Beachland Ballroom & Tavern Celebrates 24th Anniversary Weekend

The Numbers Band

Thu 2/29 @ 8PM

With all the talk that’s occurred since the pandemic about the viability of independent music venues, we need to give credit to those local venues that have kept on chugging through all kinds of ups and down, providing great places to hear music or just hang out. One of those is the Grog Shop in Cleveland Heights, opened in 1992. Another is the Beachland Ballroom and Tavern, which opened in March of 2000, which will be hosting its annual anniversary long weekend this week.

Its 24th anniversary kickoff starts, appropriately, with a band also known for its survival instincts and longevity: Kent’s Numbers Band which formed in the summer of 1970. Led by guitarist/vocalist Robert Kidney since day one, the band is known for its distinctive mixture of rock, blues, jazz and R&B. They’ll perform in the tavern on Thursday February 29 in a primarily seated show.

The venue’s two ballroom shows on Friday (King Buffalo) and Saturday (Maddie Zahn) are both sold out — a encouraging sign that music fans are still going to shows in smaller venues. But you can catch reunited Cleveland garage rockers from the 60s, the Alarm Clocks, in the Tavern on Friday, and sizzling New Orleans style funksters DaLand Brass Band in the Tavern on Saturday. The weekend ends on Sunday with the return of the Beachland Brunch @ 11am, with WRUW DJ Rachel Hunt spinning music and a primarily seated concert with singer/songwriters Lilly Hiatt and Molly Martin in the Tavern in the evening.

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