Fri 11/4 @ 8-9:30PM
Cleveland’s No Exit No Music is having a busy few weeks in its role as a music presenter, bringing artists to local venues.
This week it’s hosting what it calls “one of the most unusual, exciting, genre-defying and utterly singular groups” it’s ever presented, the 10-member University of Buffalo-based Genkin Philharmonic.
“The Genkin Philharmonic is, in the best way possible, indescribable,” says No Exit’s artistic director Timothy Beyer. “Musically, you can perhaps identify many of their individual and diverse parts, but mashed together and taken as a whole, it’s an incomparable and all together magical experience.”
Drawing from jazz, improvisation, rock, classical music and avant-garde, the ensemble tackles a wide range of compositions, including some familiar from the rock repertoire but handled in a way they’ve never been played before. This program will include a dizzying array of work by composers both well-known and obscure: Tom Pierson, Serge Prokofiev, Sylvester Stewart, Curtis Mayfield, Frank Zappa, Bela Bartok, Igor Stravinsky, Carlo Gesualdo, Yes, Radiohead, King Crimson, David Sanford, Don Van Vliet (Captain Beefheart) and Jimi Hendrix. It features several works commissioned by Genkin including Cleveland State professor Andrew Rindfleisch’s The Beef Brigade; Genkin Philharmonic member Zane Merrit’s All Outta Bubblegum; Caroline Mallonee’s Hey Yeah, I’m Waiting; and David Sanford’s The Gumby at Large/Thaxodrone.
The concert takes place at the BOP STOP; it’s free and open to all.