
No matter what they say, this is an exquisite, precarious time of year in NEO. You have to get out of the house, and you have to know where to go. Hence, all the links below. Read the profile of Ensemble Theatre, then buy a ticket. Check out Red Dot Gallery’s new online gallery and go out and see some art. Mansfield brags about the safest place in all Cleveland, and gives us a heads up on African fiddlers you can go out and see. And speaking of links, our new winner Patty Quiñónez won $250 just for clicking on CoolCleveland.com. That doesn’t sound risky at all.–Thomas Mulready

The Precarious Nature of Our Lives
Red Dot Project’s new online gallery

The physical opening of the show was hosted by environments 4 business in their 515 Euclid Avenue store on February 11th, the modern office furnishings in their showroom were an appropriate back drop for showcasing these original pieces.
Ironically, this brief, one-evening showing was the kick off for the on-line gallery exhibit named Endure!
The name of the exhibit is a reaction to the fast-paced and precarious nature of our lives…
Read more from Carol Drummond here
Tap into the power of online marketing with CoolCleveland.com’s SPONSORED: Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com

Latest Prize Awarded in ClickToWIN Contest
Winner chooses cash, of course…

Since Patty is a financial planner, we expected her to do the math and ask for the $250, but we couldn’t get her to tell us what she plans to do with her winnings. We’re guessing mutual funds and maybe some Treasury Inflation Protected Securities. ‘Cause everyone knows inflation is coming…
Watch the video of Patty’s award, and then get busy because we are upping our next award to $300 smackeroos. You can enter our ClickToWIN contest by clicking on the SPONSORED: links in this week’s issue of CoolCleveland.com below. Click as many times as you want. The more different links you click, the better your chances of winning. It’s real simple. Real people win real cash, but you can’t win if you don’t click. Just ask Patty. Click To WIN
SPONSORED: Discover the sweet sounds, sights and tastes of spring at The Holden Arboretum during the Spring Hikes and Pancake Breakfast. Explore the grounds with a guide before or after breakfast on Sat 3/13 and Sun 3/14. Breakfast served from 9AM until 1PM. Learn more or make a reservation at http://www.HoldenArb.org.
To ensure you receive Cool Cleveland every week, take a moment now and add CoolCleveland@CoolCleveland.com to your address book, trusted sender list, or corporate white list. Learn More.

Mulready ranks #6 on Facebook The PD lists the top Cleveland personalities on FB, and Mulready comes in #6 with 3916 friends, as of this e-mail. See the story, then become a friend yourself, if you’re not already, by going to Facebook and friending us. And let me just tell you something: I don’t really have 3906 friends. Really.
We’re happy being miserable. Positively Cleveland launches new site in response to that ludicrous Forbes piece. http://WhatTheForbes.com
Oberlin Conservatory of Music receives highest award given by US gov to artists & art patrons in recognition of wealth and depth of creative expressions. Read

Pinned Check out this film [pictured] about two Lakewood students fighting to be the state wrestling champions. Then see it at the Cle Film Fest starting on Fri 3/19. http://PinnedMovie.com
Officially historic. May 4 site at Kent State added to National Register of Historic Places. Info
What are the 100 most important Cle landmarks? The Cleveland Area History blog is making a list and wants your input. Check It Out
Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: The Year of the Tiger arrives at Cleveland Public Library’s Lunar New Year celebration. Come enjoy music, dancing, martial arts performances and the ritual Lion Dance by the Kwan Family. Sat 3/6 from 12-2PM in the Louis Stokes Wing Auditorium. http://www.CPL.org.

HOT Festival of Nations The Akron Civic Theatre is taking you ’round the world on Sat 3/6. Eight amazing cultural groups take the stage to dazzle you w/ dance, music and visual arts from across the globe. Kids can join the O’Hare Irish Dancers for an interactive dance, bang a drum w/ the Japanese Icho Daiko Corp or learn calligraphy w/ Dr. Zhao, Director of the Confucius Institute. Plus, try Italian gnocchi, Native American flat bread, German chocolates, Irish stew, Hungarian pastries and more. Doors open at 6:30PM @ 182 S Main St. in Akron. [Pictured is Hungarian dance troupe Csardas Dance.] Details

