
Are you eating local? It gets easier each year, especially with the growth of Farmers Markets, some of which are starting up this Saturday. And this week kicks off the film series, “Let’s Retake Our Plates,” and on Monday you can participate in the session on “The Future of Urban Farming in Cleveland.” For those in the job hunt, our CareerTOOLBOX column outlines the research you should be up on. You can win tix to the Green Gala with your essay on why you’re the Greenest Clevelander. Dance is alive and well in Cleveland, and Greg plays his 3-string Cigar Box Guitar. Take that to market. –Thomas Mulready

North Union Farmers Market Opens
Shaker Square: Sat 4/3 & Crocker Park: Sat 4/10

Over the winter months, grocery stores are filled with imported produce: grapes from Chile, tomatoes, asparagus, and berries from Mexico, and melons from Guatemala and Honduras.
While traveling great distances, the produce has been sitting in crates on trucks, trains and cargo ships rather than growing in the ground or ripening under the sun.
That’s why local foodies can rejoice in anticipation of the grand opening of the North Union Farmers Market at Shaker Square on Sat 4/3, and at Crocker Park, the following Saturday…
Read more from Susan Schaul here
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Remembering Euclid Ave Cong Church Cleveland Area History blog asks, Could it have been saved as a landmark? Read
Lights out? Will we join Chicago in adopting a “Lights Out” program to help migratory birds? Read about the issue here.
The Falcons are back and they’ve just laid eggs! Get a glimpse of the Tower City falcons 24/7 via the Cleveland FalconCam here.
Eggshelland Just in time for Easter, check out Eggshelland, an award-winning documentary following the lives of Ron and Betty Manolio and their famous lawn display in our region [pictured]. http://EggshellandMovie.com
GREEN Got an old computer collecting dust? April is Recycle Your Computer Month. Now’s the time to drop off yr old computer (plus mice, monitors and whatnot) at one of 40 sponsoring city service departments countywide. All computers are given to local non-profit RET3 Job Corp, who’ll erase data and refurbish or properly recycle yr old ‘puter. Tell me more
HELP Help yr nat’l park Cuyahoga Valley Nat’l Park could receive a $5K grant from Tourism Cares for education programs… but the competition is fierce. Help them out! B/tw now and Fri 5/14, vote once a day, every day for CVNPA at Save Our Sites. Cast your vote
CIFF breaks record A record 71,554 cinephiles attended the 34th Cleveland International Film Fest, breaking their 2009 record by 7%, which is more than a 100% increase since 2003. And their $34K challenge match raised more than $52K. Everyone loves the Film Fest, and we congratulate them on a job well done. And Rob Pitingolo makes some earnest suggestions for making the Film Fest even better on BrewedFreshDaily.com here.
Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: Calling all future doctors: Junior Medical Camp is back at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History this summer! Different activities designed for kids in grades 3 through 10 give hands-on experience and insight into the medical field. Sessions available in June, July and August. www.CMNH.org

Have you seen this film festival?
Banff Mountain Film Festival on April 9 & 10 at Allen Theatre

We’ll see you at the Opening Night on Fri 4/9, sponsored by CoolCleveland.com, where we kick off the festivities with complimentary light apps courtesy of Bar Louie, Bricco and 56 West. Then, finish off the evening with a selection of desserts by the Cleveland Cupcake Co. A Green Raffle benefits the Cuyahoga Valley National Park’s maintenance of the Towpath Trail.
Tickets are selling fast, so get your discount tix soon: ticket prices increase at midnight on 4/1. Get details and more info here.

