Will Rob Portman Redeem Himself?

Ohio senator Rob Portman isn’t stupid. He’s a Dartmouth graduate who got his law degree from the University of Michigan, one of the country’s top law schools. He began his career in government in 1989 in the administration of President George H.W. Bush. He speaks in a pleasant, even tone of voice and doesn’t call people names. He’s been widely dubbed a “sensible,” “reasonable” Republican, and in a Plain Dealer column, mourning the recent announcement of his retirement in 2022, “an effective legislator.”

Yet, when the Senate voted on Wednesday February 10 on whether the trial on the impeachment charge against Donald Trump is constitutional, which almost every constitutional expert no matter what their political leaning says it is, Portman went along with the other 43 of his colleagues who place loyalty to Trump above loyalty to their country and voted that it’s NOT. Maybe Tommy Tuberville and Marsha Blackburn don’t know better (they’re brainless), but Portman does. Plus, he recently announced that he wasn’t running for re-election, removing the one big obstacle most weak-kneed Republicans have for kowtowing to the former President. Portman can’t be primaried, and the ousted ex-President can’t take political revenge. So what’s your excuse now?

It’s a staggeringly long shot, but Portman has one last chance to prove that he deserves to be sitting in one of the 100 exclusive seats in the United States Senate. He can vote to convict Trump of the clear and indisputable truth: it was Trump’s words and actions that impelled a mob to descend on the Capitol, wreak havoc, caused congresspersons to flee for their lives, injured dozens of others and left five dead, including an officer. If Trump hadn’t spent two months insisting he won the election “by a lot” and was robbed by nefarious means for which he had no proof (his lawyers’ claims were thrown out of more than 60 courts), the insurrection — the attempt to overthrow the government — never would have happened.

Laughably, Portman spent the morning of the vote griping about President Biden’s choice to head the Office of Management and Budget, Neera Tandem, because she’d said some rude things about several elected Senators (“Vampires have more heart than Ted Cruz” is one most will surely agree with). That’s the same Rob Portman who brushed off Trump’s constant stream of insulting tweets as not germane to anything. He put his double standard on display.

One more thing: guess which congressman, now a senator, voted in 1998 to impeach Bill Clinton of charges that look ludicrously trivial in retrospect? Yup — Rob Portman.

If Portman doesn’t vote to convict Trump, he doesn’t deserve to sit in the Senate or represent Ohio and he should resign immediately. He has one last chance to redeem himself. Keep your bets small.


We call him everyday to let him know how we feel: you should do the same: 202-224-3353, or write to him at: portman.senate.gov/meet/contact

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4 Responses to “Will Rob Portman Redeem Himself?”

  1. Michelle Conti

    Please pay attention to the impeachment hearing, not like several of your colleagues, and stand up for what’s right and true. Represent the people of OH, the country, and the constitution. Do your job, follow your Christian teachings. Be the hero. You have nothing to lose, we’ll be paying your pension and health insurance every day until you die. Well pay for the damage, the debt, your party inflicted on us for the last year. Otherwise, you are nothing. Dartmouth, U of M won’t even claim you. Nor will your god, Trump.

  2. Karen B

    You’re not running for re election,…..
    Stand up & make a stand!
    Use your voice!
    History will not be kind to what’s left of the Republican Party.

  3. Michelle Conti

    So today we hear all the followers are spouting the “I was only following orders…” ha, didn’t work for Hitlers army, hope it does not here. But of course, your and Trumps followers are Holocaust deniers. But remember The Hague. So do the right thing, as you god Trump spit…” history will remember” meaning it will remember those who go against him. Actually, it is going to remember him, and all of his enablers. If you are not held accountable for supporting and encouraging this, even if posthumously, you sir, will be remembered.

    Do the right thing. WWJD? Convict . I’m tired of this country being dragged through this due to the likes of you sir.

  4. Silvia Marie Sheppard

    Please do the right thing, to protect our nation, our constitution, and our democracy. It is your duty. It is what you agree to, regardless of party.

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