Letter Birds We love birds. That’s part of the reason why we love Chagrin Falls resident Pam Spremulli’s kids book Letter Birds [pictured], which uses beautifully illustrated pictures to teach kids their ABCs. (“C” is for Cardinal; “L” is for Lapwing….) We also love the book because it’s just plain adorable. Pam will host a children’s story time for kids ages 2 – 8 at Visible Voice Books, 1023 Kenilworth Ave in Tremont, on Sat 3/6 from 3-5PM featuring snacks, crafts and an opp to get her book signed. http://VisibleVoiceBooks.com
Art of the American Indians: Family Day Bring your kiddos to the Cleveland Museum of Art on Sun 3/7 to celebrate the opening of Art of the American Indians: The Thaw Collection. It’s family/community day so expect lots of fun activities–like Native drumming, flute playing, storytelling, hands-on workshops and craft demos–from 1-4PM. All ages allowed. http://ClevelandArt.org
Shadow Puppet Theater Beautiful dark and colorful puppets come to life to act out stories at Coventry Village Library, 1925 Coventry Rd in Cle Hts, on Mon 3/8 from 6:30-7:15PM. Come experience a mysterious and captivating performance of shadows on a screen. Hey–it’s all about the simple things in life! For ages 3 and up. Details
SPONSORED: Beyond Theory. Experience Applied! The Baldwin-Wallace College Executive MBA is the practical MBA that prepares senior managers for organizational leadership. Peer mentoring, group projects and real-life, real-time consulting with a northeast Ohio company offer unparalleled opportunities. A stimulating blend of business theory and practical application, the B-W EMBA meets on alternate weekends and can be completed in 21 months. Details at http://www.BW.edu/emba.
A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

HOT Another NEO startup! Introducing CorkShare.com, a social media site created by CWRU students that makes content sharing easy. http://CorkShare.com
Transforming Ohio’s Communities for the Next Economy Greater Ohio and the Brookings Institution releases policy agenda aimed to reinvigorate the state. Check it out at http://GreaterOhio.org.
Positively Cleveland wins Grand Prize from N American Travel Journalists Assn for its promo video featuring Q-Nice. Tell Me More
Movin’ in. Rehabbed Cowell & Hubbard Building at 1305 Euclid Ave welcomes its first tenants–Kent State University’s Cleveland Urban Design Collective (CUDC). Check ’em out at http://www.CUDC.kent.edu

GREEN Biomimicry: Sustainable Design & Innovation E4S 3rd Tue networking event on Tue 3/16 from 5:30-8:30PM @ CIA. [Biomimicry Conference ’09 pictured at left by Victoria.] Register
Beer, Bikes & Biz isn’t until Tue 5/9 but you gotta RSVP by Fri 3/5. Call 440-914-9262 to reserve your spot for this business after hours event w/ NAWBO and WISE @ Ray’s MTB. Info
Artists Speak Out! Join the ongoing dialogue w/ Sankofa Fine Arts Plus on Sat 3/6 at 5:30PM @ Seifullah Gallery to discuss how the arts community can assist the Haitian Arts community at Jacmal. Contact Gina Washington at smiledollyAThotmail.com for info.
HOT Intellectual Property Law and Policy 12th Annual Richard C. Sughrue Symposium @ Akron’s John S. Knight Ctr on Mon 3/8, 8AM-5:30PM. Full details here.
Talk More, Say Less intro to 21st century communication skills w/ Connie Dieken on Wed 3/10 at Doubletree – Downtown at 5PM. Register
Branding in the Social Media Sphere is the next course offered in the Social Media Lab @ CCC Corp College E on Thu 3/11 from 1:30-5:30PM. Register.
The Empowered Leader YWCA Women’s Leadership Conference on Thu 3/11 from 8:30AM-4:30PM @ Embassy Suites Cle-Rockside. Register
HOT A Deliberate Pause author Larry Robertson will speak on Thu 3/11 from 8-9AM at the Doubletree Hotel in Independence. His provocative book re-examines long-held myths of entrepreneurs, calling them mission driven individuals, and delineates how these same values can be unleashed in orgs and regional economies. Email gmarquitATedgef.org to RSVP. http://www.EdgeF.org
GREEN NEO Green Bldg & Design Expo on Sat 3/20 from 10AM-4PM @ Corp College E. Register at http://NEOGreenExpo.com.
GREEN Greening the Community 28th Nat’l Pesticide forum @ CWRU on Fri 4/9 and Sat 4/10. Register
Revitalizing The Region
Plus, watch episode on access to organic & fresh food in NEO

Click here or on the image above to watch last week’s show on our access to healthy, organic and allergy-free foods, with panelists Annie Stahlheber Burgoyne of the Cuyahoga County Board of Health and a volunteer for Lakewood Earth and Food Community; Warren Taylor, Dairy Evangelist and owner of Snowville Creamery in Pomeroy, Ohio; and Scott Duennes, Executive Director of Cornucopia, Inc. and Nature’s Bin.
Do you know a businessperson or company that we should be featuring on NEOtropolis? Drop us a line at NEOtropolis@CoolCleveland.com. After all, it’s your region, too. NEOtropolis.org.