LEGO @ Your Library Think you can build the coolest LEGO tower of all time? Show off your LEGO-building skills at the Cuy County Library – Mayfield Branch, at 6080 Wilson Mills Rd in Mayfield Village, and win a prize. Grand prizes will be awarded by library judges. Be there Wed 3/31 at 4PM if you’re in grades 1 and 2 or on Thu 4/1 at 4PM for grades 3 and 4. Register
Egg Hunt @ Cle Botanical Gardens Bring your children ages 2-10 for an egg hunt [pictured] in one of NEO’s most beautiful (and fun) settings–the Hershey Children’s Garden in the Cleveland Botanical Gardens! Activities, including photo opps with Mr. Bunny, happen on Sat 4/3 from 10:30AM-12PM. The hunt begins at 10:45AM for kids age 2-5 and at 11:15AM for kids age 6-10. Call 216-721-1600 ext 100 to register. What’s up
Tortoise and the Hare Hear the famous story of the tortoise and the hare, meet them live and–oh yeah!–watch them race. Who’ll win? Stop by the French Creek Reservation, at 4530 Colorado Ave in Sheffield Village, on Mon 4/5 from 1-2:30PM for this special spring break session. http://MetroParks.cc/programs.php
Books with Bite Teens age 13-18: Sink your teeth into a selection of spooky books in this book discussion group at Lakewood Public Library. Read the book Zombie Blondes by Brian James and share your thoughts about it at the discussion club on Tue 4/6 from 7:30-8:30PM in the Main Library Multipurpose Rm @ 15425 Detroit Ave in Lakewood. Call 216-226-8275 ext 140 to register. The series continues on Tue 4/27 w/ Project 17 by Laurie Faria Stolarz. Get creeped out (in a good way)! Info
HOT Curious George is coming! Your favorite inquisitive monkey is coming to PlayhouseSquare, live and in-person. Get ready to laugh out loud, tap your toes, sing and dance along as Curious George takes you on his quest to win the Golden Meatball Contest. Interaction and music galore. Curious George Live! runs from Fri 4/9 to Sun 4/11. View full schedule and get your tickets here.

Automotive Impact
Plus, watch episode on Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Click here or on the image above to watch last week’s show on Immigrant Entrepreneurs, and catch the discussion in studio between immigrant entrepreneurs Jazz Mandair of Jainco Tech and Nick Kostandaras of Nick’s Automotive, and Howard Thompson, Manager of the Beachwood Business Development Center.
Do you know a businessperson or company that we should be featuring on NEOtropolis? Drop us a line at NEOtropolis@CoolCleveland.com. After all, it’s your region, too. Read, view & comment.
A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

HELP An ambitious film project Talented local filmmakers need your help to make their feature film, Long Way to Oblivion [pictured], into a reality. Wanna help talented neighbors? Go here.
A weekly zombie adventure Group of Tri-C students endure blizzards, freezing cold and virtually no budget to create weekly zombie series. Catch first 3 episodes at http://BenMcReady.squarespace.com.
HOT Case brings high speed Internet access to its neighbors CWRU will provide 1Gbps (that’s fast) Internet to some of Cle’s poorest residents, free of charge. Check it out
HOT Hot Shots @ Hot Spots Got *City! GAME and Cleveland Professional 20/30 Club team up for new video series highlighting cool ppl in cool places. Check out first installment here. Then check out the launch party on Fri 4/1 (see below).
Ethical epicenter Did ya know: NEO is home to 3 of the 100 most ethical companies/institutions in the world, as defined by the Ethisphere Institute of New York. See
GREEN Our not-so-secret garden Grist profiles the Galleria’s Gardens Under Glass project. Read. But they’re not the only ones taking notice: Huffington Post has an article; Franklin Goose Blog has a post; and Fast Company thinks Gardens Under Glass is pretty hot.
IngenuityFest is an economic plus Recent study by TeamNEO shows that the ’09 IngenuityFest brought an estimated $1.3 mill into Cuy Co from out-of-town visitors and $2.7 mill into City of Cleveland from non-Cle visitors. http://IngenuityCleveland.com/roi

Int’l Society for the Study of Narrative 25th Annual Conference on Thu 4/8 through Sun 4/11 at CWRU. Join 350+ scholars from 19 countries and 5 continents to discuss the art of storytelling. http://Case.edu/narrative
GREEN Greening the Community 28th National Pesticide Forum @ CWRU on Fri 4/9 and Sat 4/10. Learn about organic lawns, cutting-edge pesticide research, organic gardening and how to get pesticides out of schools. Register
Rise Up in Cleveland Society of Professional Journalists’ Region 4 Spring Conference on Fri 4/9 and Sat 4/10 @ Marriott at Key Ctr. http://SPJClevelandRegion4.eventbrite.com
YouToo Social Media Conference Nonproft communicators, biz communicators & students: Learn how to tap into social media on Fri 4/16 from 8AM-5PM @ KSU. http://YouToo2010.weebly.com
Fashion LOVES Akron NOTO annual fashion show & party [pictured] on Sat 4/17 at 7:30PM @ High Street Gallery in Akron. http://www.FashionLovesAkron.com
No Building Left Behind: Adaptive Reuse of Sacred Spaces forum on Tue 4/20 from 4-6:30PM @ CSU. http://www.urban.csuohio.edu/forum/events/04_20_10_sacred_buildings.html
Idealist.org Nonprofit Career Fair Network w/ nonprofit recruiters on Tue 4/20 from 11AM-3PM @ CWRU. Details

