Max Sollich aka Dolfish Releases a New Album Telling A Cleveland Story


Fri 8/19 @ 8PM

Dolfish is the nom de musique of Cleveland Heights resident Max Sollisch who generally performs his pensive folk/pop as a solo act. He’s got an intriguing-sounding new album about to drop called Foreclosure American Dream.

“This album takes place in North Collinwood, a gentrifying neighborhood of Cleveland, OH along the shores of Lake Erie. For these purposes, think of it as a sleepy inner-city beach town,” he says.
“The characters in these songs are young and old, white and blue-collar alike, tied together only by their geography and the loss they each live with everyday. Some deal better than others. Some win. Some lose. But like all good Clevelanders, they keep moving forward.”

Appropriately, he’s having his release showcase in North Collinwood at a non-traditional venue: the gallery at Praxis Fiber Workshop on Waterloo Road. He’ll be doing a release show in Columbus the following night, and Chicago the next weekend, taking Cleveland’s story out into the world


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