Sat 11/16 @ 7:30PM
We could all use a little beauty and joy right now, and the Akron Symphony Orchestra will be offering some at its next concert.
The program will open with “Two Folk Songs” by 20th-century African American composer William Grant Still, followed by Pulitzer Prize-winning American composer John Corigliano’s 1960 “Fern Hill,” a reflection on a poem by Dylan Thomas that Corigliano describes on his website as “a blithe poem yet touched by darkness” and says he was “irresistibly drawn to translate his music into mine.”
That’s followed by Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “The Lark Ascending,” a 1914 work by the British composer, also inspired by a poem: a 1881 poem of the same name by George Meredith, described as “a lyrical tribute to the English countryside.” Franz Schubert’s 1816 Symphony No. 5, a light-hearted work inspired by Mozart, is the program’s finale. The Akron Symphony Chorus will be joining the orchestra for this program.
Go here for tickets.