Industry and Company Research
Navigating Your Options

Finding that place where you can add value from day one and where your skill set will develop over time is a tricky balance, but is a very attainable goal. Laser focus, combined with flexibility, will deliver long-term mutual benefits to you and to your work.
According to Derek Darling, a Purdue engineer, RIT MBA and Director of Operations Excellence at AMETEK Power Instruments, It is a really tight job environment right now.
It is important to focus on the value you can bring to the company and then do a good job at connecting with targeted, prospective employers. Keeping in mind a few details will help you in your journey…
Read more from Alex Sukhoy here

Who is The Greenest Clevelander?
Join Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Fri 4/9

Want to win two tickets to EcoWatch’s Green Gala with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Fri 4/9?
Submit a 500 word essay on the reasons you are the most sustainable Clevelander and if your essay wins you get two tickets to the Green Gala on Fri 4/9 with preferred seating and recognition at the event.
Join the fun and let us hear the things you do in your daily life that deserves recognition as the Greenest Clevelander! Essays must be e-mailed to spear@ecowatch.org by Mon 4/5 at Noon. For more details, click here.
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
Jazz Jam @ Jazz 28 Back in the day, when jazz was in its heyday, musicians would get together and jam–not for money or fame, but because they loved music. They’d drop in w/ their horn, play a little, then unselfishly sit out and let others play. The music was organic and highly innovative. As jazz became more commercial, many jazz clubs closed and jazz jam nights became rare… but not extinct. Jazz 28, at 2800 Clinton Ave in Ohio City, is reviving the past w/ a jazz jam session featuring Cle’s best jazz muscians, on Wed 3/31 from 7:30-11:30PM. Call 216-621-2828 for reservations. http://www.Jazz28.com
Cloud 9 @ Cleveland Play House Cloud 9 uses gender-bending performances and satire to examine relationships, sex, power and politics. The repressive Victorian era is the setting in this inventive play and characters find themselves wanting people they cannot have. As times change and society sheds its formalities, will they be free to explore their true desires and, ultimately, find happiness? Find out on Wed 3/31 at 8PM. Also playing Thu 4/1 and Fri 4/2 at 8PM and Sat 4/3 at 4PM and 8PM. Click

DanceWorks 10 @ CPT For three weekends, some of NEO’s hottest dance companies take over the Cleveland Public Theatre to showcase brand-spankin’ new dance works. This award-winning dance series kicks off on Thu 4/1 @ 7:30PM – Sun 4/4 when MegLouise Dance presents Outside the Lines [pictured], “a response to the seemingly harmless social systems that perpetuate a tendency toward disconnection, apathy and distraction.” Through innovative dance moves, the artists advocate for a life filled w/ interaction and free thinking. The entire series runs through Sun 4/18 w/ performances by Inlet Dance, MorrisonDance and others. http://CPTOnline.org/index.php
“Oughts” From the Aughts The Cinematheque presents four movies made between 2000 and 2009 (“the Aughts”) that you “ought to see” (get it?). These four flicks topped six of the largest and most prestigious polls rating the best movies from “the Aughts.” Catch all four cinematic high-points starting on Thu 4/1 w/ La Cienaga (The Swamp) at 6:45PM. The fest ends on Fri 4/23 w/ In the Mood For Love. 11141 East Blvd. Full schedule here.