It’s Not Just an Ensemble–It’s a Family
Keeping the Artistic Vision Alive

Lucia was so closely tied to Ensemble’s identity that when she passed away in January 2009, there was serious doubt as to whether the theater would survive.
In the words of Lucia’s widow, Martin Cosentino, “That thought was never far from our mind, especially immediately after Lucia passed away. We had hoped Licia’s love for the theatre would be enough for her to take her sister’s place. We had already cancelled the two remaining plays of the season. But when Licia was taken ill in April and passed away in her sleep in early May, it was all we could do to even think about theater. It was just a time to grieve and stay close…”
Read more from Susan Petrone here
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
The Laramie Project @ Tri-C Tri-C Metro and Eastern Campus Theatre Depts present this deeply moving and socially significant play about life in a small town after the horrific murder of a gay Wyoming college student. See it on Wed 3/3, Thu 3/4 and Fri 3/5 at 8PM @ Tri-C Metro – Theatre 10, 2900 Community College Ave. Details
Andrew Skurka: The Walking Man Andrew Skurka is already an accomplished backpacker at 28 years old. He’s completed two monumental hikes: the 6,875-mile Great Western Loop and the 7,778-mile Sea-to-Sea route. No wonder he’s called the Walking Man. He’s even been named ’05 “Person of the Year” by Backpacker Magazine. Hear him share his adventures–and plans for an upcoming 4500 mile trek along the Great Alaskan-Yukon Loop–on Wed 3/3 at 7PM @ the Rocky River Reservation’s Nature Ctr, 24000 Valley Pkwy in N Olmsted. Call 216-341-1704 to register. http://CleMetParks.com

Hamell on Trial @ Beachland Ed Hamell [pictured] puts on a one-man punk show packed w/ politics, passion, intelligence, loud music and humor. His newest release Rant & Roll captures an award-winning performance enhanced w/ Kerouac-esque social commentary. See him at the Beachland, 15711 Waterloo Rd, on Thu 3/4 at 8PM. http://HamellTV.com
HELP Cancun in Cleveland Support the Regional Infant Hearing Program while dining on mod Mex fare at Momocho on Thu 3/4 from 6-9PM. Momocho’s unique twist on Mexican food will surely lift those March doldrums… even if you’re not really in Cancun. Click here to get tickets. Sponsored by Cleveland Hearing & Speech Ctr.
CorkShare Launch Party Celebrate the launch of Cle’s newest startup venture w/ a good ol’ launch party on Thu 3/4 from 5:30-8:30PM @ RJ Bolands Restaurant & American Saloon, 724 Prospect Ave. CorkShare creates online corkboards allowing you to visually share and discuss web content w/ friends and colleagues. The launch will have good food, good people and the night’s featured drink: the CorkShot. Get tix at http://CorkShareLaunch.eventbrite.com.
The Art of Living Life, as we know it, is demanding and stressful. But don’t get overwhelmed. There’s a built-in mechanism to calm the mind in each person, yet most people have no clue how to use it. Find out how to have greater peace, energy and joy–not just for a day, but a lifetime–w/ the Art of Living course from Fri 3/5 to Mon 3/8 @ Trinity Cathedral, 2230 Euclid Ave. Learn a rhythmic breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya and live peacefully. View schedule and register here.
What is Good is Given Back Anthony Bartholomew has realized an art career high. Opening on Fri 3/5 at 6PM, he’ll exhibit his newest prints alongside his former art professor, Noel Reifel, who’s taught printmaking and drawing at Kent since ’76. See a student and his teacher (now colleague) together in What is Good is Given Back at Zygote Press. Runs through Sat 4/3 @ 1410 E 30th St. http://ZygotePress.com/calendar.htm
Medina Creative Housing Dinner & Theatre Charity Event Be entertained by The All Night Strut, conceived, originally directed and choreographed by Fran Charnas, while prizes for best Betty Davis and Gretta Garbo costumes for women and coolest hats & vests for men are awarded. Medina Creative Housing has provided vital housing and services to Medina County residents with disabilities, and takes place Fri 3/5 starting @ 5PM, with the show @ 7:30PM, and silent auction following. Info

