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When I first heard Eric Clapton sing, “Going down to Rosedale, take my rider by my side” in the Cream classic “Crossroads,” I was sure he was singing about barbeque. My grandfather lived just north of Kansas City, and when I visited from Chicago, we would drive even farther south to Rosedale BBQ, his favorite joint in that whole BBQ mecca.
Since moving to Cleveland, I’ve been jonesing for some real barbeque, getting to the point where I’d sell my soul to the devil to get it.
Soul-selling always occurs at a crossroads. Rumor had it that real barbeque was to be had at Fat Casual BBQ, located at the crossroads of E Highland Rd and Highway 8 in Macedonia. With great hope and just a bit of fear, I drove south on 271 with my directions from Google maps riding by my side… Watch the video and read more from Cool Cleveland Cuisine correspondent Alan Block here.
Working on your online advertising budgets? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: A staggering genius. Dave Eggers is what you might call prolific. The multi-talented writer and founder of McSweeney’s has earned kudos for his novels A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and Zeitoun. He’ll speak at the Ohio Theatre on Tue 3/29 at 7:30pm. For tix, call 216.241.6000 or visit PlayhouseSquare.org/writerscenterstage.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Manufacturing Is Alive And Well! As NEO grows and diversifies its economy, its thriving manufacturing base is playing a key role. While much has been said about manufacturing’s decline, in reality, Northeast Ohio is enjoying its highest levels of manufacturing output. Learn more about advanced manufacturing in The Plus at www.ThePlus.us

Victor Pavona knows a thing or two about entrepreneurship. He heads up the Ohio Small Business Development Center in Stark County, and is hosting the 2nd annual Stark County Entrepreneur Experience, Tue 3/22 thru Tue 4/19.
Watch this video to learn more about sessions such as “Entrepreneurial Conspiracy,” the genesis of Dan Gilbert’s Bizdom U, and featured speaker Jerome Ringo, whose groundbreaking work on environmental activism has lead him to be a major voice for clean-energy business. Watch the video and discover more information here.
SPONSORED: Pick Your Bracket and Win! The ultimate in literary sports, Cleveland Public Library’s March Book Madness at CPL.org pins great novels against each other in classic NCAA tournament style. Submit your Final Four bracket and Champion Novel. Correctly predict and automatically enter a drawing for a Nook eReader! CPL.org

SPONSORED: Win airfare! Hey Cleveland! We need you more than ever. Help Akron-Canton Airport reach 25,000 fans on Facebook, and you could be the lucky winner of a $500 gift card on Frontier Airlines good for future travel. Become a fan and enter to win now: Facebook.com/akroncantonairport.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events
SPONSORED: Tough Choices, Smart Solutions! Bruce Weinstein, the corporate consultant they call “The Ethics Guy,” offers insights for “Ethical Intelligence: Five Principles for Solving Your Toughest Problems in College and Beyond” at Baldwin-Wallace College on Tue 3/15 at 8PM as part of Enduring Questions: The Mark Collier Lecture Series. More information on this free presentation is available at BW.edu.

Angela Arnold uses Cleveland Public Library a lot. For her marketing business, MagnaVaria, she does research, using free subscription databases, business directories and market research that she otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford. And she loads up on eBooks, available at CPL.org. Plus, she’s involved in lots of extracurricular sports activities, including 3 or 4 basketball leagues.
Watch the video as Angela talks about March Book Madness at CPL this month, where you can win a Nook eBook reader by picking your favorite brackets and winners. Watch this video and get more information here.

WED 3/9
Spring Awakening @ EJ Thomas Hall Youth in revolt. Morality, sexuality and rock & roll. Teenage self discovery. All these topics are successfully covered in Spring Awakening, a Tony Award-winning play centered on late 19th century German students navigating the ups & downs of adolescence. See it Wed 3/9.
Click here for more events on Wed 3/9

THU 3/10
The Search for Distant Galaxies & the End of the Cosmic Dark Ages is the hot topic @ CMNH’s Planetarium. Join Dr. Elizabeth J. (Betsy) Barton on Thu 3/10 to learn about technological breakthroughs in astronomy & the hunt for galaxies far, far away.
Click here for more events on Thu 3/10

FRI 3/11
Instant Revival @ Aperture Instant Revival is a “therapeutic jolt of analog development to the affected heart. Featuring original work for the purpose of resuscitation.” View gorgeous Polaroid photos on Fri 3/11 & enjoy food, drinks, music & overall analog love.
Click here for more events on Fri 3/11

SAT 3/12
Let the Good Times Roll It’s time for the hard knocks: The Burning River Roller Girls are back for their fifth season, w/ their first bout on Sat 3/12 @ Wolstein Ctr. Hellbombers vs. Cleveland Steamers. Hard Knockers vs. Rolling Pin-Ups. Unleash the fury.
Click here for more events on Sat 3/12
SPONSORED: The Band is back in town this weekend, and WCLV 104.9 is live at Severance Hall on Sat 3/12, at 8PM. Franz is on the podium for the Mahler Symphony No. 4 with Jessica Rivera as soprano. Then, with The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, the Dvorak Te Deum. WCLV is the radio home of The Cleveland Orchestra. WCLV is online at http://www.WCLV.com.