Dance Destination Akron! Vibrant dancers [pictured] team up w/ a full symphony orchestra for two soaring nights of music and movement. Catch original works by Univ of Akron faculty choreographers: Ravel’s Bolero choreographed by Robin Prichard, and Glass’ Symphony No. 2 choreographed by Andrew Carroll are just a sampling of what awaits you. Check it out on Thu 4/1 and Fri 4/2 at 8PM @ EJ Thomas Hall, 198 Hill St in Akron. http://www.UAEvents.com
HOT Cleveland gets its BRAG on! So many cool things are kicking off on Thu 4/1 at the Cleveland 20/30 Club’s monthly “Around Town” happy hour event. First, see the release of Hot Shots @ Hot Spots, a new video series created by 20/30 and Got*City GAME! showcasing cool ppl sharing their fave city hot spots. Then Hiram College pres Thomas V. Chema will unveil the digital Cleveland City BRAG Book, a trivia game w/ 157 “wow” Q&As about everything Cle. You’re guaranteed to say, Wow, I had no idea we are doing that are first in this have that going on etc. Be @ Hard Rock Cafe from 5:30-7:30PM. Info
A comics film fest? Hollywood is obsessed w/ comics. Just look at how many storylines are straight outta a comic book. Lakeland CC will explore this phenomenon by showing film adaptations of graphic novels at their 7th Annual Comics Symposium – Graphic & Novel Adaptations Film Festival running from Thu 4/1 to Sat 4/3. Check out the full schedule here.

League of Proper Musicians CD Release Party @ Brothers Lounge The League of Proper Musicians [pictured] doesn’t have an image. They aren’t about “sex, drugs and rock and roll,” and they’re not concerned with being cool. Rock stars, no; musicians, yes. The League of Proper Musicians plays music. Period. They’re authentic, genuine and totally down-to-earth. And they’re throwing a CD release party @ the Brothers Lounge, 11609 Detroit Ave, on Fri 4/2 at 9PM w/ Digital. http://BrothersLounge.com
Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue @ Beachland New Orleans native Troy “Trombone Shorty” had clubs jumpin’ when he was only 12 years old (he even mesmerized Bono and The Edge from U2)! Now, at age 23, Trombone Shorty plays some of the finest jazz w/ the energy of a funk rock show. See what the critically-acclaimed fuss is about when Trombone Shorty plays at the Beachland Ballroom, 15711 Waterloo Rd, on Fri 4/2 at 9PM. http://www.BeachlandBallroom.com
Hal Walker CD Release Party @ Winchester After 10 years of producing homemade CDs, Kent native Hal Walker is releasing the real thing… shrink wrap and all. Celebrate the release of Home in Ohio @ The Winchester, 12112 Madison Ave in Lakewood, on Fri 4/2 at 8:30PM. All ages welcome. Hal’s songs celebrate community, encourage connection and explore the creative process. Can’t go wrong w/ that! http://www.HalWalkerMusic.com
SPONSORED: For this Good Friday, 4/2, WCLV 104.9 FM presents a performance of Bachs St. John Passion by Apollos Fire, the Cleveland Baroque Orchestra. Jeannette Sorrell conducts an A-One cast of vocalists including Ian Honeyman as the Evangelist, Jeffrey Strauss as Jesus and Michael McMurray as Pilate. Also appearing, the Apollo Singers. It all begins at 8PM. Full details on WCLVs classical music programming at http://www.WCLV.com

Tied @ O Gallery Tied refers to the random way in which people are brought together. Bring yourself together with other humans for this exhibit opening Sat 4/3 at the O Gallery, in La Place at 2101 Richmond Rd in Beachwood. From 6-9PM, view work from Jerry Schmidt, Tyler Schmidt, Hy Snell and others. Plus, live acoustic music by Xela, Tinamou and Leah Lou; wine and hand-crafted jewelry by Lake Effect, Resinnation and other creative folk. (Easter is coming–nudge, nudge….) http://www.KOCustoms.com
GREEN Let’s Retake Our Plates Every bite has a story. Get a glimpse of these stories at the “Let’s Retake Our Plates” Film Series, sponsored by Whole Foods Market and hosted at Lakewood Public Library, 15425 Detroit Ave, and Solon Cinemas, 6185 Enterprise Prkwy in Solon. The series kicks off on Sat 4/3 at 12PM @ Solon Cinemas w/ Food Fight–a look at current American agricultural policy and agribusiness and the fight against it. Then catch Food, Inc. at LPL on Fri 4/9 at 7PM. All screenings–8 in all–are free. http://WholeFoodsMarket.com/stores/cleveland/storecalendar.php
Saturday Social Bike Ride The weather’s finally breaking and the sun’s peeping out (at least we hope it is!). Either way, now’s the time to celebrate spring with a bike ride. Dig your bike outta the garage, pump up the tires and head over to the Ohio City Bike Co-op, at 1823 Columbus Rd, for a casual ride around town. All skill levels welcome. Don’t worry–you won’t be left in the dust. Rides happen every Saturday, so get there Sat 4/3 at 10AM and join the fun. http://www.OhioCityCycles.org/index.php