Salty Not Sweet Come celebrate the opening of Salty Not Sweet Handmade Boutique and Letterpress Studio on Sat 3/6. From 6-11PM, expect music, food, shopping and cupcakes! Salty Not Sweet started as an idea, grew into trunk shows and evolved into its own storefront at 15613 Waterloo Rd. [Flier at left.] http://SaltyNotSweetCraft.wordpress.com
The Cleveland Craft Coalition exists to fill your life w/ cool handmade things. Once a month, they give you the opportunity to buy swoon-worthy soap, jewelry, knitwear and other goods directly from the people that made ’em. See what the 15 vendors have to offer on Sat 3/6 from noon to 4PM @ Bela Dubby, 13321 Madison Ave, Lakewood. Info
Cleveland Sketch Crawl Get your pencils, charcoal and conte crayons out and meet up w/ other artists to draw and explore the city. This month, Cle Sketch Crawl will draw The Lofts at Tremont Place, an old bible factory that’s now one of the coolest loft complexes in the city. Meet on Sat 3/6 at 10AM @ 710 Jefferson Ave. http://ClevelandSketchCrawl.blogspot.com

GREEN Debbie Apple-Presser @ We Gallery “It all started with pop cans.” From pop cans, plastic bottles, cereal boxes and bottle caps emerged beautiful art created by local artist/environmentalist Debbie Apple-Presser. Large sculptural fireflies illuminated by candles and four foot spiders woven from aluminum are just some of the cool things she created from recycled objects. Check out her creatively amazing eco-friendly sculptures at We Gallery, 20 N High St in Akron, on Sat 3/6 at 6PM. http://www.TheWeGallery.com

Looking for the American Dream Photographer Andrew Borowiec has documented the social landscape of Middle America for over decades. His new series “The New Heartland,” explores suburban sprawl and urban development, w/ a special focus on “lifestyle centers” and McMansion housing developments. Borowiec will give a comp lecture on the big ideas behind his work on Sun 3/7 at 2PM @ Akron Art Museum, 1 S High St, Akron. View his exhibition now through Sun 5/30. [Akron pictured at left.] http://AkronArtMuseum.org
Chopin’s 200th birthday bash continues on Sun 3/7 w/ a concert by Kent State Associate Prof and Steinway Artist-in-Residence Jerry Wong, who’ll perform works by John Harbison and Johannes Brahm, along w/ Impromptus, Preludes and Nocturnes by birthday boy Frederic Chopin. 5PM @ KSU’s Ludiwg Recital Hall. http://Kent.edu

Musically Speaking–Mozart the Man Musically Speaking tells you the story behind the music. On Sun 3/7, catch a unique look at one of the greatest composers of all time. Hollywood actor John de Lancie writes, directs and produces a glimpse into Mozart’s life as a wunderkind child performer and creative musician. The Cle Orchestra will demonstrate important themes of his work and provide a casual post-concert chat. 3PM @ Severance Hall. http://ClevelandOrchestra.com

Foreign Born @ Beachland It’s indie hipster mayhem at the Beachland Ballroom on Mon 3/8! Be seduced by Pacific coast “endless summer” sounds of LA-based Foreign Born [pictured]. Also hear Free Energy and CLOVERS (formerly known as the Other Girls) and DJ Matt Rolin. 8:30PM @ 15711 Waterloo Rd. http://BeachlandBallroom.com

HOT One World Tribe @ PlayhouseSquare One World Tribe [pictured] is breaking down social and racial barriers, one song at a time. This bouillabaisse of a band consists of musicians from all walks of life who play a mix of Afro-beat, funk, Latin and world beat orchestra. Let their diversity inspire you when they play a no-charge show at the Ohio Theatre, 1511 Euclid Ave, on Tue 3/9 at noon. http://Tri-C.edu/events/Pages/OneWorldTribe.aspx
The Anywhere Celebration Congregation Tour In the mood for call and response, wild hand clapping, slide guitar and “the divinely inspired but devil-charged energy” of two groups: Saint Bernadette and Jor Roberto & Poverty Hash, then get yourself to Wilbert’s on Tue 3/9 for a no-charge event to raise the roof. Video here and more info here.
GREEN Urban Innovators University Park Alliance’s Urban Innovators Speaker Series continues on Tue 3/9 w/ “Mode Shift: Moving From Driving to Biking to Walking,” a speech by Jason Schrieber, Principal with Nelson/Nygard Consulting Associates. No charge but reservations are required. Call 330-972-8859 to register or for more info. 6:30-8PM @ Andrew Jackson House, 277 E Mill St in Akron. http://UPAkron.com

