ancient Tibetan singing bowls and Solfeggio tuning forks as Mac’s Backs presents their monthly poetry reading, featuring sound poet Kathleen Calby. Enjoy this truly unique aural experience followed by the poetry of Mike Goldstein and Brian Taylor on Wed 8/12 at 7PM at 1820 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Heights. Info

HOT PLAY! the Akron International Festival of Alternative Theatre, kicks off Thu 8/13 at 8PM with Frankenstein by acclaimed New World Performance Lab, at Guzzetta Hall on UofA campus, and continues with a post-performance reception at Bricco downtown. Their children’s take off of “Alice in Wonderland,” called Looking for Alice, is Sat 8/15 and Sun 8/16 in Kolbe Hall. PLAY! continues through 8/30 with Cleveland’s Theatre Ninjas, and Stairway To Paradise, a cabaret performance. http://www.NWPlab.org
This Moment in Black History More than just a cool name, TMIBH is one of Cleveland’s must buzzed about indie acts. On Thu 8/13 at 7PM, you can hear and see what the fuss is all about at the Beachland Tavern. The band’s sometimes politically charged brand of punk combined with a lively stage presence makes for electrifying performances guaranteed to speed event the most jaded rockophiles heart beat. http://www.myspace.com/thismomentinblackhistory
HOT Radio Mystery Theatre Before TV, there was Radio. Experience the lost art of classic radio storytelling on Thu 8/13 at 7PM. Sit back, sip on wine and conjure up your own images to the storyline. Mingle and socialize between acts. Visible Voices Books, 1023 Kenilworth. Every 2nd Thu. Call Robert at 330-393-4448 for details or visit http://www.VisibleVoicebooks.com.

Tremont Art Walk Been gallery hoppin’ lately? If not, you better hurry while you can still walk outside sans boots and mittens. Take an art stroll under our lovely August sky on Fri 8/14 from 6 – 10PM. Maps at http://www.TremontArtWalk.org. Stop in to Brandt Gallery, 1028 Kenilworth Ave for Hotel Poem- Photography by Charlotte Mann featuring her Cle photos: “Using a old camera, obtrusive, clumsy, obvious and curious..”
Dancing with the Stars Watch local dance stars shimmy, shake and shine at the Akron Urban League’s high-energy, hot-lights fundraiser. First, watch local celebrity teams get their dance on in the dance competition, then put on your dancing shoes and hop on the open dance floor. $75/person gets you lavish hors d’oeuvres and desserts along with an evening of fun! Start dancing at 6:30PM on Fri. 8/14 in the Akron Urban League President’s Hall at 440 Vernon Odom Blvd., Akron. AkronUrbanLeague.org

GREEN Urban Harvest Garden Tour Community gardens provide social cohesion and yummy produce. What’s not to like? Tour 13 of Cle’s neighborhood gardens via directed, self-guided, bike or Lolly the Trolley tours. Plus, hear a speech from the Mayor. It’s happening on Sat 8/15 from 9AM – 2PM. Tour info and maps here or here: http://www.UrbanHarvestCleveland.org.

Jump for Diabetes We’re not talking jump roping here! Canton Air Sports presents the 2009 Inaugural “Jump for Diabetes” featuring food, music, fun and drawings for free sky dives every three hours! This family-friendly event features volleyball, cornhole, camping and skydiving demonstrations. Sat 8/15 starting at 10AM, through Sun 8/16 at 10PM at 14008 Union Ave NE, Alliance. http://www.canton-airsports.com/jump-for-diabetes.aspx Canton-Airsports.com]]
GREEN Burning River Fest Cle has come a long way since the infamous river fire in 1969. Celebrate the mighty Cuyahoga’s “rebirth-day” on Sat 8/15 from 4 – 11PM and keep the eco movement rolling. Enjoy organic food, local brews, eco-booths and live music while benefiting a good cause. Historic Coast Guard Station on Whiskey Island. http://www.BurningRiverFest.org.
University Park Art Fair & Music Fest More than 50 artists will fill Akron’s University Park on Sat 8/15 for the University Park Art Fair. Bring the entire family to this art fest and make your own drawings, instruments and crafts while you listen to live music and enjoy tantalizing treats. The park is located on Prospect between Perkins and E. Market Street. UniversityParkArtFair.org
The O’Jays Scholarship Fund Benefit Concert The O’Jays are Livin’ For the Weekend and so should you! This weekend you can join them at their Scholarship Fund Benefit Concert with MAZE and the Whispers. The concert kicks off at 6PM on Sat 8/15 at the Fawcett Stadium in the O’Jay’s hometown of Canton. Proceeds benefit the O’Jays Scholarship Fund. Info
Drum Fantasy Camp features drumming icons Dave Weckl, Steve Smith, Peter Erskine & Dafnis Prieto in an educational clinic at noon on Sat 8/15 and a concert with Steve Smith’s Jazz Legacy at 8PM at the Forum Conference Center. http://www.DrumFantassyCamp.com
Comedy Under the Stars Bring a folding chair and a sense of Humor to the Cleveland Institute of Art’s outdoor courtyard (right off the student lounge) on Sat 8/15 at 9:10PM. Celebrate the foremost solo clowns of the American silent screen including Chaplin, Keaton and Charley Chase at the Cleveland Cinematheque. CIA.edu
SPONSORED: In your home, in your backyard, on your boat, in your car, even when you’re far, far away… you can enjoy great music from WCLV at 104.9 or at http://www.WCLV.com. And now WCLV offers you a chance to win another summertime musical companion: Sony Classical’s Simply Summer CD. Ten lucky winners will be drawn at random. This is a web only contest. Go to http://www.WCLV.com for details. It ends this Sat 8/15. Complete details on all of WCLV programming on the web.