Edible Books?! Literature is yummy at Loganberry Books’ 7th Annual Edible Books Festival on Sat 4/3. Edible Books festivals happen all over the globe, but in Cle we have only one rule: make edible art that has something to do w/ books. Vote on which masterpiece is “Most Bookish” and “Most Awesome” then grab a fork and dig in! Mmm… books… Eat ’em up starting at 1PM @ 13015 Larchmere Blvd. [Pictured is The Torte According to Heather, 2004.] Details

South Memphis String Band @ Beachland The South Memphis String Band [pictured] plays music of the Mississipppi. The trio–comprised of Luther Dickinson, Alvin Youngblood Hart and Jimbo Mathus–will bring their guitars, mandolins, banjos, lap steel guitars and harmonics to the Beachland Ballroom on Sun 4/4 at 8PM. Listen to the style that Mathus calls a combination of deep roots music, blues, country, gospel and soul. Presented w/ support of Roots of American Music. Info

HOT Jeff Lieberman @ CWRU Jeff Lieberman will blow yr mind. As host of The Discovery Channel’s Time Warp and prof at MIT, he uses technology to see and understand wonders of the world. He’s created many cool things, like a robotic flower garden [pictured] and a Motor Learning Robotic Wearable Suit that teaches motor skills, like sports and dancing. On Mon 4/5, he brings his one-of-a-kind multimedia exhibit to Case to answer the question, What would the world look like if things moved at a snail’s pace? (Quite beautiful, actually.) 5PM @ Strosacker Aud at CWRU. Details
GREEN The Future of Urban Farming in Cleveland Our efforts to reuse vacant land for farming have gained national attention. At the center of the conversation is Re-Imagining Cleveland, a collaboration b/tw the City of Cle and local orgs to fund and support 50+ new urban farms, community gardens and greening projects on city-owned land. Hear from local food leaders, including CC‘s own Mansfield Frazier of The Vineyards of Chateau Hough, on Mon 4/5 — and on the 1st Mon of each month — at 5:30PM @ Great Lakes Brwng Co Tasting Rm, 2701 Carroll Ave. Get pumped and re-imagine a new, green Cle! http://www.e4s.org/content/eventdetail.asp?id=509

Japandroids @ Grog Shop Vancouver’s indie garage rock duo, Japandroids [pictured], started in ’06 as a creative outlet for post-teenage angst. They’re a two-piece band that tries really hard to sound like a five-piece band. One guitar, one set of drums and two vocalizers (and two people) make up Japandroids. See em’ when they stop in the Grog Shop, 2785 Euclid Hts Blvd, on Tue 4/6 at 9PM. The scoop
Avenue Q @ UA Puppets explore “the real world” of NYC in Avenue Q, a smash-hit musical playing at EJ Thomas Hall, 198 Hill St in Akron, on Tue 4/6 at 7:30PM. But they aren’t your average puppets–this show is for adults only! This play tells the story of Princeton, a college grad high on dreams and low on funds, who only can afford an apartment on Avenue Q, a place where people strive after the same things: a decent job, stable relationship and a “purpose.” Sounds familiar. Details

Cirque du Soleil: Alegria Happiness is: aerialists swinging 40 ft above the stage [pictured], dancers tumbling on a hidden trampoline, and artists performing spectacular somersaults and mid-air turns. Happiness, literally, is Alegria–Cirque du Soleil’s classic and internationally acclaimed production, opening in Cle on Wed 4/7 at 7:30PM. Eight performances only! Last one runs Sun 4/11 @ Wolstein Ctr. Info
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
Russian Duo
Russian Duo
Label: Russian Duo

And right here in Cleveland, Ohio, of all places! Oleg Kruglyakov was born in Russia, while his partner, pianist Terry Boyarsky was born in Germany. Now, after similar training and experiences, they’re headquartered in Cleveland. Each of them is a versatile and multi-talented musician, and the two instruments complement each other remarkably well…
Read the review from Kelly Ferjutz here
Wanna get reviewed? Send your band’s CD (less than 1 year old) to: Cool Cleveland, 14837 Detroit Avenue, #105, Lakewood, OH 44107
Operation Focus and Ugly Answers

