Science Cafe Journeys to the Center of the Earth at the Music Box

Mon 9/10 @ 7PM

This month’s Science Café at the Music Box Supper Club, hosted by the Case Western Reserve branch of scientific research society Sigma Xi, takes a journey to the center of the Earth.

But you won’t hear any Jules Verne science fiction tales — these events don’t deal in fiction. Rather two professors from CWRU’s Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, Dr. James A. Van Orman and Dr. Steven A. Hauck Jr., will take about how the Earth’s inner core was formed.

“While much attention is focused on the mysteries of deep space, there is an equally intriguing mystery closer to home, but in the opposite direction: deep underground,” they say. “There is much that we do not know about what lies beneath our feet, under the Earth’s crust … and many unanswered questions!”

They’ll talk abut the discovery of a solid nugget of iron at Earth’s center and what that might mean, and how it impacts Earth’s magnetic field and other planetary bodies.

Science Cafés are free; there will be a full menu and bar available, and doors open at 5:30 for dinner.


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