Sat 12/12 @10:30AM-12PM
Nothing lights up a winter night like a lantern. And this year, alas, University Circle’s popular Holiday Circlefest , with its Winter Lights Lantern Festival Lanternfest featuring a parade of lanterns created by artists and the community, is not happening — thanks, COVID!
But you can make your own lanterns to hang in your window or yard, thanks to StudioCat, which holds classes at Coventry PEACE Campus’s Artful and Lake Erie Ink, another resident of the campus. They’re holding an online workshop to share how you can create lanterns from stuff you’ve maybe got lying around: paper of various kinds, pipe cleaners, plastic bottles, and odds & ends. Be sure to have scissors, glue, tape, markers and crayons on hand to put your lantern together.
Tentatively there’s an event at the campus on New Year’s Eve when people can share their homemade lights, but obviously COVID may have something to say about that, and it’s not looking good.
The workshop is for all ages. It’s $10 but scholarships are available so everyone can participate. Inquire at Lake Erie Ink. Go here to register.