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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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If you still think Ohio’s wineries only make sweet wine, think again. And if you think wine trails are only worth trekking in California, think again. If you think Ohio’s making a weak entry into uncharted territory, you need to think that one again too… Read more from Claudia Taller here
Finalizing your 2011/12 online advertising plans? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Holden Arboretum’s Free Summer Concert Series. Join us over the next three weeks for outdoor performances from students of The Cleveland Institute of Music. Bring a picnic dinner and a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy a relaxing evening with good friends and good music. Tuesdays, July 12 through August 30, FREE. Visit www.HoldenArb.org for complete list of performances.

Meet Chris Hodgson, owner of two gourmet food trucks in Northeast Ohio: Dim and Den Sum, and his new Hodge Podge truck, which is featured on the new season of Food Network’s Great Food Truck Race.
Learn why he returned to Cleveland to start his booming business after studying at Le Cordon Bleu and cooking for the best chefs in the country.
And find out why NEO is receiving so much praise nationally as a destination for food and fine cuisine. Watch the video here. ThePlus.us.
SPONSORED: 87% of Alums Would Recommend Tri-C Cuyahoga Community College is actively engaged in the process of reconnecting with its alumni to build an active, ongoing network. Join the Alumni & Friends Association and enjoy the benefits of networking, mentoring, updated job search and resume resources. Plus, look for special alumni events throughout the year. It’s highly recommended! Sign-up now: Tri-C.edu/alumni.

Click here for more News and Biz

When the Cleveland Indians needed to get serious about their mission to serve the fan experience, Executive VP of Business Operations Dennis Lehman called on Tri-C Corporate College to help with ticketing, food service, and attendance levels. “Fan experience is everything,” says Lehman. “Corporate College spent the time with us to understand what our needs were.” Watch the video and explore how Tri-C Corporate College can help you and your business. CorporateCollege.com/lss

Being a host family for a contestant in the Cleveland International Piano Competition is exciting, I confess. Planning to pick up Sean Chen at Hopkins International Airport this past Monday, I felt like I was going to meet a celebrity… Read more from Susan Schaul here

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

It’s a catchy name for Working Animals Giving Service for Kids. Help them out on Sat 8/6 at their benefit Duck Races event @ the Eastland Inn in Berea.
WAGS 4 KIDS has been training and placing skilled companion animals since 2004. The animals are placed with children who have disabilities that require assistance with mobility…. Read more from Claudia Taller here

WED 8/3
Learn how to build a boat made of recyclable materials @ CMNH on Wed 8/3. Dr. Marcus Eriksen of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation will give hints on the best boat building techniques and will give updates on his research on marine debris around the globe.
Click here for more events on Wed 8/3
SPONSORED: WCLV 104.9 is broadcasting live the 2011 Cleveland Interational Piano Competition. Hear the Semi-final Rounds today Wed 8/3 at 1PM and 7PM from Cleveland Play House. Then the 4 finalists will perform concertos with The Cleveland Orchestra and conductor Christopher Wilkins on Fri 8/5 and Sat 8/6, at 8PM. On Sun 8/7, at 3PM, we return for the Winner’s Recital. Full details at WCLV.com.

THU 8/4
Crooked River Fiber Fling Four days of fiber-related demos, workshops & classes. Plus, kids activities & a wearable art fashion show & silent auction. It all starts Thu 8/4 in Peninsula.
Click here for more events on Thu 8/4

FRI 8/5
George Gee Swing Orchestra will play the Slovenian Workman’s Home on Fri 8/5. Learn how to do the Jitterbug w/ lessons from Get Hep Swing. Gee brings an unbridled joy to swing music. It’s contagious.
Click here for more events on Fri 8/5

SAT 8/6
The best summer party in Cle? Ppl have said that about Krusty’s Summer Sauce Camp. Find out why this young adult benefit for Malachi House is so legendary on Sat 8/6 from noon – dusk. Music & Krusty burgers for all.
Click here for more events on Sat 8/6

SUN 8/7
Discover Cedar Fairmount Arts & Craft Show on Sun 8/7. Think Coventry is the only hotspot in Cle Hts? Think again: the Cedar Fairmount neighborhood is alive & vibrant. Fest features family-friendly games & plenty of opps to ShopLOCAL.
Click here for more events on Sun 8/7

MON 8/8
The most incredible animal park you have never seen Take a trip to prehistoric South America at the next Science Cafe Cleveland on Mon 8/8 @ the new Market Garden Brewery [pictured]. Speaker: Darin Croft, PhD.
Click here for more events on Mon 8/8

TUE 8/9
Music in the Garden Lounge in bliss @ Holden Arboretum’s Garden Concert Series. Next concert: Tue 8/9 with Spanish and Latin American Music for Cello & Guitar featuring Jacqueline Black & Erik Mann of CIM.
Click here for more events on Tue 8/9

WED 8/10
Vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke will offer tips on building a better, leaner body on Wed 8/10 @ Vis Voice. Learn how plant-based whole foods can fuel your athletic pursuits & lower stress levels. Time to get healthy, for real.
Click here for more events on Wed 8/10
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

During the day, mild-mannered Packy Malley is the Fundraising Expert for his family’s growing candy empire: Malley’s Chocolates, regional candy favorites since 1935, now opening their 19th & 20th stores. But come nighttime, like a superhero donning his cape, Packy becomes a musical impresario, DJing weddings and annually hosting one of the largest reggae festivals in the country, the Mid West Reggae Fest, celebrating their 20th year on Fri 8/12 to Sun 8/14 at Nelson Ledges Quarry Park, complete with stellar camping, swimming and recreation. Watch this exclusive video to see how this Cleveland original balances night and day, work and fun & reggae and chocolate.

Get hooked on haiku at the High Noon Haiku event at Dobama Theater on Fri 8/5. Participants can bring three haiku to read to the audience of about 200 people, who will pick the winner… Read more from Claudia Taller here

The title of this article is the motto of Homeboy Industries, a self-help entrepreneurial organization that’s been serving former gang bangers in the Los Angeles area for quite a few years now.
Participants seek to trade-in gang affiliations and drive-by shootings for opportunities to create legitimate revenue streams and sources of income…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

What’s fresh? Download the new Cool Cleveland app for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch & tune into the city. Find the coolest events in NEO & share them w/ your friends. Android app coming soon.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: The Shaw Festival — Quality theatre in a lovely setting [pictured] by Roy Berko
REVIEW: The Stratford Shakespeare Festival of Canada is in full production by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Cleveland Orchestra @ Blossom Music Center 7/10/11 by Laura Kennelly
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
MANSFIELD: It’s past time for the time-outs Part One: So what if the cops grab someone who had no ill intent. An innocent bystander. Sorry Mansfield, that’s not right….
Read the comment from Cindy Meyers here
Oh Mr. Mansfield my heart aches at the news….
Read the comment from Jill here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) VIDEO: Meet Photographer Elisa Vietri
3) The Cleveland Review: Enthusiasm & despair go hand-in-hand in Rust Belt literature
4) MANSFIELD: It’s past time for the time-outs
5) Mud pies and ice cream for the kids

Patio people, we thank you: Roy Berko, Mansfield Frazier, Laura Kennelly, Susan Schaul, Claudia Taller and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
See you on the patio,
–Thomas Mulready

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