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Realizing that fundraisers can be stodgy and stuffy affairs, SPACES Executive Director Christopher Lynn decided to stage the Monster Drawing Rally from 7 to 11PM on Sat 4/9 at the Cleveland gallery.
The venue is hoping to blur the line between viewer and artist by allowing the former to experience the latter’s process in one-hour sessions. The gallery provides the basics pencils, charcoal, pens, markers, ink and paper and 60 minutes later the drawings are finished, hanging on the wall and open for purchase. Lynn explained the concept and excitement to CoolCleveland… Read the interview by John Benson here
Here comes your 2011/12 online advertising budget… Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Orchestre National de Jazz (ONJ), the French collaborative laboratory involving musicians, composers and arrangers, performs at the HOB on Fri 4/29. They pay tribute to Robert Wyatt, the protean English drummer of Soft Machine, who pushed rock music toward jazz improvisation. Part of the 2011 Tri-C JazzFest. Tri-C Presents.com.

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SPONSORED: Beyond theory… experience applied The Baldwin-Wallace College Executive MBA is the practical MBA that advances the leadership skills of senior managers. Peer mentoring, group projects and real-life, real-time consulting with a northeast Ohio company offer unparalleled opportunities. A stimulating blend of business theory and practical application, the B-W EMBA meets on alternate weekends and can be completed in 21 months. Details at BW.edu/emba.

VIDEO: BioScience is #1 in Cleveland Plus Region
Industry Tops All Others in Jobs
The vision for BioEnterprise was to leverage the Cleveland Plus region’s natural strengths in the biosciences and biomedical research, encouraging start-ups, spin-offs and the jobs. Now, they lead all other industries in terms of jobs in our region. President and CEO Baiju Shah explains how the region has grown, and how Cleveland Plus has become a world-wide leader in the medical industry. Watch the video here. Learn more about Northeast Ohio’s biomedical industry here: ThePlus.us

SPONSORED: Literature as performance art Author Anchee Min went from learning English from Sesame Street to having her books praised by The New York Times Book Review and Booklist. Discover why this author and her public talks have been called “performance art- raw, moving, thought provoking, distressing, and delightfully funny,” when she arrives at Cleveland Public Library for the Writers & Readers Series on Sun 5/1 at 2PM. CPL.org.

Before I talk about the food at The Flaming Ice Cube, I must provide a disclaimer: I am a devoted carnivore. Don’t get me wrong, I love most every kind of fruit, and I find perfectly cooked green beans with a bit of olive oil and sea salt to be divine. But to me, everything is better with bacon. Back when our city’s founder was looking past the pigs to the promise of a future Public Square, I would have been staring straight at the swaying pork bellies and thinking about how much I love BLTs.
Given that background, I can unequivocally tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed my meal at The Flaming Ice Cube. It says on their menu, “Our goal is to serve the best food around- and it just happens to be vegan.” I can certainly say that this is the best vegan food I have eaten. Of course, the spelling of “chick’n” gave me a pretty good idea it wasn’t really chicken (that and the fact that I was at a vegan restaurant)… Read more & watch the video from CoolCUISINE correspondent Alan Block here.
SPONSORED: Love a good mash-up? FusionFest 2011 takes the stage at Cleveland Play House. This arts festival fuses together theatre, dance, music, visual art, fashion and more. Grab a beer or cocktail and check out a range of national and local acts. Tickets start at $10. Call 216-795-7000 x4 or visit ClevelandPlayHouse.com.

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VIDEOTOUR: Sherwin-Williams Museum
If you have lived in Cleveland for any period of time, you no doubt have some kind of work connection to Sherwin Williams. Most people in Northeast Ohio at least know someone who has worked there or done some work for them at some time. I know I have.
So I was intrigued to find out about a museum right in the lobby of Sherwin Williams’ downtown corporate headquarters which highlights the connection between the history of Sherwin Williams as it intersects with its hometown, Cleveland, Ohio. Highlights include historic artifacts, a 78-year-old neon sign, and the mantel & brickwork from Herry Sherwin’s late 1800’s office.
Read more and watch the video tour of the Sherwin-Williams Museum by Cool Cleveland correspondent Carol Drummond here.
SPONSORED: Music for the Ages… And for NOW! Revered for their passion and artistry, the timeless appeal of works by Johann Sebastian Bach will be powerfully illustrated through a series of seven concerts April 15-17 at the 79th Baldwin-Wallace College Bach Festival. Details and single ticket information for this cornerstone of Cleveland culture are online at BW.edu.

WED 4/6
Craft of the Cocktail Treat yourself: Explore & taste a four course delectable menu prepared by Reddstone chef Jeff James, paired with cocktails crafted by bartender Nathan Burdette on Wed 4/6@ the lovely Reddstone.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/6

THU 4/7
Creating Futures is a benefit for NEO’s wonderful org Adoption Network Cleveland. Sip on “ANC-tinis” & partake in the silent auction on Thu 4/7 @ Pickwick & Frolic. Live jazz. Fine hors d’oeuvres. Good people.
Click here for more events on Thu 4/7

FRI 4/8
EcoWatch Green Gala Party in the name of water conservation & support EcoWatch Ohio on Fri 4/8. Learn how we can protect the planet’s water supplies w/ keynote speaker Philippe Cousteau Jr. of EarthEcho Intl. Get info on the Great Lakes watershed & enjoy food, drink & jazz.
Click here for more events on Fri 4/8

SAT 4/9
Obscura Day is a celebration of the world’s wonders, curiosities & esoterica. Cities across the globe host interesting events on Sat 4/9 & this year Cle’s joining the fun. Go behind the scenes @ the Dittrick Museum & Medical History Center for a sampling of strange & wonderful objects from their artifact collection.
SPONSORED: Gutierrez Live! This Sat 4/9, at 8PM, WCLV 104.9 is live at the Knight Concert Hall in Miami for The Cleveland Orchestra’s concert featuring Horacio Gutierrez as soloist in Rachmaninoff’s greatest hit, the Piano Concerto No. 2. There’s a new program on Saturday mornings at 6AM on WCLV, Concierto, presenting Hispanic classical music and performers. The commentary is in Spanish and English. Full details on all of WCLV’s programming at WCLV.com.

SUN 4/10
Cleveland Jazz Orchestra @ Nighttown CJO’s first annual benefit concert on Sun 4/10 @ Nighttown — dinner, a silent auction & an intimate jazz concert of classic & contemporary American standards played by Sean Jones, Paul Ferguson & the CJO rhythm section. Good swanky fun.
Click here for more events on Sun 4/10

MON 4/11
Mike Watt + The Missingmen Art-punk DIY legend Mike Watt will grace the Grog Shop w/ his presence on Mon 4/11, when his “North American Hyphenated-Man Tour 2011” comes to town w/ the Missingmen, The Lawton Brothers & Restless Habs.
Click here for more events on Mon 4/11

TUE 4/12
Everyman @ CSU This ain’t your Daddy’s Everyman. Cleveland State Univ presents a re-imagined version of this classic 15th century mortality play that will make you rethink ideas about life, death, space & time. Opens on Tue 4/12 at 8PM.
Click here for more events on Tue 4/12

WED 4/13
Apollo’s Fire presents Gypsies! Hear an exuberant concert series of Bach, Telemann & the Bohemian Gypsies performed by Apollo’s Fire, America’s hottest Baroque Band. The concerts start on Wed 4/13 @ Federated Church in Chagrin Falls.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/13
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

What is more delicious than the perfect cupcake? Well that depends; have you ever had a cupcake from LaBella Cupcakes? If not, you’re missing out on more than just delicious gourmet cupcakes, you’re also missing the chance to support a local family who have turned their dream into a reality, working together every day in their brand new Cleveland cupcake shop.
Find out more about Cleveland’s newest cupcake shop by watching Julie Cajigas’ video interview with the baker behind the cupcakes, Laura Williams.

In 1996, I covered the Native American protest of Chief Wahoo on Opening Day at Jacobs Field. Initiated two years prior by the American Indian Movement (AIM), I was — and still am — completely mystified as to why the owners of the baseball franchise just don’t simply bite the bullet, take the short-term lost revenues from sales of trinkets, and do the right thing by sending the racist caricature packing.
The next year I came up with the “Sambo” sign and tried to get someone Black to carry it during that year’s demonstration on Opening Day. When I failed in that attempt, I took off my journalist’s hat and put on my activist’s one — and carried the sign myself…
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

Depending on your interests, the rites of spring can vary. For Cleveland Browns fans longing for football, that special day is when the NFL announces the following year’s schedule.
For theater lovers all over Northeast Ohio, their Christmas morning-esque feeling comes when PlayhouseSquare Vice President of Theatricals Gina Vernaci announces the next season’s Broadway Series. CoolCleveland attended this recent press event, which was a spectacle of sorts featuring video presentations of all the productions… Read John Benson’s interview w/ Gina Vernaci here

I hope you read Rabbi Daniel Jeremy Silver’s insightful look last week here as he traced the decline of Cleveland. It is an important historical document of the city’s deterioration. It revealed the nature of the loss of population. The 2010 U.S. Census puts the figure at 396,815. Far from the high of near one million mark. That’s about half the population of the city when I arrived here in 1965 to work at the Plain Dealer.
Our decline, already in progress, since has been precipitous and severe. And damaging. And painful… Read more from Roldo Bartimole here
Read other recent pieces by Roldo Bartimole here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
ROLDO: What Went Wrong in Cleveland …and we continue to see evidence of Rabbi Silver’s manifesto on a daily basis…
Read the comment from Chux here
Wahoo Resigns Over Rampant Consumerism The timing of the Chief’s departure is, in one sad way, perfect. He and Bob Feller are hopefully off to happier hunting grounds together…
Read the comment from Tim Wittman here
Sighhhhhh, I just dont get it. I love you Chief Wahoo! You make me smile as you smile. You bring out the kid in me… What excitement you brought to Cleveland in your heyday of the 90’s when no matter where we went – we saw you – Chief Wahoo so proud. And that’s how Ill always think of you – PROUDLY – not shamefully as too many people have pinned on you…
Read the comment from Patty Nagel here
I hear from a reliable source that Wahoo has entered a monastery in Cooperstown N.Y. to become a hermit. He’s taken a vow of silence, we’ll never hear from him again. I also hear he is a candidate for the Baseball Hall of Fame…
Read the comment from Jack McGuane here
MANSFIELD: The Plot “Sickens” – Part Two of a Continuing Series Your last paragraph makes a great point and needs to be stated. But it is in conflict with the rest of the article, in which you sound as if you are already convinced of the four accused officers’ guilt…
Read the comment from Steve here
It’s funny that you dont mention Henderson’s past history. What is convenient, however, is the mentally ill tag that is hung on this lifelong criminal. Mansfield, why don’t you tell both sides of the story. I guess that’s not important! I’m in no way justifying what these four officers did. I’m just sick of hearing one side of the story… from both sides. You come off as big a racist as these police officers…Read the comment from Fran Carey here
Whether or not Henderson is mentally ill, a convicted felon, or just another person like Fran Carey enjoying the freedom to be outside walking the Earth isnt important or in question because it doesn’t matter…Read the comment from Andre LeBlanc here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

On Sat 4/9, the Cleveland Museum of Art opens its new exhibit CLE OP: Cleveland Op Art Pioneers. Short for optical art, OP Art is based around abstract compositions, dynamic patterns and art with a pulsating rhythm. Even more intriguing, this internationally recognized movement has roots in 1960s Cleveland.
CoolCleveland talked to Cleveland Museum of Art Associate Curator of American Painting and Sculpture Mark Cole about OP Art… Read more from John Benson here

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

1) The highway that wont go away
2) Wahoo Resigns Over Rampant Consumerism
3) MozArt Gallery: A rogue art gallery in an unexpected place
4) The Smithsonian And The Economist cover Cle
5) ROLDO: What Went Wrong in Cleveland

Our writers are huge… Many thanks to Roldo Bartimole, John Benson, Alan Block, Julie Cajigas, Carol Drummond, Mansfield Frazier, and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Don’t be scared,
–Thomas Mulready

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