Old School

Meet the folks behind The Cleveland Salon, an old concept whose time has come (back). They’re not giving up in Parma, where there’s a fight going on to save the historic Parma Theatre. Mansfield reverts to his old ways, and we go out shooting videos on a night full of reunions and new beginnings. Even traditional stand-bys such as Holiday CircleFest and Light Up Lakewood, Ohio City Holiday Festival and the Santaland Diaries are given new life.
New groups like Talespinner Children’s Theatre and Blank Canvas Theatre are presenting brand-new works like The Magic Flute and Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical, respectively. Our popular Shop:LOCAL holiday gift guide is ready for your perusal, and we’ve given more money away this week to a lucky Cool Cleveland mobile app users. How do you like that? An app for your smartphone that only focuses on local venues, cool people and things to do. Now that’s old school with a twist. –Thomas Mulready
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For some folks this notion may be hard to fathom, but at one point in this country people with divergent opinions could meet together to discuss the issues with decorum, aplomb and respect for each other.
The fact that such a point has to be made illustrates just how broken our current social and political model has become.
The Cleveland Salon is a forward-thinking idea for folks to calmly meet in person, discuss the issues of the day and leave, well, informed. The second such event takes Thu 11/29 @ Mahall’s…
Read more from John Benson here
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Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Cleveland Clinic Intern Presents at Major Conference Mary Schneeberger, a senior at Notre Dame Cathedral Latin presented her research at the AARC International Respiratory Congress. Mary interned with her mentor, Daniel W. Sutton and co-mentor Susan M. Brant at Hillcrest Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic Hospital, in an intensive 9 week program. ClevelandClinic.org/civiceducation

We all benefit from medical innovation. With a team of physicians, researchers, entrepreneurs and inventors all behind cutting-edge products & therapies, medical innovations also have the potential to produce new companies and jobs.
But how does the research, the new discoveries and therapeutics, get out of the lab and available to the public? Cleveland Clinic Innovations (CCI), started in 2000, answers this question every day.
“We started with just a couple of people,” said Chris Coburn, executive director of Cleveland Clinic Innovations, “and now we have grown to 65 staff members who help Cleveland Clinic researchers and physicians take their discoveries to a higher level.”
CCI acts as a business incubator for approximately 20 companies. “The state of Ohio has awarded us $150+ million for research… We now have 55 spin-off companies since we started” Read more.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Around holiday time you expect some radio stations to go all-Christmas music. The problem is that most of the selections are pretty cheesy. Not on WCLV 104.9. We skate into the season gently with quality performances including The Cleveland Orchestra and Chorus selections daily at 11:35 AM. Full details at http://www.WCLV.com.

Many Parma residents watched their childhood memories go up in flames like so much cellulose nitrate film Friday, November 16, as smoke billowed out of the Parma movie theater.
However, don’t count theater supporters out just yet; many are hoping to see a phoenix rise from the ashes…
Read more from Hollie Gibbs here

Time to celebrate! It’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and show your affection by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak.
Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
From Coventry to Canton, Ohio City to Oberlin, Youngstown to Waterloo, PlayhouseSquare to Highland Square, from the Lake Erie Islands to Lake & Ashtabula counties… if there’s cool stuff happening, it’ll be on your mobile device.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.
And we’re happy to do it. “Sure, send me the check!” said Silvia Kruger when we told her she was a winner in our Cool Cleveland contest. She’s the one on the RIGHT in the photo. We appreciate our readers downloading our mobile app and sharing the cool stuff with their friends. That’s why we’re sending a check for $20 to Silvia Kruger. We’re giving away 20 bucks a week, and you could be next!
It’s really quite easy. Just download the FREE Cool Cleveland app for iPhone or Android and start finding cool stuff to do. You can even forward the coolest stuff to your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.
Do you love the Cool Cleveland app? Maybe you’ll be a winner next week.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

The holidays are here… You ready? Don’t stress out — instead enjoy the holidays and all the shopping that comes with ’em.
Click through our newly updated Shop:LOCAL Guide for the best spots to spend a buck. And, be sure to check out our page for Pop-Up Shops, which we’ll keep adding to. Go forth & support that local merchant.