It was directed at the miniscule percentage of area youth who are hell-bent on perpetuating violence and criminal behavior: It must stop, and it must stop now…
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here

Now We’re Dancing
Dance is alive and well in Cleveland

For many of us in Cleveland, our first experience with dance performance was a once-a-year special evening at Playhouse Square to see the Cleveland Ballet perform The Nutcracker or Swan Lake. Many of us have experienced the wonder of our bodies learning to flow with music in local dance studios…
Read more from Claudia Taller here
Perfect Solution Where New County Officials Can Meet
Plus, Why Does The PD Print Kevin O’Brien?

Its a building the County constructed in Jacobs Field.
Its not far from the present County Administration building.
The building wasnt even in the lease. It was a gift.
I was told at the time that there was an unsightly ramp. Such a problem. So we thank you Michael White and Tim Hagan especially built a 57,500 square foot administration building to hide the ramp that would have been visible to the public from Ontario Street, Gateway boss Tom Chema told me.
I guess they didnt think of some far less costly solution. Shrubbery perhaps…?
Read more of Roldo Bartimole here
3-String Cigar Box Guitar
Greg Kudlaty

Watch for a new collection of originals he’s working on with his group The Fulbrights. Don’t ever let us hear you complain that you can’t afford an instrument. This one sounds better than just about anything for sale at Guitar Center.
Quick reviews of recent events
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Cloud 9 by CWRU/CPHMFAAP @ CPH 3/24/10
Read the review by Roy Berko here
Paul Thorn Band @ Beachland Ballroom 3/25/10
Read the review by Greg Cielec here
Kimberly Akimbo @ convergence-continuum 3/26/10
Read the review by Roy Berko here
How I Learned To Drive @ None Too Fragile 3/27/10
Read the review by Roy Berko here
Cool Cleveland readers write
All letters must include your full name (required) and you may include your e-mail address (optional).
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
Not so cool, Cleveland Hi, I just moved into Ohio 2 months ago and am bored out of my skull so far. I am considered a friendly guy however my best efforts to meet people locally have fallen flat and I have worked at it since the first week I got here. People here seem very stand-offish and even if there IS cool stuff to do… it sucks doing it alone.
I’m not expecting you guys to find me friends but I do need to at least vent about how cool Clevelanders are to new people. I mean it as constructive input so you guys…
Read the letter from Dave Reed here
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Dealing Honestly With Drew Careys PR Stunt The Scene, with an appropriate cartoon of Carey on its cover says, Hey, Drew. Screw you. Just the right tone. The piece by Editor Frank Lewis deals with the comedians pr and political nonsense in deservedly derisive attention. CoolCleveland.com
3) A vibrant riverfront on the horizon? Cleveland Rowing Foundation is nearing an agreement to purchase former marina for its proposed Rivergate Park. ClevelandRows.org
4) Weather Forecasting 101: Whether You Like It or Not Everyone expects snow and cold over the winter months. No surprise there. But what is a surprise is how the weather is analyzed and forecasted. The process is not simple; a cirrus or cumulus cloud in the sky does not mean just one thing…there are several possibilities. CoolCleveland.com
5) Dig out your cemetery photos and submit ’em by Sat 5/1 to Ohio Cemetery Alliance’s 3rd annual Cemetery Photo Contest/Exhibit to give yourself a chance to win! Herb Ascherman, a fixture on Cleveland’s photography scene for more than 30 years, will judge the entries. RootsWeb.Ancestry.com.
A basket of cool stories this week from our contributors: Roldo Bartimole, Roy Berko, Kelly Ferjutz, Mansfield Frazier, Susan Schaul, Alex Sukhoy, Claudia Taller and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
* Experience the Cool Cleveland podcasts and videos each week at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
* Join the conversation at Brewed Fresh Daily http://www.BrewedFreshDaily.com
* Watch NEOtropolis on Western Reserve PBS every Friday at 8:30PM
* Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time
* Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
* Receive your own copy of the free weekly Cool Cleveland e-zine at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
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* Friend us on Facebook: http://www.profile.to/thomasmulready
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Marketing Cleveland,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107