
Carsharing is something to get worked up about around here. Speak your mind and maybe we’ll see more of it in our parts. Don’t be upset with the West Side Market for closing on the 4th; they’ll be open on an unusual Thursday the 3rd, just for you. And MOCA encourages you to check out First Free Saturdays to look, think and share.
From Afropop at Transformer Station to Irish Music in the CVNP to pop-punk in Akron to rockabilly on Broadway to Shakespeare under the stars, there’s lots to get worked up about. Now get out from behind your screen and live mad. –Thomas Mulready
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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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This weekend’s opening reception at BUCKBUCK may be one of the best art events of the summer.
MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION (MAD) is a two-man exhibition featuring the work of two young pop artists making a big impact on contemporary pop culture — Dimitri Drjuchin & Homeless Cop (Jason Fennell)…
More from Josh Usmani here
Upset about your online advertising? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
SPONSORED: How many dogs are there in Cuyahoga County? More than 90,000. How many of their owners pick up after them? We dont have stats on that, but chances are the number isnt as high as it should be. Sure, leaving pet waste behind is impolite; its also pollution. Find out more here.

My distaste for automobiles is well-documented across my various writing outlets, especially right here at Cool Cleveland. Some of you may have already tuned out, thinking, Lord, another cars kill people article.
Rather, this is about returning the automobile to its original purpose. This is about Clevelanders getting their transportation freedom back, allowing cars to serve our needs and not the other way around…
More from Joe Baur here
SPONSORED: Explore Cuyahoga Valley National Park this summer from the comfort of a vintage train car aboard Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad! Three-hour roundtrip excursions from Independence to Akron are available Wednesdays-Sundays through October. Want to enjoy the outdoors? Bike the Towpath Trail in one direction and take the train back to your car for just $3. CVSR.com.

Incoming Freshmen of Cleveland Municipal School District’s Max S. Hayes High School got an early start on their education with the “Take it to the MAX” Summer Camp.
The camp The camp, geared at getting students acclimated to their new high school, is the perfect example of how hands-on learning can take place, even during the summer. Watch as the students develop and create their own racecars using 3D printing and woodwork.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: This July, get patriotic with Cleveland Clinic Concert Band, stay funky with Chris Vance Jazz Trio, or take a musical trip to Brazil with Moises Borges as Cleveland Public Library presents Music at Main Library, live music in the Eastman Reading Garden. Select Fridays at noon, visit CPL.org/musicatmain for dates and details.

Join the Lake County Visitors Bureau for a weekend of Instagram fun on their #InstaTour, July 25 27th. Twelve photo locations, accommodation deals, and over $650 worth of prizes make this fun for the whole family even teenagers!
While youre here, make sure to check out BeachFest where Ohios 1st Master Sand Sculpting Competition will be held on July 26th. July 18 20th you can spend another whole weekend in Lake County with free music and art. Visit Party in the Park (Ohios largest free music festival), The Gathering of Eagles Air Show, and Downtown Willoughbys ArtsFest. LakeVisit.com.

Holden’s Illumination at Woodland Twilight Benefit on Sat 7/12
This year’s summer benefit mixes a traditional seated dinner affair with a lively after party featuring locally sourced gourmet food by Chris Hodgson, drinks, music and more. If you dont have the time to attend the whole benefit, stop in for the after party beginning at 8:30PM. Come stroll the creatively lit garden and hang out with friends, while supporting one of Cleveland’s beloved nature organizations. Proceeds will benefit the Holden Arboretum’s efforts to increase native plant collections – helping to provide for a healthier, greener and more sustainable Cleveland. Tickets for the Benefit or After Party are available online here.

Follow Cool Cleveland on Instagram and send us your photos. When sharing send your instagrams to instagram@coolcleveland.com. We’ll include your username in the description of the photo, so you can become internet famous.
Show us how you see Cleveland. Include photos of the city, pictures of delicious Cleveland food, photos of fun events, and anything else you think we would share. Happy hunting!

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

Sandwich Special: The Firecracker Chicken Hot & Spicy Diablo Pulled Chicken, Sweet Pineapple Salsa, Cool Fresh Avocado, Pepper-Jack Cheese.
Beer Feature: Brooklyner Weisse A traditional Bavarian style wheat beer with flavors and aromas of bananas, cloves and melon. All tied together with a slight smoky note in the background. Drink Feature: Island Mule Pineapple vodka, fresh ginger juice, fresh lime juice and a splash of ginger ale.
Special Events: The Melt Happier Happy Hour every Monday-Friday from 3PM-7PM. New Melt Service Industry Day Every Monday, all members of the service industry will receive 25% off at Melt. Sunday Brunch at Melt Every Sunday from 11AM-4PM. Groove n Brew 2014 on Sat 7/12 at Tyler Village with Cleveland Flea. Lakewood Summer Meltdown 2014 on Sat 7/12. MeltBarAndGrilled.com

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Sheila Carney entered our Twitter Retweet contest and helped us get over ten thousand followers! She loves The CoolCleveland Twitter Page and this week we selected her as the twenty-fifth winner of our new CoolCleveland T-shirt. And she’s thrilled!
Do you want to win? The t-shirt is a coveted prize, and only a select few are worthy of the prize. Show off your CoolCleveland loyalty and wear today’s latest trend. Carney helped us reach ten thousand followers, but there are also more ways you can win a CoolCleveland T-shirt.
Get the app here and win the T-shirt that can’t be bought, just earned. See all of the past T-shirt winners here.

