Larchmere Holiday Stroll Celebrates Year 51

Fri 11/24 @ 10AM-8:30PM

Sat 11/25 @ 10AM-6PM

Sun 11/26 @ noon-5PM

It’s hard to believe but the Larchmere Holiday Stroll is now in its 51st year. The shop-lined street just north of Shaker Square dons its holiday finery for the event, which encompasses Thanksgiving weekend.

Come visit old favorites like Fiddlehead Gallery with its array of handmade crafts from around the world, and Loganberry Books, where its holiday shop-within-in-shop, Otis’s Old Curiosity Shop, is now in its 15th year, and new businesses such as Oma Vintage. Loganberry Books will also have local authors in the store signing their books all three days.

And of course Larchmere is known for its variety of small, locally owned eateries and bars, so there are plenty of places to stop for a refresher, ranging from the corner bar familiarity of the Academy Tavern and the casual all-American eats at Big Al’s Diner to new spots such as Convenient Vegan’s with its plant-based menu and HoneyBirch Bakehouse offering homemade sandwiches and pastries.


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