WED 11/28
The Santaland Diaries No, it’s not new, but it’s still hilarious. Yes, David Sedaris’ uproarious recounts of working as an elf in the late 1980s returns on the big stage. For adults only!
Click here for more events on Wed 11/28

THU 11/29
Get off Facebook & interactive w/ people the old-fashioned way @ the Cleveland Salon. Discuss ideas & share experiences off-line.
Click here for more events on Thu 11/29

FRI 11/30
Fast Forward/Rewind See dances that run the gamut of mood, emotion & imagination at the first dance concert exclusively presented by Dancing Wheels Company members.
Click here for more events on Fri 11/30

SAT 12/1
Light Up Lakewood You don’t have to live in Lkwd to enjoy strolling on Detroit Ave, listening to carolers & checking out sales in local shops. Plus, fireworks, trolley rides & Santa visits.
Click here for more events on Sat 12/1

SUN 12/2
Holiday CircleFest More than a dozen of University Circle’s renowned museums, institutions, gardens & galleries will be open free of charge & buzzing w/ activities. The fest ends w/ a Lantern Procession around Wade Oval.
Click here for more events on Sun 12/2

MON 12/3
Collegium Musicum Listen to Medieval, Renaissance and early Baroque music — for free. There will be over 40 voices in the chorus, so lend an ear.
Click here for more events on Mon 12/3

TUE 12/4
Brews + Prose Next up in the Market Garden Brewery Reading Series are authors Daniel Coyle and Claire McMillan. Grab a drink & lend an ear.
Click here for more events on Tue 12/4

WED 12/5
Ensemble HD Live @ the Happy Dog! Ensemble HD, a group of Cleveland Orchestra musicians & friends, is recording a live album @ Happy Dog on Tue 12/4 & Wed 12/5 & releasing a double vinyl album in May 2013. Listen up.
Click here for more events on Wed 12/5
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

If you build it, they will come.
In Downtown Cleveland’s case, “it” is a K-12 school and “they” are young families who shudder at the idea of a car-trapped, suburban life marked in excitement by trips to Applebees…
Read more from Joe Baur here

OK, I tried; I really, really did try. I wanted to prove I was this big-hearted, magnanimous journalist who is far too pure to step to the level of gloating over results of the recent Presidential Election.
However, alas, I came up short…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

The night before Thanksgiving is always a fun night in Cleveland. Everyone comes home for the holiday, and most young people want to get out. Including us. So we hit four cool spots that night, and talked with four artist who were hosting an eclectic mix of happenings.
Dominick Farinacci leads the Tri-C JazzFest Pop-Up at Mahall’s
Peanuts hosts his 38th annual All-Star Jam at Brother’s Lounge
DJ Rob Sherwood recreates the Aquilon in The Flats
Denis Devito leads Cats On Holiday at The Barking Spider Tavern

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: MIRACLE & WONDER – A StageWrights script on stage @ Ensemble by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
Born Into Ruin What have you done today to make your city better?…
Read the comment from Dar Caldwell here
My client, Colin Lively, is a huge Cleveland fan. He’s moving back because he senses the energy here… an energy that he once felt strongly in NYC but now believes is slowly slipping away because of the influx of wealthy baby boomers’ children. Cleveland is moving forward…
Read the comment from Myra Goldstein Orenstein here
What a beautifully written article….
Read the comment from Cynthia Eakin here
I’m a boomer and I’ve always said NE Ohio had to do it by itself. No need for saviors to come in. Let us be our own innovators and build a region that can be a model for revitalization….
Read the comment from Dennis Sadowski here
Great article-definitely could relate to it as a Cleveland, underdog movie-maker…
Read the comment from K. Alin here
Welcome Richey and your spirit to Cool Cleveland. I admire your insights and love for Cleveland. Hope to read you here weekly….
Read the comment from Roldo Bartimole here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Born Into Ruin: How the Young Are Changing Cleveland
3) ROLDO: Big Tax Dodgers Who Won’t Pay Jacksons School Levy REVEALED
4) MANSFIELD: QUICK! Somebody Get a Rope!
5) Calm Down, You’re Safe Riding RTA

Props to our writers: Joe Baur, John Benson, Roy Berko, Martin Bielat, Mansfield Frazier, Hollie Gibbs, Susan Schaul and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Keep it old school,
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2012 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved