Celebrate a Winter Solstice Evening at West Woods Nature Center

Thu 12/21 @ 7:30-9:30PM

This Thursday is the shortest day/longest night of the year — aka the Winter Solstice. And while that might not seem like an occasion for celebrating (except that days will now start getting longer! Yay summer!) that isn’t stopping the Geauga Park District from having a party— its annual Winter Solstice Celebration.

Bundle up (the event is partly outdoors) and come on out to the West Woods Nature Center for a family-friendly program that revolves round stories about the origins of contemporary holiday celebrations.

Inside the nature center, there’ll be hot beverages, treats, music by the Pilgrim Brass Choir and the chance for kids to make their own solstice luminary. Outdoors, visitors can take a self-guided walk on the candle-lit Solstice Traditions Trail. Finally in the stage area, costumed interpreters will illuminate solstice traditions from past civilizations such as the Druids, the origins of mistletoe, and others. The interactive skits will take place every 10 minutes throughout the evening.

All are welcome and registration isn’t required this year. Go here for information.



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