WED 7/2
NE Ohio’s Patrick Sweaney brings his music home to Mahall’s today & to the Kent Heritage Fest on Sat. Hear a mix of full-band rock, soul & country.
Click here for more events on Wed 7/2

THU 7/3
It’s getting to be that you could go hear live local music outdoors for free (or almost free) somewhere in the area every day of the week. The latest series to launch is the Stinchcomb Summer Concert Series @ the Rocky River Reservation. Blue Lunch kicks it off.
Click here for more events on Thu 7/3

FRI 7/4
Before the fireworks, indulge in some fine art & crafts @ the Boston Mills Artfest, now in its 43rd year. Shop from artists hailing from all around the country.
Click here for more events on Fri 7/4

SAT 7/5
See Shakespeare under the stars when Ohio Shakespeare Festival brings the cross-dressing, ship-wreck surviving tale Twelfth Night to Stan Hywet’s lovely open lagoon theater.
Click here for more events on Sat 7/5

SUN 7/6
Kent Pop-Punk Quartet Halfway Home — w/ their surging melodies & boyish, open-throated vocals — releases album @ Akron’s Musica.
Click here for more events on Sun 7/6

MON 7/7
Right Here, Right Now, the latest exhibit at the Rock Hall, is a thoughtful survey of who is significant in today’s rock & pop scene. View memorabilia from a variety of contemporary acts.
Click here for more events on Mon 7/7

TUE 7/8
Million Dollar Quartet tells the true story of when rock icons Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis & Carl Perkins shared a recording session. Hear all the classics & then some in this Tony award-winning Broadway musical @ PlayhouseSquare.
Click here for more events on Tue 7/8

WED 7/9
Mauritania’s Noura Mint Seymali performs her version of the tradition-infused contemporary hybrid dubbed Afropop @ Transformer Station. Her sinuous voice with its middle-eastern keen is propelled by a full band, including her husband on the electric guitar/tidinit.
Click here for more events on Wed 7/9
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Some of the best memories of my childhood days were of going to the Fourth of July parades with my folks and just basking in the glory and promise of the boundless America that was being majestically celebrated with flags, fireworks and unfettered freedom…
More from Larry Durstin here

Back in the mid-’70s gun crimes were getting out of control in New York City so the police decided on a strategy to get weapons off the streets. Their solution was elegant in its simplicity…
The easy availability of guns, our continuing nonsensical war on drugs, and a scarcity of employment opportunities that disproportionately affects minority males have created a perfect storm, one which is putting Cleveland on track to have a record-breaking body count by year’s end…
Read this story and others from Mansfield Frazier here

Time to celebrate! It’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and show your affection by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak.
Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
From Coventry to Canton, Ohio City to Oberlin, Youngstown to Waterloo, PlayhouseSquare to Highland Square, from the Lake Erie Islands to Lake & Ashtabula counties… if there’s cool stuff happening, it’ll be on your mobile device.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTOSTREAM: Cleveland Pride 2014 by Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: Jenna Fournier & Uno Lady at the Wine Spot by Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: Waterloo Arts Fest by Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: Tri-C JazzFest by Anastasia Pantsios
REVIEW: Reasons to Be Unpretty @ Cain Park by Laura Kennelly
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
Governor Kasich Signs Bill Freezing Ohio’s Clean Energy Standards
Kasich has never acknowledged his constituents wishes. How soon did we forget the Federal monies he turned down for the high speed rail across Ohio. He said it would only employ 16, 000 people for a couple of years!!! I’ll not forget…
Bill Kimble Jr.
Kasich should be voted out if for no other reason than his endorsement of taking Ohio backwards by signing this legislation…
Lou Elsaesser
Would NOT hold my breathe waiting for ocean of cheap energy from NG or whatever to rescue us whether in own heating,light bill or far as manufacturing, business…
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

We’re all mad. Thanks to: Joe Baur, Marty Bielat, Larry Durstin, Mansfield Frazier, Laura Kennelly, Anastasia Pantsios, Josh Usmani, Sarah Valek & Elisa Vietri. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
What’s got you worked up?
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
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