Greyt Big Talk Breakfast Talk Features Education Entrepreneur

Fri 9/16 @ 8:30-10AM

Greyt Culture’s Greyt Big Talks resume for the fall, with the same monthly format and, as customary, a new location each month in order to introduce people to different businesses and organizations around town.

These early-morning talks feature a light breakfast, coffee, live music performance, original art and short “elevator” pitches for projects and ideas being generated in the community. They center around a speaker who shares how they developed their business/project/organization/idea.

This month’s speaker is Doris Korda, a long-time educator who founded the  Doris Korda Institute for Teaching to develop new methods of teaching and learning used by schools globally as well as here in Cleveland at the Hawken School where she created its Hawken School’s entrepreneurial studies program and designed the Mastery School of Hawken’s curriculum and teaching methods. It’ll take place at the CSU Monte Ahuja College of Business downtown.

Thomas Fox of Greyt Culture launched the talks eight years ago as part of the international CreativeMornings network; they evolved into the independent Greyt Big Talks about two years ago. They’re free with registration. Go here to sign up.


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