Are you tired of winter and COVID and depressing headlines and in the need of a short springtime getaway?
Good news! Tammy L. Currier of Heights Floral Designs has partnered with Pamela Sheldon Johns of Italian Food Artisans, an author who organizes culinary trips, and bed-and- breakfast Poggio Etrusco, located in a 400-year-old farmhouse in Tuscany, to offer a five-day, relatively affordable trip called The Good Life: Flower and Food Tour April 25-30.
“April is a time for lavender, lilacs, and iris,” says Johns “April is pea tendrils, fava beans, & fresh spring cheese, tender asparagus, & the first poppies. April is a rebirth of the earth, of the honeybees, & the humans that have been hibernating for two long years.”
During the trip you’ll learn how flowers are grown and basics of floral design, tour Tuscany gardens, forage for wild edibles and make a meal from them, visit local markets, and meet some Italian food artisans.
Registration deadline is March 31. Go here for more information.–food-tours