HOT Sci-Fi Spectacular Dust off your Trekkie uniform and join George Takei, Star Trek’s Mr. Sulu along with the Cleveland Orchestra for an evening of Sci-Fi music adventure! Head over to Blossom Music Center and listen to music from the big and small screens including tunes from Star Trek, Star Wars, E.T., Harry Potter and 2001 a Space Odyssey. Sun 8/16 at 7PM. Hopefully there won’t be any trouble with tribbles on the lawn! ClevelandOrchestra.com

Color Me Cleveland Artwork at City Hall View artwork of famous Cle landmarks at this special opening reception on Mon 8/17 from 5-8PM. Some artwork will be available to buy. Cle City Hall, 601 Lakeside Ave. http://www.ArtistsArchives.org.

45365 was named best documentary feature at the 2009 SXSW Film Festival. Doc chronicles life in rural Sydney, Ohio using innovative film techniques. Cleveland premier on Wed 8/19 at 6:45PM followed by Q&A with filmmaking brothers (and Ohioans) Bill and Turner Ross. “A fascinating tapestry of small-town life…” Cle Museum of Art, 11150 East Blvd. http://www.45365movie.com.
This is a Shakedown! The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame presents the last of its Summer Sessions with Gil Mantera’s Party Dream and special guest This is a Shakedown! on Wed 8/19 at 7PM on the Plaza Stage. It’s a last rockin’ hurrah before the first chill of fall. RockHall.com
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

I Think I Saw You at Woodstock
by David Budin

There, I’ve said. And that makes me just about the only white American male Baby Boomer who did not attend. I mean, if you were to take a national poll, it seems that would be the outcome.
I was living in Greenwich Village at that time and I did have a ticket and was supposed to go, but a couple of days before it began, I gave my ticket to a friend and he went, instead.
Well, it wasn’t really a ticket; it was a pass, because I had agreed to go and help a couple of friends with their booth at the festival, selling Zodiac Body Oils. Except that after a few weeks of helping them make and bottle the Zodiac Body Oils, I couldn’t stand the smell for one more minute, so I decided not to go…
Read Signs of Life by David Budin here

Health Care: DOA?
Plus: A Real Second Chance

Read more of Mansfield Frazier here

Lookin’ For a Change
Joe McBride Heads Up International

Why Cleveland? “Sometimes you need a change to move forward,” he said in a recent phone conversation…
Read the review by Laura Kennelly here
Wanna get reviewed? Send your band’s CD (less than 1 year old) to: Cool Cleveland, 14837 Detroit Avenue, #105, Lakewood, OH 44107

Park Building- From Tax Reduction to Tax Abatement
Plus: How cities should greet greedy, hands-out corporate interests; and a summer reading list

The Park Building is historic in many ways.
In an historic Ohio Supreme Court case – known as the Park Investment case – in the late 1950s, the whole system of taxing property was changed significantly. Homeowners paid the price. The change helped commercial and industrial properties to shift more of the burden of taxes from real estate interests to homeowners…
Read more from Roldo Bartimole bere

Quick reviews of recent events
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Me and My Gal @ Mercury Summer Stock 08.08.09
Read the review by Roy Berko here

Cicada Song and Shortening Days
Ground Works Dance Theatre in Tremont

By the time Verb and Ground Works – to name just 2 – have danced in Cain Park and Akron’s Heinz Poll Summer Dance Festival, summer’s winding down.
When we come at last to the August dance performances in Tremont’s Lincoln Park, summer’s all but flown.
We linger in August’s fine evenings and soak up complimentary outdoor dance concerts and their priceless ambience while we can…
Read the preview of Ground Works by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas here

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Cle needs a game-changer Why Jeff Johnson is worth the risks. CoolCleveland.com
3) Empire of Illusion by Chris Hedges, recommended by Mansfield Frazier. CoolCleveland.com
4) Dante Guitars and good grub. Now in Tremont. RestaurantDante.com
5) Cain Park Your summer ain’t over yet. CainPark.com.
We swoon With thanks for our contributors this week: Roldo Bartimole, Jeff Biasella,, David Budin, Julie Cajigas, Mansfield Frazier, Terry Gilbert, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Ivan Sheehan & Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
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- Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
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Your designated driver,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
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