Tanya Tagaq: Inuit Throat Singing Tanya Tagaq mixes the old w/ the new–specifically she brings ancient Inuit throat singing to the modern experimental music scene. She pushes the boundaries of emotion while exploring inherent primal instincts and has even collaborated w/ Bjork and Kronos Quartet. You won’t wanna miss her on Wed 3/10 when she makes her Cle debut at the Cleveland Museum of Art at 7:30PM. [Photo at left by Nadya Kwandibens.] http://CleMusArt.com/events/TanyaTagaq.aspx.
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
The Safest Place in Cleveland
Plus, Stupid Black Folks, and more…

But no, I wasnt visiting some drug-induced utopia of my imagination, nor was I in some jack-booted state like Singapore where citizens can receive 30 lashes for so much as dropping a gum wrapper on the street I was right here in the good ol U.S. of A., in Cleveland in fact.
The only prerequisite for receiving such protection is that your name has to be
Wahl Marte, Bess Bye, or Homey Despot. In other words, you have to be located in that placid and safe commons known by the name of Steelyard…
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here
Così fan tutte is Glorious
You expect sublime and thats what you get

Opening night was Tue 3/2 and there are three more performances to come. Sat 3/6 is already sold out, so don’t dawdle! Thu 3/4 and Mon 3/8 may still have some seats…
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here?

Out of the Musical Closet

An almost forgotten part of American history is that while segregation and slavery was the law of the land, black and white musicians in the south developed, and together played, a style of music that coupled Celtic reels with the African rhythms slaves brought to this country with them and first played on their homemade string gourds.
Later they would become first-rate fiddlers…
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here
Gund Grant to City Schools – Such An Irony
Plus, Dodgers Move & Ratner Arrival – Which Worse Brooklyn?

The Gunds were big property tax evaders.
Yes, it is a good move for the Gund Foundation to give $2.5 million with a promise of more. We should applaud for it. But lets not get teary eyed.
It is so much as how the world works.
The rich get richer and they bequeath tax-free pennies from those they took…
Read more of Roldo Bartimole here
Quick reviews of recent events
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Ariadne auf Naxos opera @ CIM 2/26/10
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
Cool Cleveland readers write
All letters must include your full name (required) and you may include your e-mail address (optional).
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
We heart Cool Cleveland That was a GREAT Bird Town piece in the latest Cool Cleveland. We need more neighborhoods to do this type of planning AND we need this type of planning to be KNOWN that it’s happening by the Greater Cleveland population. Thank you Cool Cleveland for posting it. Kudos to the developers of that plan and the documentors to create such an interesting outline. I live South, in Brecksville, and only a bit familiar with that area, but I would really WANT that area to improve – for those residents, for future residents and for the Greater Cleveland area as a whole. Wouldn’t a domino effect be awesome!
from Cool Cleveland reader Patty Nagel, Brecksville “Pro Cleveland” PNagelATAndrewsSoftware.com
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Resume Building: Rise Above The Rest You’ve established your platform and equipped your career toolbox. Now comes one of the most important steps in your professional journey: building your resume. CoolCleveland.com
3) Cleveland – And Good News In A Magazine! Hey, a magazine – The Nation – with an article on Cleveland that’s positive and hopeful about the Evergreen Cooperative Laundry and its promising help for our city. CoolCleveland.com
4) Let’s Go. The 34th Cleveland International Film Festival’s website is now live, complete with film descriptions and schedules. Get ready–CIFF starts on Thu 3/18. ClevelandFilm.org
5) She Can’t Stop: Allison Bencar, on her way to the top Allison Bencar’s music is a fusion of retro pop, modern blues and rock, featuring smoky, sultry vocals, honest lyrics and raw emotions. She will head into the studio in March to record her first full-length album with her band and is also hoping to break into some great Cleveland venues like the Beachland Ballroom and the House of Blues very soon. CoolCleveland.com.

Nothing uncertain about this crew: Some of the best writers in the region, and we thank them for contributing to this issue: Roldo Bartimole, Carol Drummond, Kelly Ferjutz, Mansfield Frazier, Susan Petrone, and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
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* Watch NEOtropolis on Western Reserve PBS every Friday at 9PM
* Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time
* Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
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This is going to be tricky,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107