SUN 3/13
Best of the Fest Four of the most powerful, moving flicks from last year’s Chagrin Documentary Film Fest w/ be shown @ Best of the Fest on Sun 3/13. Watch college students save the world, Drew Carey save Cle & a park fight to be restored.
Click here for more events on Sun 3/13

MON 3/14
Modeling Memory: Understanding the normal brain Sit back & listen to a fascinating discussion of human memory at the next Science Cafe Cleveland on Mon 3/14 with Alan Lerner, MD, & Wojbor Woyczynski, PhD. Fascinating science in a casual environment. [Photo: Kim Yanoshik]
Click here for more events on Mon 3/14

TUE 3/15
Return of the Buzzards Guess who’s baaack?! None other than those crazy turkey vultures. Spot ’em as they return to their summer roost in Hinckley Reservation on Tue 3/15. Grab binocs & start searching at 7AM.
Click here for more events on Tue 3/15

WED 3/16
The Road to Hollywood tour is traveling the nation, showing different classic flicks at select cities. The tour stops in Cle on Wed 3/16 with a showing of Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwest @ CIA. Free w/ ticket. Hosted by Robert Osborne & Eva Marie Saint.
Click here for more events on Wed 3/16
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Some doomsayers predict that the anti-union Senate Bill 5 that’s working it’s way through the Ohio Legislature will signal the end of organized labor in America. That is certainly a danger, but this dark scenario will only take place if working people don’t band together to stop it.
The suggestion here is that working people and progressives need to take heed of the lesson taught by the so-called pro-life movement following the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion… Read more from Larry Durstin here

For the past seven years CityMusic has brought world-class classical music to the public of Northeast Ohio at no cost. In their Wed 3/16 – Sat 3/19 free and open-to-the-public concert series, Northeast Ohio residents are treated once again to a rare musical feast – Dylana Jenson and her violin.
Dylana Jenson began her childhood musical career at age 2. By age eight she was performing in concerts and won the International Tchaikovsky competition in Moscow at 17. When she married at age 21, her benefactor could not believe that a married woman could pursue her career and he pulled his financial support, including his violin, a del Gesu… Read more from Carol Drummond here

Finding a place to work — a place to be — is what printmaker Sarah Darby and silversmith jewelers Teresa Crompton and Kathy Patton had in mind late last year when they decided to create new display space Dovecote at the Screw Factory.
CoolCleveland talked to Long Island native, former Kent State University student and current Fairview resident Patton about the mission and mindset of Dovecote and their upcoming opening/Ides of March Party on Fri 3/11… Read more from John Benson here

Mayor Frank Jackson, whose laconic style of delivery is legendary, is at his absolute best when he goes off script and speaks from his heart.
The best line in his State of the City address came when he was discussing funding for education… Read more from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

We try to see all the worthwhile live dance that comes to town, but we took special notice when we heard that Nrityagram would again be at Cleveland Museum of Art. We arranged a phone interview with Surupa Sen, Artistic Director of this Indian dance village.
“In the village of Nrityagram, we have naught to do but learn, live, imbibe, and understand the relationship between our dance and the environment around us. To that end we grow our own food, we learn what it means to be living in a space with people from other communities, other languages, other traditions, sharing our lives, sharing our art…” Read more from Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
1 Hundred Impossible Clevelanders This is awesome! I just wish there was more diversity in the 100 photos. One of the best things about Cleveland is its rich cultural diversity – that is not reflected in this piece…
Read the comment from Hannah Fritzman Belsito here
Do Not Be Angry With Governor Kasich It’s Not His Fault, It’s Ours Kasich was not elected by a majority. He got only 49 percent of the vote of less than 50 percent of the voters. yet when President Obama won in a landslide, pundits told us that it was imperative that he be “bipartisan” and consider the opinions of those who opposed and attacked him equally with his supporters. NO politician should EVER be given a “free hand” to do whatever he likes for a “couple of years” with no input from anyone else…
Read the comment from Anastasia Pantsios here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

1) XYZ Tavern: Good Cheer, Cleveland Style
2) 1Hundred Impossible Clevelanders Photography project
3) Reshaping the Streetscape: The St. Clair Superior Streetscape Project
4) PREVIEW & VIDEO: See, Shop & Learn: Go Local @ Crafty Goodness
5) Life with Pills: Side Effects May Include Premieres @ CPT Streetscape Project

An immeasurable effort. Many thanks to our hard-working writers: John Benson, Alan Block, Carol Drummond, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Or should we say Herculean,
–Thomas Mulready

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